Hillary Promises To Deliver Regular Press Conferences... On One Condition

jesusfuck, it stinks of desperation and fucktardery in here.

"she's permanently brain damaged! corruption! she rigged the primary! racist KKK lover!"

meanwhile, trump is literally endorsed by the KKK, on trial for fraud and racketeering in multiple states and for raping a child in anothr, has been caught making illegal donations to pam bondi to avoid RICO charges in a third state, has a completely phony doctor's note, and would be the oldest ever to take office if he gets elected, which he won't. and he's trying to rig the election by making sure blacks are disenfranchised "with surgical precision".

i guess the trump loving racist retards have to project. a lot.
Granted you might not like the information you see. To make it easy for you to keep track.

1. Including historical data and the economy: "FivethirtyEight's" Polls-Plus Forcast
2. Polls only data: "FiveThirtyEight's" Polls-Only Forcast
3. If the election was today: "FiveThirtyEight's" Now-Cast

It`s all about the 538 Electoral Votes. It looks like they will meet /tie about November again, None of this would be possible if the Electoral College is abolished. The only reason we keep it is because it`s not a fair system anymore.

For what it`s worth, I have met very few people in Boston that have anything nice to say about Hillary, and they say she wins Ma by default. I feel more people in Ma don`t like Hillary but the Electoral College says she wins anyway.
jesusfuck, it stinks of desperation and fucktardery in here.

"she's permanently brain damaged! corruption! she rigged the primary! racist KKK lover!"

meanwhile, trump is literally endorsed by the KKK, on trial for fraud and racketeering in multiple states and for raping a child in anothr, has been caught making illegal donations to pam bondi to avoid RICO charges in a third state, has a completely phony doctor's note, and would be the oldest ever to take office if he gets elected, which he won't. and he's trying to rig the election by making sure blacks are disenfranchised "with surgical precision".

i guess the trump loving racist retards have to project. a lot.

She does forget a lot.
Risk a gaff ? How does an honest person with nothing to hide do that ?
The Trump campaign is desperate and hoping she makes a mistake because that's the only thing that can save Trump's campaign. Unlike Trump, Clinton is running a disciplined campaign and doesn't need to take this risk. So, she won't. Your thinking is muddled.
jesusfuck, it stinks of desperation and fucktardery in here.

"she's permanently brain damaged! corruption! she rigged the primary! racist KKK lover!"

meanwhile, trump is literally endorsed by the KKK, on trial for fraud and racketeering in multiple states and for raping a child in anothr, has been caught making illegal donations to pam bondi to avoid RICO charges in a third state, has a completely phony doctor's note, and would be the oldest ever to take office if he gets elected, which he won't. and he's trying to rig the election by making sure blacks are disenfranchised "with surgical precision".

i guess the trump loving racist retards have to project. a lot.

Deflection isn't an argument.

Yes, Trump is a piece of shit. So is Hillary. What next?
Deflection isn't an argument.

Yes, Trump is a piece of shit. So is Hillary. What next?

who said anything about deflection? i was talking about how much you racist retards like to project.

hillary actually released her medical records. trump gave us a fake note from a phony doctor.

hillary never rigged any election. trump is literally trying to disenfranchise black voters "with surgical precision".

hillary has been under the eye of the FBI at the behest of republicans for phony, made up scandals. they have found nothing. meanwhile, trump is on trial for RICO violations, fraud and racketeering, raping a child, and more.

hillary embraced robert byrd, a reformed racist who spent decades fighting for civil rights, earning a 100% rating with the NAACP. trump is literally endorsed by the KKK.

hillary has been accused of "pay for play" with no evidence. trump was caught making an illegal donation to pam bondi in return for not being sued under RICO violations.

literally everything against hillary are the imaginary, made up, desperate smear attempts of a losing campaign. for everything you shitheads have made up against hillary, there is something much worse and very real happening int he land of trump.

trump is a piece of shit. hillary isn't, unless you make up a whole bunch of shit.

so keep projecting. it is the hallmark of a desperate, flailing, losing campaign.
who said anything about deflection? i was talking about how much you racist retards like to project.

hillary actually released her medical records. trump gave us a fake note from a phony doctor.

hillary never rigged any election. trump is literally trying to disenfranchise black voters "with surgical precision".

hillary has been under the eye of the FBI at the behest of republicans for phony, made up scandals. they have found nothing. meanwhile, trump is on trial for RICO violations, fraud and racketeering, raping a child, and more.

hillary embraced robert byrd, a reformed racist who spent decades fighting for civil rights, earning a 100% rating with the NAACP. trump is literally endorsed by the KKK.

hillary has been accused of "pay for play" with no evidence. trump was caught making an illegal donation to pam bondi in return for not being sued under RICO violations.

literally everything against hillary are the imaginary, made up, desperate smear attempts of a losing campaign. for everything you shitheads have made up against hillary, there is something much worse and very real happening int he land of trump.

trump is a piece of shit. hillary isn't, unless you make up a whole bunch of shit.

so keep projecting. it is the hallmark of a desperate, flailing, losing campaign.

The FBI clearly stated she did violate laws. He said as much in his press conference. The Clinton Foundation has hardly been investigated but certainly should be. 17% goes to stated goals... 17%. Clinton's emails prove that there was pay for play going on too.


A lot of bankers committed a lot of crimes in the run up to 2008 and none of them went to jail either. That's just a sign of a completely corrupt banana republic. Just like not prosecuting leaders for crimes they commit is another hallmark.

There have been many academic studies that prove beyond a shadow of any doubt there has been large scale election rigging going ever since the introduction of electronic voting machines. And that's ignoring all the traditional methods of attempted rigging (ie: Gerrymandering) and general fraud that occur.

Trump is clearly a sleeze. We agree on that. He's also a great friend of Hillary. Guy is basically throwing the election to one of the most easily unlikable candidates in history.
The Trump campaign is desperate and hoping she makes a mistake because that's the only thing that can save Trump's campaign. Unlike Trump, Clinton is running a disciplined campaign and doesn't need to take this risk. So, she won't. Your thinking is muddled.

Why is there a risk ? What mistake can a clean honest person at a press conference make ?
This venue isn't Clinton's strong suit and so she won't hold a media circus. Let Trump step all over himself.

It`s not her strong point, Does she have something to hide ? Why should she be strong if there`s nothing to hide or foul her campaign ? It don`t make any sense and neither do your excuses.

What a co-inky-dink, Hillary has excuses too.
The FBI clearly stated she did violate laws. He said as much in his press conference. The Clinton Foundation has hardly been investigated but certainly should be. 17% goes to stated goals... 17%. Clinton's emails prove that there was pay for play going on too.


A lot of bankers committed a lot of crimes in the run up to 2008 and none of them went to jail either. That's just a sign of a completely corrupt banana republic. Just like not prosecuting leaders for crimes they commit is another hallmark.

There have been many academic studies that prove beyond a shadow of any doubt there has been large scale election rigging going ever since the introduction of electronic voting machines. And that's ignoring all the traditional methods of attempted rigging (ie: Gerrymandering) and general fraud that occur.

Trump is clearly a sleeze. We agree on that. He's also a great friend of Hillary. Guy is basically throwing the election to one of the most easily unlikable candidates in history.

independent charity trackers have found that the clintons give 88% to charity. and everything you said after that was bullshit too.

stick to telling us how much you hate "multiculturalism". racist idiot.
