The Battle Rages On: Class Warfare.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if I would call it class warfare,
If I am updated correctly it's not so much that one person has more and that is bad it's that the ownership of the money is in the hands of a private corporation.

The way to change things is abolish the Private Corporation called Federal Reserve Bank.
Put the ownership of the Money back into the hands of Government and subject to the voters influence.

I think the nature of living is rather simple.. We are a child and learn to be responsible in a way that we contribute to society.
Then we slowly come to terms with the fact that the economic game is the domain of a select few ultra-wealthy Bankers and that change is hard because there is already a long line of those who claim a share ahead of you.
At some point the corruption overtakes society and becomes society where only a strong police force can keep order when the propaganda of the State fails to contain the effects of massive failed economic realities.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
If I am updated correctly it's not so much that one person has more and that is bad it's that the ownership of the money is in the hands of a private corporation.

The way to change things is abolish the Private Corporation called Federal Reserve Bank.
Put the ownership of the Money back into the hands of Government and subject to the voters influence.
If you get rid of the fed, they will just find new ways to rig the game.

Want to stop the problem for good? Just stop all campaign financing and make all state wide and national elections publicly funded. It's so expensive to get elected that candidates must cater to the needs of special interest groups in order to be able to afford to run at all.

Stop the money flowing through our election process and elected officials can go back to representing people instead of corporate interests. Publicly funded elections would do more to solve our problems long term than anything else we could possibly do.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Who F&%king cares how much money others have.......Class envy put into political action has only one results.
We care because those profits are coming out of the pockets of the majority of Americans. We care because these tax cuts we keep giving the wealthy are the reason we have an enormous national debt. The profits of the ultra wealthy are destroying the foundation of the America we know and love.

I don't disapprove of the existence of rich people. I disapprove of them manipulating the system to the point where they are destroying America and decreasing the quality of living for the majority of Americans so they can rake in record profits.

Basically, I don't care that they are wealthy, I care that this new record breaking wealth comes at the expense of the country and the people in it.


Well-Known Member
If you get rid of the fed, they will just find new ways to rig the game.

Want to stop the problem for good? Just stop all campaign financing and make all state wide and national elections publicly funded. It's so expensive to get elected that candidates must cater to the needs of special interest groups in order to be able to afford to run at all.

Stop the money flowing through our election process and elected officials can go back to representing people instead of corporate interests. Publicly funded elections would do more to solve our problems long term than anything else we could possibly do.
I did come to that understanding. From what I understand the monetary system we have is getting to a point that it is reaching a maximum of borrowing.
So instead of the system recovering from the local economics they are hyper extended all over the planet and our local economics is just part of our Banks domain.
So, now we are seeing that Organized labor is a problem. Jobs that pay well is a problem, health care is wrong for us but not them including our elected Government.
In general all social needs are the enemy because we must service the debt. I figure if they have lied their way into a corner the best thing is to burn the house down not make sure they can afford a room extension.

Maybe I still don't understand... Feel free to clue me in.


Well-Known Member
We care because those profits are coming out of the pockets of the majority of Americans. We care because these tax cuts we keep giving the wealthy are the reason we have an enormous national debt. The profits of the ultra wealthy are destroying the foundation of the America we know and love.

I don't disapprove of the existence of rich people. I disapprove of them manipulating the system to the point where they are destroying America and decreasing the quality of living for the majority of Americans so they can rake in record profits.

Basically, I don't care that they are wealthy, I care that this new record breaking wealth comes at the expense of the country and the people in it.
This statement is so backwards and nonsensicle it defies all logic. This is a very good example of how little the public understand the free market and the relationship between private and public sectors. Your comment is predicated on a mythical concept that wealth is static. That there is only one pie that we all have to share. If I get more, someone has to get less........ Total Horseshit! I can create wealth out of thin air through ingenuity and hardwork. The Government doesn't control or own the means of production nor can it control it. As for the Corporation fear. You don't fear private corporations. You fear the power they gain when Government mettles with Corporations. Profit are good for everyone.......


