New Member
Republicans need to step up and do something to stop it
I beleive the government takes you off the unemployment list once your benefits run out. Which means the numbers are highly distorted. Its also important to understad that the vast majority of jobs being created are minimum wage service jobs that provide very little value to the economy.
maybe he switched so he could vote Ron Paul in the Republican primaries- he did say he cares about his country, right?The Republicans are willing to tank the economy in order to get President Obama out of the White House. It's so obvious that it is pathetic. I live in very small town in what I would call, a non progressive state. The local sheriff here recently switched Democrat to Republican simply because and I quote, "I'm a democrat but not liberal. It's just that there is no way I'll be re elected if I don't go Republican. I know it's wrong but I know I'm a good sheriff and all I'm thinking about is the welfare of our county", to end quote. How sad. What is going on with our country? When did politics become so decisive? Oh, I know, when the Republicans became furious that America voted a black man into office and the middle class decided that Republicans were handing out "The Raw Deal" during the Great Recession instead of "The New Deal" during the Great Depression.
See the Downward path?
They don't count unemployment, they count people getting unemployment benifits
The Republicans are willing to tank the economy in order to get President Obama out of the White House. It's so obvious that it is pathetic. I live in very small town in what I would call, a non progressive state. The local sheriff here recently switched Democrat to Republican simply because and I quote, "I'm a democrat but not a liberal. It's just that there is no way I'll be re elected if I don't go Republican. I know it's wrong but I know that I am a good sheriff and all I'm thinking about is the welfare of our county", to end quote. How sad. What is going on with our country? When did politics become so decisive? Oh, I know, when the Republicans became furious that America voted a black man into office and the middle class decided that Republicans were handing out "The Raw Deal" during the Great Recession instead of "The New Deal" during the Great Depression.
Just as they always have
So the Metrics are the same as they were before
LOL the BLS has changed the way they measure the statistics 28 times since Clinton was in office. The last time the Discouraged worker was part of the overall unemployment statistics was in 1994, which really isn't forever or always as you like to fallaciously point out. Look at U6 unemployment if you want the way it was done before Clinton. The way it was done in the depression, so you can actually compare them. "official" u6 unemployment is at 16%.