Economy Is Improving


So A guy who Owned slaves and pretty much raped them at will (literally)
Believes Banks are the biggest threat to Liberty

44Share has been spectacular to watch people around the world stand up for their rights in 2011. The big question in my mind, was when Americans would start to manifest against the oppression and corruption in the US. On September 17th 2011, it turns out.
The importance of protest in the US is immeasurable. The US is able to influence all other countries, affecting their ability to practice democracy: if there is no democracy in the US, there won’t be democracy anywhere.
The incredibly brave first wave of protest helped prove it can be done, that there is hope. Even when their efforts were blacked out of the main stream media completely, they fought on, with love, and the gesture has inspired millions. It took the shock of violence against peaceful protestors to jump start the media, but now the movement can no longer be ignored. Hope is growing, as more and more people around the world join the movement and organize to occupy their own cities. 82 countries have joined, in over 1000 cities. The message could not be more clear: we are not alone! We are feeding each other with love. This is what it is to be alive!
In part, this blog is my apology. I am sorry I lost faith something like this was possible. I am sorry I gave up hope, and felt overwhelmed by the staggering power of our oppressors. I am sorry I had the arrogance to think I was alone. This blog is also my thank you. OWS, you have restored my faith in America, in humanity, in myself. You have reminded me of something even bigger than Democracy or economic justice or social equality, you have reminded me of the ability of love to unlock our infinite power. Thank you, for revealing my fears to be what they are, just fears. Thank you, for awakening my heart. There is so much to be done. Thank you for uniting us, so we can get started.
NOt talking about CLinton
What aBOUT THE 4.5% During Bush?
You said they have been calculating the unemployment numbers the same way since forever, but you were wrong. This isn't about Bush, or Clinton or Obama, so put away your liberal left attack book. This is about the economy, it isn't improving.
You said they have been calculating the unemployment numbers the same way since forever, but you were wrong. This isn't about Bush, or Clinton or Obama, so put away your liberal left attack book. This is about the economy, it isn't improving.

You are in Denial. Sorry
If they use the same metrics now as they did 5 years ago
Then yes the economy is improving
And Economists and Wall street Agree
So A guy who Owned slaves and pretty much raped them at will (literally)
Believes Banks are the biggest threat to Liberty

Pretty sure your way of life and the way of life of many depended at least a little bit upon some of the ideas that man espoused, you would be a loyal British subject if it weren't for some of the things that man wrote and spoke about. Just because you don't understand how banks just create money from nothing and you get to pay for it all through your labor. The money is worthless, it's your labor that has value. But you sit there in condemnation of it all as you wallow in your ignorance.
Pretty sure your way of life and the way of life of many depended at least a little bit upon some of the ideas that man espoused, you would be a loyal British subject if it weren't for some of the things that man wrote and spoke about. Just because you don't understand how banks just create money from nothing and you get to pay for it all through your labor. The money is worthless, it's your labor that has value. But you sit there in condemnation of it all as you wallow in your ignorance.

he had some Good Ideas
And some that didnt work out so well
BTW how Much Money Did jefferson have when he was Dead?
Worthington's law?

Jefferson made a bad investment, but he lived a great life, and will still be remembered 500 years from now, but no one is going to remember you.

By your very own admission, all the rich are better than you, and you know it.
Jefferson was a Drunk who spent the Equivalent of 100 grand of tax payers money on Booze
On top of that he nearly caused a Recession with his policys such as the Embargo act
he died penniless
I believe he took over his father's debt that at the time was passed on to(how would you understand?) of kin..But when he died he was worth one hundred billion dollars
It so happens that Jefferson was plagued with financial problems for many years. Several reasons are given for this. First, it is reported that Jefferson inherited debt from his father-in-law, John Wayles who died in 1773. Thomas Jefferson was 30 years old at that time and had been married one year to Martha Wayles. I have never heard of inheriting debt, but that is noted in the historical record.

A second reason for Thomas Jefferson’s financial problems was his expensive tastes. French wines, so many books, and many fine furnishings contributed to his problems. In other words, he lived beyond his means.

But, in his later years there were two events that conspired to ruin Thomas Jefferson. One was that he cosigned a sizable loan for a friend. The man died a year later and Jefferson was stuck with the debt.

Then there was the matter of the Panic of 1819 and the severe recession that ensued. From what I understand, this national economic calamity came about as a result of expanding credit and real estate speculation which led to a bubble market and eventual crash. Banks failed, real estate values plummeted, and loans were called in. Unemployment in the cities was as high as 75%. It was a bad time for the nation as a whole and many families of means were devastated, including Thomas Jefferson’s.

Near the end of his life, Jefferson faced the probability that he and his family would have to leave their beloved home at Monticello for Poplar Forest, Jefferson’s smaller plantation further south in Bedford County, Virginia.

Thomas Jefferson’s grown grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, known in the family as “Jefferson,” played a prominent role in trying to ameliorate the dire consequences of his grandfather’s financial troubles. In a letter written by Thomas Jefferson’s daughter, Martha (“Jefferson’s” mother), she tells the story of their plight at that difficult time. By the way, Martha’s husband was, I’m quite certain, also financially ruined in the crash of 1819.
The Embargo Act of 1807 and the subsequent Nonintercourse Acts were American laws restricting American ships from engaging in foreign trade between the years of 1807 and 1812. The Acts were diplomatic responses by presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison designed to protect American interests and avoid war.

Impact on U.S.
The Embargo, which lasted from December 1807 to March 1809 effectively throttled American overseas trade. All areas of the United States suffered. In commercial New England and the Middle Atlantic states, ships rotted at the wharves, and in the agricultural areas, particularly in the South, farmers and planters could not sell their crops on the international market. For New England, and especially for the Middle Atlantic states, there was some consolation, for the scarcity of European goods meant that a definite stimulus was given to the development of American industry.
The embargo was a financial disaster for the Americans because the British were still able to export goods to America: initial loopholes overlooked smuggling by coastal vessels from Canada, whaling ships and privateers from overseas; and widespread disregard of the law meant enforcement was difficult.[8]
I live and do business in the real world. I don't give a damn what charts and graphs created by collegiate egg-heads say. I can tell you that the economy is NOT improving.
maybe your Business model Sucks.

No. You suck. Not only that, but your trite little smart-assed personal attacks are wearing mighty thin.

As a long time Realtor in California, I can tell you that real estate, historically leads going into a depression ... and it leads coming out of depressions.

In your learned, expert opinion dukie, when exactly will real estate rebound, and what will cause it to do so?
No. You suck. Not only that, but your trite little smart-assed personal attacks are wearing mighty thin.

As a long time Realtor in California, I can tell you that real estate, historically leads going into a depression ... and it leads coming out of depressions.

In your learned, expert opinion dukie, when exactly will real estate rebound, and what will cause it to do so?

When people Like you stop selling real estate as an Investment and go back to selling Homes to people who can afford them as a place to raise a family