Hillary Promises To Deliver Regular Press Conferences... On One Condition

She told the FBI more than a dozen times that she can`t recall any of her training about security clearance and having a secret server.

Last I heard Trump was now tied. So .......

You have trouble staying on topic, this story about concussion is another laughable attempt by a losing campaign. What new and useful information could come from a media circus event with Clinton? There are plenty of statements and interviews from Clinton that covers the e-mail scandal and much more from official investigations. If you can't believe them, how will you possibly believe answers during a press conference?

You expect others to be a stupid as you are. Clinton can only screw up during one of those events, that's what you want to happen and it's also why Clinton will not hold one. Trump on the other hand has nothing more to lose because, well, he's losing. And so his campaign is making noise about Clinton's smart decision to not give them this chance.

Trump's an idiot. He can't keep his yap shut, has no discipline and keeps letting people know just how racist he and his policies are. Clinton is playing smart and letting Trump defeat himself. I'm wondering which racist dirt bag you will support four years from now, after the first term of Clinton's presidency.
You have trouble staying on topic, this story about concussion is another laughable attempt by a losing campaign. What new and useful information could come from a media circus event with Clinton? There are plenty of statements and interviews from Clinton that covers the e-mail scandal and much more from official investigations. If you can't believe them, how will you possibly believe answers during a press conference?

You expect others to be a stupid as you are. Clinton can only screw up during one of those events, that's what you want to happen and it's also why Clinton will not hold one. Trump on the other hand has nothing more to lose because, well, he's losing. And so his campaign is making noise about Clinton's smart decision to not give them this chance.

Trump's an idiot. He can't keep his yap shut, has no discipline and keeps letting people know just how racist he and his policies are. Clinton is playing smart and letting Trump defeat himself. I'm wondering which racist dirt bag you will support four years from now, after the first term of Clinton's presidency.

You have no idea what new question will be asked, so stop pretending that you do.

How is Trump losing if he is now tied in the run ? Because you said so ?

Trump destroyed the Republicans, because you and I could not. When you force change,...you don`t follow the norm.
You have no idea what new question will be asked, so stop pretending that you do.

How is Trump losing if he is now tied in the run ? Because you said so ?

Trump destroyed the Republicans, because you and I could not. When you force change,...you don`t follow the norm.
Dude, when has anything new come up at one of those conferences.

Trump's losing just check the polls.
You have no idea what new question will be asked, so stop pretending that you do.

How is Trump losing if he is now tied in the run ? Because you said so ?

Trump destroyed the Republicans, because you and I could not. When you force change,...you don`t follow the norm.

trump is losing big time, jew hater.

and congrats on destroying the republican party. by splintering the party between moderate righties with bad ideas and foaming at the mouth, dumbshit racists with fucktarded ideas like yourself, you have given up any chance your party has at actually governing and implementing an agenda.

now all you can do is play defense and try to block whatever democrats do, and watch in despair as federal courts and the supreme court turns ever more liberal.

trump and your brand of petulant racism is so toxic that you guys are going to lose the senate now too.

again, congratulations, you dumb jew hating racist.
What useful information has ever come out of these press conferences? Over the past 20 years, can you identify a press conference where something important was revealed? What good do you think would come out of a Clinton press conference?

Typically it's an arena where more difficult questions can be asked. So there's that important aspect which is not a part of her campaign I guess. When you know the rich folks have your back and the elections are completely rigged (as evidenced time and again in multiple studies indicating wherever electronic voting machines exist the results never tally with exit polls - which the media stopped mentioning or talking about during the 2004 election when electronic voting machines first came around and the election fraud became REALLY obvious to anyone with any kind of background in statistics).

You live in a banana republic.
trump is losing big time, jew hater.

and congrats on destroying the republican party. by splintering the party between moderate righties with bad ideas and foaming at the mouth, dumbshit racists with fucktarded ideas like yourself, you have given up any chance your party has at actually governing and implementing an agenda.

now all you can do is play defense and try to block whatever democrats do, and watch in despair as federal courts and the supreme court turns ever more liberal.

trump and your brand of petulant racism is so toxic that you guys are going to lose the senate now too.

again, congratulations, you dumb jew hating racist.

So the poll above is a lie ? Yes or no will do.
So, what useful do you expect to come from Clinton attending a media circus.

The most interesting, nevermind informative part of the average press conference comes AFTER the official finishes reading their prepared remarks and takes questions from the audience.

I think Mrs Clinton needs to get a good grilling on a regular basis, if only because the American People have every right to know... everything they want about her.

Secrecy is bad and it's high time we shift our tone towards those ELECTED OFFICIALS and those running to be same who would hide the truth or their take on it.
a hundred years from now when people speak of somebody who's lead an entire lifetime of corruption they'll refer to them as " Clinton",as the name Benedict Arnold has became synonymous with being a traitor the Clinton's will be the face of "complete corruption" in the absolute sense
Typically it's an arena where more difficult questions can be asked. So there's that important aspect which is not a part of her campaign I guess. When you know the rich folks have your back and the elections are completely rigged (as evidenced time and again in multiple studies indicating wherever electronic voting machines exist the results never tally with exit polls - which the media stopped mentioning or talking about during the 2004 election when electronic voting machines first came around and the election fraud became REALLY obvious to anyone with any kind of background in statistics).

You live in a banana republic.
BS on the rigged part. Sour grapes, dude. Eat them and cry.

