Chinese did it for a tbousand years.
How did you come up with that?
Chinese did it for a tbousand years.
Infamous White Supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke didn‘t hold anything back during his interview on Thursday with Russia Today’s Thom Hartmann. As Raw Replay reports, Duke’s statements were outrageously anti-Semitic and will surely be seen by most as offensive. Below, find some snippets from his appearance:
“I think the fact is that both Democrats and Republicans are very afraid of the Jewish extremists, the Zionists, because the Zionists have incredible amounts of media power.”
“They’ve got the most powerful lobby in Washington, which is AIPAC, of course. And they’ve got enormous financial power. I mean, they control the Federal Reserve.”
How did you come up with that?
I live and do business in the real world. I don't give a damn what charts and graphs created by collegiate egg-heads say. I can tell you that the economy is NOT improving.
No one CLAIMED anything, someone TOLD you that the AVERAGE lifespan of a Currency is 39 years, these are facts. The USA is on year 40. Someone in another thread claimed you were unable to read, I tend to agree.I guessed
I was off by 600 years
So they used it for 400 years
Much Longer than the 40 years one poster here claimed for "fiat" money
No one CLAIMED anything, someone TOLD you that the AVERAGE lifespan of a Currency is 39 years, these are facts. The USA is on year 40. Someone in another thread claimed you were unable to read, I tend to agree.
Not only did you guess wrong, the Song Dynasty didn't have a Fiat currency, it was backed by metal. You do know what Fiat is?
Economists would say you are wrong. And they actually study this shit. Unlike the folks that don't give a damn what charts and graphs say. That may be one of the most ignorant statements I have ever heard. Don't take this the wrong way, are you Republican? Most people that disregard the experts' opinions seem to be Republicans these days.
So then you freely admit you have no clue whatsoever what a "Fiat" currency is.Soon after the Mongol took over China and established Yuan (1264-136dynasty, it followed the example of its predecessors, Tang, Song and Chin, in using paper currency. The first paper currency issued in Yuan dynasty was in 1260. Various denominations were printed, ranging from a face value of two standard coins to the highest denomination of two strings. Excessive printing year after year soon flooded the market with depreciated paper money until the face value of each certificate bore no relation whatsoever to its counterpart in silver. In 1272 a series of new issues was put in circulation and the old issues were converted into the new ones at the ratio of five to one. The new issues were printed with copper plates instead of wood blocks, as had been the case before. In 1309 another conversion became necessary. In fifty years from 1260 to 1309 Yuan's paper money was depreciated by 1000 percent. To make the situation worse, the government often refused to exchange for new issues old certificates that had been worn out through a long period of circulation.
So then you freely admit you have no clue whatsoever what a "Fiat" currency is.
12yrs+37years+49years/3=32 Less than average, but not even a fiat currency.
In my travels I have discovered that liberals tend to buy into what ever the feds and the mainstream media tell them. And conservatives know better then to believe anything anyone from the goverment or the media says. Liberals will swallow everything the democrat party sells especially if it concerns hate for those who disagree.
I dont follow the herd. I know that all of them, R and D included are predators and parasites who got where they are by being dishonest and decietful.
Vote them all out!!![]()
Yep, imagine $50 billion extra dollars going into the government coffers. Why that would be enough to operate for what? Five days? The Federal Government spends $10.46 Billion per day right now. 50 billion is a very small drop in a bucket that is 300 times that size.
Well, there are experts, and then again, there are "experts." Who are these economists you speak of? What are their political leanings?
And no, I am not a Republican. Nor am I a Democrat. I am a free market enthusiast. I am a business man who looks around the strip mall in which I do business and observe the vacant store fronts that surround me. I deal in foreclosed properties and short sales every day. I look at credit reports and try to find rental properties for people that have been ruined financially. I look at my food bill receipts and shake my head at the rising food costs. I fill my tank with gas at $4.09 per gallon.
With all due respect, my advise to you ... and yes, I know you didn't ask for it ... but if you want to know how the economy is doing, ask a businessman.![]()
Are you attempting to cement your position as the leader of the intellectually destitute?No one says you have to accept it
Work for whatever Form of Currency you think you need
Good luck buying stuff with used condoms though
In my travels I have discovered that liberals tend to buy into what ever the feds and the mainstream media tell them. And conservatives know better then to believe anything anyone from the goverment or the media says. Liberals will swallow everything the democrat party sells especially if it concerns hate for those who disagree.
I dont follow the herd. I know that all of them, R and D included are predators and parasites who got where they are by being dishonest and decietful.
Vote them all out!!![]()
You do realize that Conservatives as a ideological group make up the greatest percent of the population don't you?Conservatives are especially burned that a black man is in office. And we all know this. But they hardly ever say these things in public. But I went to school in a verry conservative area, and I KNOW how you guys talk. Shame on you.
Are you attempting to cement your position as the leader of the intellectually destitute?
I would have to disagree. Conservatives usually are religious zealots that intellectuals laugh at. You like to believe in the Bible, but you do not like to believe in Climatologists. You say you want liberty, but a large percentage of your HERD is actually against marijuana legalization (a much larger percentage against it than liberals). Conservatives constantly like to say they want to lower the deficit, but you fail to realize we have to raise taxes to do this. You want less government reach, but vote for more useless, time wasting legislation every day (pointing at illegal immigration reform, union and voting legislation, and taking away a woman's right to choose), still blind to your hypocrisy. You say you want jobs, but you fail to hold your elected officials from your party responsible when THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING TO CREATE JOBS. In fact, your party has done more to hurt the United States in the last 10 years than I care to remember.
Ultimately, conservatives really want to live their life the way they want to, but tell other people how to live theirs. Bigtime hypocrisy is threatening your future power, conservatives. With more informed citizens, your days are numbered as any sort of power.
Conservatives are especially burned that a black man is in office. And we all know this. But they hardly ever say these things in public. But I went to school in a verry conservative area, and I KNOW how you guys talk. Shame on you.
What a perfect example of a partisan hack. That term gets throw around a great deal in here, but this big, wet, flapping douchebag is a textbook example. It is precisely because of liberal turds like you, that Independents like myself will hold their noses and vote for the Republicans, despite being against many of their social positions. The religious right may make my skin crawl, but the stink of your stupidity is too much for me to bare.
Your racist comment at the end sealed the deal. Shame on you.