The Battle Rages On: Class Warfare.


Well-Known Member
It bothers me when people all of a sudden realize life was gonna be hard when they grow up and didn't prepare well enough for it and blame there problems on everything else in life, truly sad. Maybe if you took life a bit more seriously before your 30's you'd be somewhere today, but what do I know, I grew up poor and maybe had a bit more ambition early on in life so I didn't repeat my parents life and made something of myself along with back up plans in case my original ideas fell through.

I was the eldest out of 4 and my family of 6 shared a room with a space heater in the winter. I know what poor is.
So to recap: You took responsibility for yourself, made a plan, worked, created opportunity and have noone to bitch at?
According to the liberals on this board, that is winning the lotto.

This video kills me, but is says a lot in social commentary.


Well-Known Member
the trouble is, we never left the jungle.

still lions and jackals running around, but now on 2 legs.

and the deer get eaten.


they dont stick together.

i think lions and jackals only exist for one reason.

to teach the deers that alone.

you are dead, eaten alive.

together, you are strong. no moffokking lion can stand against you, not even a pack of them, cause its still thousands to one.

till that lesson is learned.

there are gonna be lions stalking you.


New Member
you ever laugh when you walk out of a liquor store and theres a guy sitting there beggin for change next time you see this look at his designer re-bok 140.00 running shoes he is starting to learn the game :))


Well-Known Member
So to recap: You took responsibility for yourself, made a plan, worked, created opportunity and have noone to bitch at?
According to the liberals on this board, that is winning the lotto.

This video kills me, but is says a lot in social commentary.
I am always amazed to see that there are still people capable of using there God given gift of reason. And to find them on a Reefer forum..... there is hope for this world still.

Oh by the way..... Good Looking Bulldog.


Well-Known Member
It bothers me when people all of a sudden realize life was gonna be hard when they grow up and didn't prepare well enough for it and blame there problems on everything else in life, truly sad. Maybe if you took life a bit more seriously before your 30's you'd be somewhere today, but what do I know, I grew up poor and maybe had a bit more ambition early on in life so I didn't repeat my parents life and made something of myself along with back up plans in case my original ideas fell through.

I was the eldest out of 4 and my family of 6 shared a room with a space heater in the winter. I know what poor is.
You sure you're not my long lost brother or something? lol! I grew up fairly poor as well. Shared a bedroom with my 2 brothers with no AC in the summer and space heater in the winter because we didn't have central heat either. Just a woodstove in the corner of the downstairs. We would sometimes turn on our gas oven and open the door in the winter just for heat. I love my parents and I treasure my childhood (for the most part), but I wanted better for myself and my family. I worked hard and I now own a small business and I'm doing quite well in spite of the recession. Sure, it's taken its toll on us but we've managed and are emerging stronger than ever. Opportunites are everywhere. You just have to learn to spot them and take action before they pass you up. Getting ahead is never easy, but it's not impossible as some would have us believe.:o

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I love your Circular logic. Very Heglian of you. And Just like Engles' Dialectics you think just because a theory (the one above) exist, it's existance validates it's position.
Translation: I know you are but what am I.

You're the one speaking in theory, I'm speaking of the reality of our current situation.

You have a lack of understanding. Both of the free market system and the principle by which it is governed.
I understand it. I understand it is just a theory. I understand we don't have a free market here at all. Again, you're speaking in theory while I'm talking about something different, reality.

People like youself are the reason the Bulsheviks walked into Moscow and destroyed a century of human kind.
Right, because I support a tax system like the one we had with notorious communists Eisenhower and Nixon.

Yep. Anyone who's not a far right winger must be a Marxist.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
This is a common liberal blameshifter and quite frankly the dumbest all round way of perceiving things I consistently read in these forums.
If you think it's dumb, pronouncing it dumb without an explanation is not the way to make your case. That's something dumb people do.

The wealthy do benefit greatly from economic downturns. High unemployment = lower labor costs = greater profits. They can downsize their companies, pay less for labor and make a higher profit with a smaller company. Big win for them. Plus they've tricked us into thinking the answer to solving our problems is to give them more tax cuts at the expense of our national debt and cutting services to the middle class.


Well-Known Member
If you think it's dumb, pronouncing it dumb without an explanation is not the way to make your case. That's something dumb people do.

The wealthy do benefit greatly from economic downturns. High unemployment = lower labor costs = greater profits. They can downsize their companies, pay less for labor and make a higher profit with a smaller company. Big win for them. Plus they've tricked us into thinking the answer to solving our problems is to give them more tax cuts at the expense of our national debt and cutting services to the middle class.
The bottom line of many companies during this recession and the fact that many have failed would seem to indicate otherwise.:leaf:

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
It bothers me when people all of a sudden realize life was gonna be hard when they grow up and didn't prepare well enough for it and blame there problems on everything else in life, truly sad. Maybe if you took life a bit more seriously before your 30's you'd be somewhere today, but what do I know, I grew up poor and maybe had a bit more ambition early on in life so I didn't repeat my parents life and made something of myself along with back up plans in case my original ideas fell through.