Trump and his policies are losing the race. And if it is old polling equipment that are causing your concern, just ask yourself why those machines are still in use at the same Republican controlled states that recently had their attempt to suppress votes cast out by the courts. The Republican party can't win unless they rig an election. But in this case, the polling numbers are so hard against them that they dare not try because it will be obvious. And so, Trump commits the egregious act of undermining our democracy and undercutting our government. Benedict Donald is selling out to Russia and undermining democracy in the US. What a peach.

When has there ever been an important issue that was revealed during a press conference? It's clear that these events are not Clinton's strong suit and she has no reason to risk a gaff. Of course that is why you want her to have one. So suck it. She's winning fairly and doesn't need to take the risk of a mistake. She's smart, running a formidable campaign and the other side is wrong on just about every important point but especially it's bigoted, racist agenda against the latino community.

Cry baby cry
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BS on the rigged part. Sour grapes, dude. Eat them and cry.

Trump and his policies are losing the race. And if it is old polling equipment that are causing your concern, just ask yourself why those machines are still in use at the same Republican controlled states that recently had their attempt to suppress votes cast out by the courts. The Republican party can't win unless they rig an election. But in this case, the polling numbers are so hard against them that they dare not try because it will be obvious. And so, Trump commits the egregious act of undermining our democracy and undercutting its government. Benedict Donald is selling out to Russia and undermining democracy in the US. What a peach.

When has there ever been an important issue that was revealed during a press conference? It's clear that these events are not Clinton's strong suit and she has no reason to risk a gaff. Of course that is why you want her to have one. So suck it. She's winning fairly and doesn't need to take the risk of a mistake. She's smart, running a formidable campaign and the other side is wrong on just about every important point but especially it's bigoted, racist agenda against the latino community.

Cry baby cry

Risk a gaff ? How does an honest person with nothing to hide do that ?
can you identify a press conference where something important was revealed

uh I'll take busting president Obama lying his ass off about homegrown spy ops on american citizens at this press conference & TV appearance

how about busting president bush dead to rights lying about 9/11 & talking about "explosives" going off & trapping people in the floors above,nobody is laughing tinfoil hat over 9/11 anymore

or how bout simply exposing how brain dead Nancy pelosi is

and here's why you don't want Hillary holding any press conferences,she is no longer able to answer a single question on any topic without incriminating herself in one of the dozens of scams surrounding her

Hillary Clinton is involved in so much corruption she must hide from the press,and her health is so bad she now refuses to be around large crowds of people.

Hillary's brain issues 100% match the symptoms of excessive long term drug use causing permenant brain damage & nervous system,how about letting voters see & hear her ability to handle a stressful situation & camera flashes without her head falling off from whiplash,if nothings wrong with her then she must allow voter to see her "in action under stress"

BS on the rigged part. Sour grapes, dude. Eat them and cry.

Trump and his policies are losing the race. And if it is old polling equipment that are causing your concern, just ask yourself why those machines are still in use at the same Republican controlled states that recently had their attempt to suppress votes cast out by the courts. The Republican party can't win unless they rig an election. But in this case, the polling numbers are so hard against them that they dare not try because it will be obvious. And so, Trump commits the egregious act of undermining our democracy and undercutting its government. Benedict Donald is selling out to Russia and undermining democracy in the US. What a peach.

When has there ever been an important issue that was revealed during a press conference? It's clear that these events are not Clinton's strong suit and she has no reason to risk a gaff. Of course that is why you want her to have one. So suck it. She's winning fairly and doesn't need to take the risk of a mistake. She's smart, running a formidable campaign and the other side is wrong on just about every important point but especially it's bigoted, racist agenda against the latino community.

Cry baby cry

Trump is no different than Hillary "Blacks are Supercriminals" Clinton.
So the poll above is a lie ? Yes or no will do.

According to the link you posted, the last time you checked the polls was July 14th. That poll is only accurate for the day it was posted and the targeted audience the survey was conducted on. Prior to election days all polls have a margin of error and have some bias in favor of a particular candidate.

If someone really wants to know how well a particular candidate is doing, look at the polls conducted in the "Swing states" rather than the polls conducted in historically democrat leaning or republican leaning states. Plus there is the national average that is given on web sites like fivethirtyeight or realclearpolitics.
According to the link you posted, the last time you checked the polls was July 14th. That poll is only accurate for the day it was posted and the targeted audience the survey was conducted on. Prior to election days all polls have a margin of error and have some bias in favor of a particular candidate.

If someone really wants to know how well a particular candidate is doing, look at the polls conducted in the "Swing states" rather than the polls conducted in historically democrat leaning or republican leaning states. Plus there is the national average that is given on web sites like fivethirtyeight or realclearpolitics.

I have not seen any reports of his tie dropping. I`m not happy with the Electoral College because of what you just pointed out.

We don`t need it anymore but it`s still in play. I ask myself why all the time.
I have not seen any reports of his tie dropping. I`m not happy with the Electoral College because of what you just pointed out.

We don`t need it anymore but it`s still in play. I ask myself why all the time.

Granted you might not like the information you see. To make it easy for you to keep track.

1. Including historical data and the economy: "FivethirtyEight's" Polls-Plus Forcast
2. Polls only data: "FiveThirtyEight's" Polls-Only Forcast
3. If the election was today: "FiveThirtyEight's" Now-Cast