Romney is a serial killer

Willyßagseed;6944357 said:
No, two humans screwing make kids, not god*. (notice the disrespectful small G used?)

So not only is he a serial killer, if he has made many persons (corporations) with different people he is also a whore.*

According to his own words* Corporations are people............

Yes, well if you are going to equate him killing a corporation as killing a person then you have to equate him creating a corporation as an act of virgin birth.

Neither metaphors even come close to reality, I was just pointing out the complete absurdity.

In capitalism companies mostly fail, that is the system. He took ailing companies and managed to turn some around.

What everyone seems to be discussing is socialism because all they seem concerned with is jobs, not the economics of the businesses involved.
somewhere in sandy springs, georgia, herman cain is working feverishly on a plan to prevent china from obtaining nuclear weapons and brainstorming ideas on how we can win the vietnam war.

Willyßagseed;6944422 said:
Damn you for shutting me up.........:finger: I was trying to instigate........:peace:

LOL!! I come from unmoderated forums, this is a walk in the park ;]
Obama's gonna win,,,

It could happen.

But if Obama wins ... the United States of American loses.

That is the irrefutable reality that goes hand in hand with an Obama win. The two are inseparable.

In the upcoming election people really need to put aside party affiliation and party platforms and just vote for better ... better than we now have. That in and of itself will be a major step forward for the nation, and the world. Don't expect the best or to get it all in any one candidate ... just vote for better ... and that should make voting extremely easy because any name on in the president's section of a ballot that is not Obama, that name is the best option for the nation, and possibly for the world. Heck, even my cat as president would be an improvement over Barry.
You just got to love Colbert. You all know this is political humor. Right? I'm sure he will get his digs in on the rest of them before November. I just laugh at Ron Paul having 28% reps and 23% of the Dems in his corner. I'm going to laugh my ass off when he kicks both party's asses.
But if Obama wins ... the United States of American loses.

That is the irrefutable reality that goes hand in hand with an Obama win. The two are inseparable.

all these private sector job gains on the heels of a massive recession are unacceptable.

my wife being able to buy health insurance now? UN-AMERICAN.

keeping more of my own hard-earned money? pshhht. like i know how to spend that money better than the government does.

capturing osama bin laden? thanks, but NO THANKS.

let's not forget the living hell that has been the holder memo fiasco. if the fed gov wants to bust me for growing medical marijuana in compliance with state laws, that should be an option. classic obama failure there.

let's cast a vote for the guy with the same supply side economic policies that have lead to stagnating wages for the middle class while the uber-wealthy devour more of the pie at our expense. that's who i want as president!
It could happen.

But if Obama wins ... the United States of [America] [lose].

That is the irrefutable reality that goes hand in hand with an Obama win. The two are inseparable.

In the upcoming election people really need to put aside party affiliation and party platforms and just vote for better ... better than we now have. That in and of itself will be a major step forward for the nation, and the world. Don't expect the best or to get it all in any one candidate ... just vote for better ... and that should make voting extremely easy because any name on in the president's section of a ballot that is not Obama, that name is the best option for the nation, and possibly for the world. Heck, even my cat as president would be an improvement over Barry.
I disagree. The troubles of the ship of state are so bad and tangled that it makes essentially zero difference whose face is carved on the figurehead. Jmo. cn
You just got to love Colbert. You all know this is political humor. Right? I'm sure he will get his digs in on the rest of them before November. I just laugh at Ron Paul having 28% reps and 23% of the Dems in his corner. I'm going to laugh my ass off when he kicks both party's asses.

i'm going to have such a field day when ron paul loses and i start the "i told you so" thread.

Really? The topic was about politicians words being misquoted. Dan jumped in with both feet and wrote an entire post that I simply copied and pasted into my sig. I did not alter it in any way. Now, granted, it was sarcasm.

I didn't misquote him and when you claimed it was taken out of context, I posted the context. You then took something which in context was to mean the opposite, and then took it out of context to make it look like I said the exact opposite of what I actually said.

And the resulting tantrum simply proved my point that it is easy to misquote someone and make it look like they said something completely opposite to their views.

Yeah, I don't appreciate being slandered. Imagine that.

What I was doing was not slandering Romney. And when you objected to me posting the partial sentence, I immediately posted the rest of it. Then you decided to act like a scum bag anyways. Well done.

  • I immediately posted the rest of it.​

No you didnt dan, you only posted the next sentence. The one after that put it in context.

He likes having the ability to fire an insurance company that does not meet his needs.

We already went over this. If you havent seen the whole paragraph in context I can understand your confusion. If you have seen the whole paragraph in context then you are simply being dishonest.
No you didnt dan, you only posted the next sentence. The one after that put it in context.

I don't know what to tell you dude. After you said I took it out of context I googled it for the full quote and that's what I came up with. You posted the next sentence after that which personally I didn't understand how that was different, you obviously perceived it to make some sort of difference, so that's great that you posted it and tried to explain why that mattered. No problem there.

But obviously I wasn't attempting to post anything misleading. I tried to post what I thought was the full context when you brought up that you felt it was taken out of context. Apparently in your twisted brain I failed at doing so. But obviously I wasn't attempting to take his words out of context. And what's you're response to that? You do exactly what you were just bitching about except 10000 times worse except it was intentionally and malicious.

I'm sure in your fucked up little brain you thought you were attempting to prove some point. But you didn't. You slandered someone who wasn't attempting to misrepresent the truth, proving only that you're a dishonest hypocrite who's willing to ignore the truth as it suits him.

So well done. If that was you're point, I totally get it. Message received.

  • But obviously I wasn't attempting to post anything misleading.​

Dan dan dan dan dan dan dan...... *sigh*

My point was that other people are going to misrepresent that quote continuously. Other people got it... Uncle Buck seemed clear about what I was saying.

I voluntarily removed your quote (YOUR QUOTE) from my sig. I took the hook out...

I am tired of the conversation, if you dont get it then you are not going to get it.

Now you can either drop it or stalk me until your internet rep is satisfied... *peace out*
My point was that other people are going to misrepresent that quote continuously.

So then do it to the person who's trying to misrepresent the truth. I do not do such things and do not appreciate when others do it to me.

By doing that to someone who was not trying to misrepresent the truth, the only point you made is that you're a dishonest hypocrite. So well done.

I am tired of the conversation, if you dont get it then you are not going to get it.

Oh no, I get it. You'll say anything regardless of the truth if it suits you at the time. The message was clear and I understand.