New Member
once people learn how to play the game they will be better off pretty simple really anyone can open up a company just think then you can write off portions of all your bills and expenses and in the end its a + for you

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I did come to that understanding. From what I understand the monetary system we have is getting to a point that it is reaching a maximum of borrowing
The debt ceiling. Technically true, but that's not as big of a deal as it sounds. We've reached that limit many times. When that happens congress votes to extend the limit.

There is no real maximum borrowing limit. If countries that we owe money to stopped lending us money, we would most likely default on the money we already owe them. That would cause serious and immediate damage to their economies and hurt them in the long term as well since they'd no longer collect interest payments from us. Basically, it's in their best interests to keep loaning us money.

The problem with our debt is not some huge immediate impending disaster. It's that we have to pay interest on that debt. Instead of our tax dollars going towards building new highways or healthcare, it goes towards paying off the interest on our debt.

So instead of the system recovering from the local economics they are hyper extended all over the planet and our local economics is just part of our Banks domain.

So, now we are seeing that Organized labor is a problem. Jobs that pay well is a problem, health care is wrong for us but not them including our elected Government.
We are seeing it that way because people who want the real problems continue are characterizing it that way. Make no mistake about it, the wealthy elite are benefiting greatly from our current economic conditions. They want things to get worse, not better.

When things get worse for us, they get better for them. When they bust a union and lower the benefits for those workers, that's bad for us and good for them. It takes power away from the biggest source of working class political influence as well as lowers workers wages across the board. That remains true even for public employees unions. A company who wants to hire someone who is qualified to work one of those public employee unions now has to offer less compensation to get qualified people to take the job. That means lower labor costs which means the employer makes a larger profit.

So when those unions are busted, the wealthy win in 3 ways.

1) Lower labor costs

2) Less working class influence in our political system means they get more influence

3) That tax money saved by cutting public worker's pay goes to the wealthy in the form of tax cuts.

In general all social needs are the enemy because we must service the debt.
And we have that debt because we keep lowering the taxes of the wealthy. In the 50's-70's we didn't have massive crippling debt because the wealthy paid their fair share and the system worked. But then we elected a country western actor president who's economic education appeared to come from reading fortune cookies. So we adopted an unsustainable tax system that makes the wealthy even wealthier and slowly is taking everyone else to the poor house. After 30 years of the same failed policy with the same debt you'd think we would learn, but people are still believing the same lies they have been since Reagan.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
This statement is so backwards and nonsensicle it defies all logic.
Stating that does not make it true.

This is a very good example of how little the public understand the free market and the relationship between private and public sectors.
Not really. I'm pretty up to speed on things. No need to take a condescending tone with me.

Your comment is predicated on a mythical concept that wealth is static. That there is only one pie that we all have to share. If I get more, someone has to get less........ Total Horseshit! I can create wealth out of thin air through ingenuity and hardwork.
Sure you CAN make money without making other people poor. But that doesn't mean people aren't getting wealthy by making other people poor. Downsizing and outsourcing are increasing corporate profits dramatically. When you cut spending you are usually talking about cutting services to the middle class and poor which has the same effect as raising taxes on them, and then you want to redistribute their money to the rich. Those are without a doubt a good examples of making people very wealthy AND harming the American middle class in the process.

Saying something is possible is much different than saying something is happening. You're talking about a possibility, I'm talking about the reality of the world we are living in.

As for the Corporation fear. You don't fear private corporations. You fear the power they gain when Government mettles with Corporations.
I don't fear corporations, I've created and am the CEO of both a MBNPC and an LLC. Corporations are things. They are just business tools. I don't fear corporations any more than a lumberjack fears axes.

Profit are good for everyone.......
Profits are good for the people who are making the profit.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
once people learn how to play the game they will be better off pretty simple really anyone can open up a company just think then you can write off portions of all your bills and expenses and in the end its a + for you
Indeed. People have no idea how simple it is to get started.


Well-Known Member
Oh man the Seduction part one...

So first step to ownership is the contract?

I'm just digesting what I have learned.

jeff f

New Member
Evil evil corportations, lets just get rid of the top ten and let the poor replace those jobs.

