Economy Is Improving

When people Like you stop selling real estate as an Investment and go back to selling Homes to people who can afford them as a place to raise a family

Yes, we tried that dukie. In fact, the industry was FORCED to sell to people who could not afford homes and look where it got us. Here's the good news though ... eventually you will be able to afford a home. In fact, I can find you a nice property here in Southern California for a little over 100k. Of course you'd have to sacrifice and live out in the Mojave desert ... somewhere around Lancaster.

But then, you don't strike me as one who would be willing to make many sacrifices, but one who would like everything handed to him at the expense of others.

Again, tell us how the economy is turning around.

You suck. You really do.

yes, we tried that dukie. In fact, the industry was forced to sell to people who could not afford homes and look where it got us. Here's the good news though ... Eventually you will be able to afford a home. In fact, i can find you a nice property here in southern california for a little over 100k. Of course you'd have to sacrifice and live out in the mojave desert ... Somewhere around lancaster.

But then, you don't strike me as one who would be willing to make many sacrifices, but one who would like everything handed to him at the expense of others.

Again, tell us how the economy is turning around.

You suck. You really do.

its all your fault duke!!!!!! Move to cali and save america damnit!!!!!
When people Like you stop selling real estate as an Investment and go back to selling Homes to people who can afford them as a place to raise a family
Correct me if i am wrong, but don't real estate agents help buyers find properties? I wasn't aware that real estate agents are the ones buying all the properties and causing all the prices to skyrocket. Thank god for the clear and level head on Duke or i would have thought banks were behind it all. Now I know it was the agents.
Correct me if i am wrong, but don't real estate agents help buyers find properties? I wasn't aware that real estate agents are the ones buying all the properties and causing all the prices to skyrocket. Thank god for the clear and level head on Duke or i would have thought banks were behind it all. Now I know it was the agents.

For some reason, the parasites think that Realtors cause housing prices to go up ... and some also think Realtors cause housing prices to go down. When questioned, one quickly finds out that these "experts" have no clue about how an economy works. That's why I asked DukieBoy when and how the housing market would rebound. We saw the result ... nothing more than a smart-assed response. And also notice that he didn't respond to my statement that the industry was FORCED to provided housing to those who were not qualified to buy. Strange, isn't it? :lol:

Yes, we tried that dukie. In fact, the industry was FORCED to sell to people who could not afford homes and look where it got us. Here's the good news though ... eventually you will be able to afford a home. In fact, I can find you a nice property here in Southern California for a little over 100k. Of course you'd have to sacrifice and live out in the Mojave desert ... somewhere around Lancaster.

But then, you don't strike me as one who would be willing to make many sacrifices, but one who would like everything handed to him at the expense of others.

Again, tell us how the economy is turning around.

You suck. You really do.


Bullshit You were never forced to take those Commission Checks
You were Never forced to take the Kick Backs from the Mortgage Brokers you steered the suckers to
You were never forced not to report anything that was illegal or Immoral

You Knew what you were doing when you Helped the Buyer and seller Put the Down payment into the Mortgage note
You did everything you could to get every dollar you could possibly rape out of every deal you did

So Fuck off you are not a victim, You are part of the problem
10 seconds of Google
1) Know your financing
Every buyer’s circumstances, credit history, and resources are different. It pays for an agent to know the government programs and local lenders who provide down-payment assistance. While special financing programs won’t help in every scenario, checking into your local and federal options will help you inform your potential clients of how much work stands between them and the homeownership dream
The Republicans are willing to tank the economy in order to get President Obama out of the White House. It's so obvious that it is pathetic. I live in very small town in what I would call, a non progressive state. The local sheriff here recently switched Democrat to Republican simply because and I quote, "I'm a democrat but not a liberal. It's just that there is no way I'll be re elected if I don't go Republican. I know it's wrong but I know that I am a good sheriff and all I'm thinking about is the welfare of our county", to end quote. How sad. What is going on with our country? When did politics become so decisive? Oh, I know, when the Republicans became furious that America voted a black man into office and the middle class decided that Republicans were handing out "The Raw Deal" during the Great Recession instead of "The New Deal" during the Great Depression.
No you don't know. if you did you'd know Republicans disliked Clinton because he had a D by his name. No different than their dislike for Obama.
You also don't know the Great Depression lasted until after the war thanks to FDR and his cronies manipulating the economy. Big Federal government is bad news no matter which party is doing it. The only winners are the buddies at the top of the pecking order.
While we are On the subject of alternate ways of COunting things

What was the stock market at Just Before Obama took Office

Whats it at now?
The stock market has been boosted by quantitative easing. That's another thing you don't know.
Whats the purchasing power of the dollar like right now? How is the dollar doing compared to gold.

You rank right up there with Herman Cain as far as economics go. That douchebag thought the economy was great on September 1. 2008. Herman Cain -September 1, 2008 Economic Growth Surges, but Democrats Ignore the Truth Again

We all know what happened in the next two weeks. well except for you since you're ignorant
Not by the same amount. Compare the number of people off the rolls then to now. Quit scratching the surface.
Who says?
Last Quarter of 2008 we were bleeding Jobs at a rate of 7500000 a month
We have had 20 straight months of job Growth
you think Everyone is going to magically get back to work over night?

Tell you what
Give me your zip code and i will Find Plenty of jobs for ya
This thread reminds me of the one I did on world peace, where many stopped by to shit on it because they can't accept facts for themselves and rely on rhetoric to shape their opinions.

Very insightful
This thread reminds me of the one I did on world peace, where many stopped by to shit on it because they can't accept facts for themselves and rely on rhetoric to shape their opinions.
Quit crying. You don't present facts, just bullshit cheerleader posts and expect people to buy your absurd rhetoric. Facts, lmao, that's rich coming from you.
Who says?
Last Quarter of 2008 we were bleeding Jobs at a rate of 7500000 a month
We have had 20 straight months of job Growth
you think Everyone is going to magically get back to work over night?

Tell you what
Give me your zip code and i will Find Plenty of jobs for ya
I told you to compare and then you'd have an answer. But you are to helpless to do much on your own, as lemmings usually are.
Only a complete jackass like yourself would say we have job growth for 20 months, "as long as you ignore the ones who are out of work over a certain amount of time we have job growth," and expect people to believe it. Because those people don't count right? If you don't count the old 4 feet of water that has been sitting there for 1 month then we are not flooded either right?. You couldn't come to a correct conclusion if your life depended on it. Even a broken clock is right more often than you are.

Why would anyone rely on an uninformed trained monkey like you to find a job for them?
A strategy of "winning" at all costs...

Like that of the American people.
You don't speak for the American people you pussy. Because you can't compete, you EXPECT handouts through theft and coercion. Time to man up and take care of business like an adult.
It is not the role of government to take care of people, that is societies job.