I was the eldest out of 4 and my family of 6 shared a room with a space heater in the winter. I know what poor is.
It's not a personal issue. It's a larger issue. Social mobility is at an all time low. The gap between the rich and the rest of us is at an all time high. We are going to a place economically where you won't have the option of working hard and providing a good life for yourself. We are shifting towards a two class system of ultra-wealthy and the working poor.

You're acting as if this is none of our business, but it is. This isn't about government handouts. This is about the compensation Americans get for labor and gutting government services so we can give more tax cuts to the wealthy. It's about an economic system which makes it increasingly difficult for people to achieve upward social mobility and very easy for wealthy people to become even more wealthy and pass that on though generations. It's about the disappearing middle class.

We are heading towards a way of life where the rich people will be that way because they are born rich and everyone who is born poor will stay that way. Do you really think we will be better off without a middle class?


Well-Known Member
It's not a personal issue. It's a larger issue. Social mobility is at an all time low. The gap between the rich and the rest of us is at an all time high. We are going to a place economically where you won't have the option of working hard and providing a good life for yourself. We are shifting towards a two class system of ultra-wealthy and the working poor.

You're acting as if this is none of our business, but it is. This isn't about government handouts. This is about the compensation Americans get for labor and gutting government services so we can give more tax cuts to the wealthy. It's about an economic system which makes it increasingly difficult for people to achieve upward social mobility and very easy for wealthy people to become even more wealthy and pass that on though generations. It's about the disappearing middle class.

We are heading towards a way of life where the rich people will be that way because they are born rich and everyone who is born poor will stay that way. Do you really think we will be better off without a middle class?
The progressive agenda would likely have us living in a similar fashion, with 2 classes: The ruling, political class and the working poor. I agree things are fucked up but killing the goose that lays the golden egg hardly seems like the solution to the problem. Painting the "wealthy" as the devil isn't solving a thing. There will always be the have's and have not's. The have not's will always envy the have's. Seems kinda like what's going on here.


Well-Known Member
Does no one understand that OF COURSE cuts do more harm to the poor than the rich, The rich DON'T USE THOSE SERVICES!!!!!!! What use are food stamps and subsidized housing to someone who makes $100 million a year just on interest? The Rich do not check themselves into the emergency room to escape the fees they would otherwise be forced to pay, no, they have the best doctors you can find and they pay in cash. You don't see Warren Buffet standing in line at the SS office to receive a welfare check do you? Rich people don't use the services, what services do you think the ultra rich use? Roads? gasoline taxes pay for the roads, and the rich pay gas taxes like everyone else. The ultra rich don't drive much anyway, they fly or are driven by someone else.


Well-Known Member
Translation: I know you are but what am I.

You're the one speaking in theory, I'm speaking of the reality of our current situation.

I understand it. I understand it is just a theory. I understand we don't have a free market here at all. Again, you're speaking in theory while I'm talking about something different, reality.

Right, because I support a tax system like the one we had with notorious communists Eisenhower and Nixon.

Yep. Anyone who's not a far right winger must be a Marxist.
I am not a far right winger I am a LIberal..... and Yes you are correct, Nixon and Eisonhower were Pinko's.

Your argument amounts to nothing more than your first sentence. YOu don't seem to have the werewithall to counter my position other than to point out that I am only speaking of theory. You know what the difference between a Theory and a statement is? History, Science and natural fact support theories and statement don't even support themselves. Just ask Einstien, Hayek or Keyens. I will move on as I can see I am wasting my well earned intellect here.


Well-Known Member
It's not a personal issue. It's a larger issue. Social mobility is at an all time low. The gap between the rich and the rest of us is at an all time high. We are going to a place economically where you won't have the option of working hard and providing a good life for yourself. We are shifting towards a two class system of ultra-wealthy and the working poor.

You're acting as if this is none of our business, but it is. This isn't about government handouts. This is about the compensation Americans get for labor and gutting government services so we can give more tax cuts to the wealthy. It's about an economic system which makes it increasingly difficult for people to achieve upward social mobility and very easy for wealthy people to become even more wealthy and pass that on though generations. It's about the disappearing middle class.

We are heading towards a way of life where the rich people will be that way because they are born rich and everyone who is born poor will stay that way. Do you really think we will be better off without a middle class?
Maybe it's because I've never been super rich to know what I'm missing to care, but I do know what it's like to be dirt poor so I appreciate what I have.


Well-Known Member
Yes! Yes you can!

What you really should ask yourself if can I pay off the interest?
And lets not forget that a School loan never goes away until it gets paid. Bankruptcy cannot extinguish the debt of a school loan, the Government WILL make you pay. Even if things get really hard, you can defer the loans, but the interest just adds to the Principal, so as soon as you are back on your feet you now have a even larger amount to pay, all the while interest accrues. Great way to turn free and independent people into wage slaves.


Well-Known Member
Your statement is exactly what is wrong in the USA.

So you think you should get a loan, but should not have to repay, Paying your obligations does not make you a slave - it makes you a responsible man or woman.
Those who have made it did so by working hard and paying their obligations, and not by sitting home crying about how someone has it better.