CompanyEmployees1. Wal-Mart 1,800,000 2. McDonald's 447,000 3. United Parcel Service 407,000 4. Sears Holdings 355,000 5. Home Depot 345,000 6. Targe t337,000 7. IBM 329,373 8. General Motors 327,000 9. General Electric 316,000
but wait, those companies all suck and pay really low low low wages, with no benenfits, and werent built by unions, oops, i wasnt supposed to say that.... and they suck balls.......oh wait, none of thats true. weird huh?


Active Member
Oh man the Seduction part one...

So first step to ownership is the contract?

I'm just digesting what I have learned.
I would imagine more like; a business plan a bank would lend on, money to back it, lawyers to help point out loopholes.....lots of research to decide what faction you want to be associated with, a separate tax lawyer for the gov and write-offs...then maybe a contract?



Well-Known Member
Stating that does not make it true.

Not really. I'm pretty up to speed on things. No need to take a condescending tone with me.

Sure you CAN make money without making other people poor. But that doesn't mean people aren't getting wealthy by making other people poor. Downsizing and outsourcing are increasing corporate profits dramatically. When you cut spending you are usually talking about cutting services to the middle class and poor which has the same effect as raising taxes on them, and then you want to redistribute their money to the rich. Those are without a doubt a good examples of making people very wealthy AND harming the American middle class in the process.

Saying something is possible is much different than saying something is happening. You're talking about a possibility, I'm talking about the reality of the world we are living in.

I don't fear corporations, I've created and am the CEO of both a MBNPC and an LLC. Corporations are things. They are just business tools. I don't fear corporations any more than a lumberjack fears axes.

Profits are good for the people who are making the profit.
I love your Circular logic. Very Heglian of you. And Just like Engles' Dialectics you think just because a theory (the one above) exist, it's existance validates it's position. You have a lack of understanding. Both of the free market system and the principle by which it is governed. People like youself are the reason the Bulsheviks walked into Moscow and destroyed a century of human kind.


New Member
peeps you dont even need money from a bank to open a business, you can be either corporation, propriotership,
all you need is a name go to AMA for like 60.00 they will do a search of the company name you picked wants that goes through then you need to register your name you can either do it at AMA if your a member or any licensing , registration place for vehicles
wants you did that your in business now you can take a portion of your house a room, basement , garage etc and make it your office / workplace now not only can you write off a portion of your rent / power bill, and other expenses even if you didnt make a dime. you can really decide what kind of business you want to do at there expense cha ching

and even the cost of opening your business initial start up 350,00 is a write off
what you got infront of you is a amazing tool your PC you can start up anything free downloads how to make a web site etc
look how many people made money with the slinky , Pet rock hell you can make a simple stupid looking doll call it the diamond series doll and your in business all about marketing take some time its all infront of you hell even making a doll and taking 40 percent proceeds for the people who are in a disaster cha ching thats 40 percent taxable benfit to you
i tell i my self once worked at a dead end job getting shit on etc hating work
all i can say is its amazing how you will feel once you have your own business and control of your destiny its financial freedom
i tell you 7 yrs ago i couldnt borrow a fckin penny my credit score sucked now i can buy a new truck anything i want over the phone and pick it up next day

i laugh how people go to banks shaking in there boots trying to get a loan begging, doesnt work that way you need to go to bank and say listen i am here today to give you a opportunity to make money thats how you think of it peeps


New Member
owe i forgot DO NOT BORROW MONEY keep it small keep it simple slowly build your business into a empire thats number 1 thing business do is become to big to fast and thats why so many fail


Well-Known Member
It bothers me when people all of a sudden realize life was gonna be hard when they grow up and didn't prepare well enough for it and blame there problems on everything else in life, truly sad. Maybe if you took life a bit more seriously before your 30's you'd be somewhere today, but what do I know, I grew up poor and maybe had a bit more ambition early on in life so I didn't repeat my parents life and made something of myself along with back up plans in case my original ideas fell through.

I was the eldest out of 4 and my family of 6 shared a room with a space heater in the winter. I know what poor is.