Economy Is Improving

With the Economy Improving the Fright wing will only get more Desperate
It's not improving you idiot.
How is the housing market?
How is the dollars purchasing power?
Why are food prices going up?

You're too ignorant to answer these questions and your copy and paste wont work.
Quit crying. You don't present facts, just bullshit cheerleader posts and expect people to buy your absurd rhetoric. Facts, lmao, that's rich coming from you.

It's hard to present facts to a group of people that apparently cant read anything over one line of text.

Have fun being ignorant to the world in which you live.
You don't speak for the American people you pussy. Because you can't compete, you EXPECT handouts through theft and coercion. Time to man up and take care of business like an adult.
It is not the role of government to take care of people, that is societies job.

What the fuck are you talking about?

What I don't get is why hare-brained internet forum fucktards like yourself talk so much shit as a natural reaction.

What handouts do I expect? You don't make any sense when you just pull words out of your ass.

Go back to playing WoW or jerking off or something.
I find it hard to believe some people still think dems bad/reps good or repsbad/demsgood.
If I punch you in the nose you would not say BB is a great guy and I like his left hand but his right is mean.

The fed is a gluttonus pig devouring all resources in sight while producing nothing. The parasites and predators in the D of C have enabled a few families at the top of the food chain to enslave all of us to debt for forever and a day.

Getting mad at bankers wont work. The monsters at the top will be happy to sacrafice as many as you wish. The only thing to be done at this point is to abolish the feds and the reserve and start over doing as the Constitution says.
I find it hard to believe some people still think dems bad/reps good or repsbad/demsgood.
If I punch you in the nose you would not say BB is a great guy and I like his left hand but his right is mean.

The fed is a gluttonus pig devouring all resources in sight while producing nothing. The parasites and predators in the D of C have enabled a few families at the top of the food chain to enslave all of us to debt for forever and a day.

Getting mad at bankers wont work. The monsters at the top will be happy to sacrafice as many as you wish. The only thing to be done at this point is to abolish the feds and the reserve and start over doing as the Constitution says.
My god...

-The EU is set to unleash unprecedented loans to fix a debt crisis while literaly installing, illegal, non-democractically elected officials into 2, but most likely 3 countries befor this is over

-America, the UK and Canada have all publicly stated they are going to let their currency inflate over 4%. (which is a lie in the first place as real inflation has been in hyper territory for the last decade)

OK so you can't fix a broken monetary system with loans. And everytime our currency inflates you and me literally get poorer.
How can anyone with any sort of a clue say the economy is improving? As far as I can tell we have managed to band-aid it enough to prevent further losses by Christmas, but thats it.
I beleive the government takes you off the unemployment list once your benefits run out. Which means the numbers are highly distorted. Its also important to understad that the vast majority of jobs being created are minimum wage service jobs that provide very little value to the economy.

i am likely counted as a "discouraged worker" right now. if they legalized, i would be counted among the working. :D
Chinese did it for a tbousand years.
You are thinking of the currency known as the Jiaozi from the late imperial era of China known as the Song Dynasty. It was the first paper currency and lasted a total of 319 years, it traded in tandem with the metal currency of the day. The song Dynasty was not a pure fiat system, which probably explains its longevity. The average lifespan for a Pure Fiat Currency in the modern world is 39 years. The USA is coming up on year 40.
i am likely counted as a "discouraged worker" right now. if they legalized, i would be counted among the working. :D

Agree 1000% here. These, for lack of a better word, dumbasses (government) just don't understand this being a valid point. California alone is bringing in what, 1 billion annually (I know it's a decent amount at least)? Imagine that times 50. Not to mention the MASSIVE amount of jobs it would create. We just need a government that can pull their head out of their asses. But apparently in this WORLD, that's too much to ask for.
Yep, imagine $50 billion extra dollars going into the government coffers. Why that would be enough to operate for what? Five days? The Federal Government spends $10.46 Billion per day right now. 50 billion is a very small drop in a bucket that is 300 times that size.
Yep, imagine $50 billion extra dollars going into the government coffers. Why that would be enough to operate for what? Five days? The Federal Government spends $10.46 Billion per day right now. 50 billion is a very small drop in a bucket that is 300 times that size.

$50 billion, why, Obama and his cronies could create at least 100 "green" jobs with that kind of money. Of course they would disappear within a year, but fuck, what do you want for a measly $50 billion?
actually, correction.

i am a marginally attached worker.

i'd work if it is worth my while, but no need to at the moment.
Most of the "economy" fixes that have been implemented and offered are a mirage. It is a sleight of hand and a fiction that the government or any flavor of the month candidate can "fix" it. The government "partnership" with the Federal Reserve is what causes the problems. When the Federal Reserve and Fiat currency go away, things may get better. UNTIL then, the sycophants babble about things they do not comprehend.

A Central Bank is designed to inflate is and will forever be a tool of economic destruction.
Infamous White Supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke didn‘t hold anything back during his interview on Thursday with Russia Today’s Thom Hartmann. As Raw Replay reports, Duke’s statements were outrageously anti-Semitic and will surely be seen by most as offensive. Below, find some snippets from his appearance:
“I think the fact is that both Democrats and Republicans are very afraid of the Jewish extremists, the Zionists, because the Zionists have incredible amounts of media power.”
“They’ve got the most powerful lobby in Washington, which is AIPAC, of course. And they’ve got enormous financial power. I mean, they control the Federal Reserve.”

Bullshit You were never forced to take those Commission Checks
You were Never forced to take the Kick Backs from the Mortgage Brokers you steered the suckers to
You were never forced not to report anything that was illegal or Immoral

You Knew what you were doing when you Helped the Buyer and seller Put the Down payment into the Mortgage note
You did everything you could to get every dollar you could possibly rape out of every deal you did

So Fuck off you are not a victim, You are part of the problem

Like most of your half-assed posts, you missed the point. I said the INDUSTRY was forced to provide for unqualified buyers. The "industry" includes banks and mortgage companies.

For your info, I did not sell to ANY unqualified buyers, nor have any of my clients gone into foerclosure. I sleep well at night, Dukie-Boy.

It was the do-gooders in government (Dodd/Frank) wrote and passed legislation that caused the financial meltdown ... and it started with the housing market. Just more unintended consequences of the Progressives.

Now, go pound sand ... or get your OWS tent set up and paint a sign that says "Capitalism Sucks!"