Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member

These cola's are looking nice but I am still some what disheartened by the PH burn't leaves...I am considering removing the more burn't ones like the one visable in this pic. (Bottom left). I dunno if it'll make much difference to my ladies growth. I hope not.....But hey ho :) Its funny.. I am trying to figure what my next 2 seed's are going to be already..N I am going to make damn sure I don't slip up on the PH ever again - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

The under growth looks more healthy..But to be fair the cola's dont look bad at all :) .. They need to hurry up though..I blazed a Q in under 2 days n am dry now.. I hope my mate can sort me a nice bit before night falls - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

I am glad I have decided to UPDATE on MONDAY's now instead of every few days! There is defo more to look at and learn from - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

I decided to thin the Tomato plants again, and in doing so have uncovered some more Tomatoes.. Although in these pics its not so obvious..Watch out for my next UPDATE as I am expecting a fair few Red ones to emerge - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

A couple of the Tomatoes above the reflector are coming along fine even though they have limited light :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Now thats what I am talking about!! I am truely looking forward to my next UPDATE as the Tomatoes should be looking hella nice and also the buds on my ladies will be another week closer to harvest :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear its helping stealthy! a buddy of mine reminded me about a product he uses in his closet. damprid the stuff is cheap and you can make a bigger one with a net pot and a bucket. he modified his container so that it drains out his waste water pipes and outside. he never has to dump it just add more crystals as it gets low. he bought the largest one for like $20. it dropped his humidity by 10% in a 5x5x7 closet.
Yeah it sure is, its a piece of mind more than anything :) I'll look into that 'Damprid' stuff... would it be a problem if my Humidity dropped a further 10% (45-50 atm) ?? As I say though I'll look into it and if I can work summink out and install it well.. I will do so :) Cheers for the LINK man appreciated! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

That Damprid stuff looks quite good..I hope I can find some for a good price.. I think I'll get 2 if I can :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
dropping your humidity will help increase resin production, if you can get down into the 30% range toward the end of flower you wont have to worry much about mold.


Well-Known Member
dropping your humidity will help increase resin production, if you can get down into the 30% range toward the end of flower you wont have to worry much about mold.

Do you think it may be benificial to have a larger dehumidifier in the actual room I have the cab in?.. I mean the cab draws air in from the main room, but the cab also expels air into the same room. Have you any other surgestions on how to lower my humidity that don't include running my in-line on full power (sounds like a jet engine) Cheers SCCA - STELTHY :leaf:

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Do you think it may be benificial to have a larger dehumidifier in the actual room I have the cab in?.. I mean the cab draws air in from the main room, but the cab also expels air into the same room. Have you any other surgestions on how to lower my humidity that don't include running my in-line on full power (sounds like a jet engine) Cheers SCCA - STELTHY :leaf:
hey stelth dog looking fooookin sweet my man :)

i run my de-humidifer in my house 24/7 during the winter months to help with the humidity. i have a big fish tank which dont help lol. i normally move it into the grow room during the day and back downstairs at night when i can be bothered. its a year or so old now so makes a bit of a racket, just a homebase standard one about 100 quid though lol. i dont check my humidity levels but havent suffered with mold yet touch wood.

just my 2pence :)


hello m8 yet again nice update. sorry about the humidity question i should of read your journal a bit better instead of drueling over the screen i started running my fan 24/7 too all sorted from what i can tell so cheers dude. im also one step closer to smellovision tape a bud to the bottom of the monitor close your eyes and sniff the only problem is your bud smells just like what i am smoking now lol. and thanks again for all your time and patience. +rep


Well-Known Member
hey stelth dog looking fooookin sweet my man :)

i run my de-humidifer in my house 24/7 during the winter months to help with the humidity. i have a big fish tank which dont help lol. i normally move it into the grow room during the day and back downstairs at night when i can be bothered. its a year or so old now so makes a bit of a racket, just a homebase standard one about 100 quid though lol. i dont check my humidity levels but havent suffered with mold yet touch wood.

just my 2pence :)
Hi dude..Yeah man I have a fish tank in there too lol, I think its like 500L What size is your De-humidifier ?? Does it use much power ? I'll look about n see what bargains I can find for 100 notes :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
hello m8 yet again nice update. sorry about the humidity question i should of read your journal a bit better instead of drueling over the screen i started running my fan 24/7 too all sorted from what i can tell so cheers dude. im also one step closer to smellovision tape a bud to the bottom of the monitor close your eyes and sniff the only problem is your bud smells just like what i am smoking now lol. and thanks again for all your time and patience. +rep
Cheers dude :) Yeah running the fan 24/7 is defo the way to go...even when I open the cab the smell is greatly reduced, and that means less air freshener etc.. No worries man.. I am dying for a dooby.. am gonna go n bug my mate for some shortly :) its a tough call though cos I am starving hungry too n have steak, egg n chips at my disposal too :) ah decision's.... Important thing 1st (bud) then I'll sort out food :) That's funny [Taping bud to your screen] lol - STELTHY :leaf:

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Hi dude..Yeah man I have a fish tank in there too lol, I think its like 500L What size is your De-humidifier ?? Does it use much power ? I'll look about n see what bargains I can find for 100 notes :) - STELTHY :leaf:
i think its supposed 2 do something like 10L a day with a 1.5L tank, dont quote me though lol it fills the 1.5L tank in a day if ur lucky lol. 220w i'm sure it is, which is quite a bit but i only really need it in the winter/colder months which could be looked at as general house hold electric going up coz its getting colder type thing. mr stealth in mind. as mentioned mine is a bit noisy so even if u run the big dehumidifier during the day on a timer or something? just double check that it would work on a timer type thing some are a bit technical, mine just has an on/off button and a full light indicator lol. the reason i mention is i had a high tech fan with little buttons not a switch and it wouldnt work on a timer, just kept reseting itself. sorry dont mean to teach you to suck eggs bro, i'm know ur not stupid lol.

i tried to work out the size of my fish tank in L, i'm think its 600L its 2m x 50cm x 60cm. what type of fish u got in urs? i got a tropical community tank, various barbs, clown loaches, guramis, tetras, frogs kooli, loach and tin foil barbs, cory catfish probs a few i forgot lol


Well-Known Member
Today I decided to snip off a couple of the burn't leaves the GWS had gained... I strategically did this only where buds sites were starved of light, I also removed dead foliage from the other plants. I gave all the girls a lick of water/nuits and am hoping to have some nice pics ready for next MONDAY's UPDATE, to be more proud of !! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just Checked my humidity and its in the 35 - 40 area :) :) :) .....Very good news!! I've learn't Vegging plants need 18/6 of the in-line fan on - (18hrs on) to accompany the lighting and also for condensation build up at night time (6hrs).. This increases the humidity for the Vegging stage.. Then in Flower the plants need 24/7 of the in-line fan - (24hrs on,7 Days a week), This will keep the humidity low for the Flowering stage, even though the plants only get 12/12 of light, this will keep my plants healthy, with a much lower risk of bud rott/mould, and also help increase resin glands. I am happy I have that sussed now :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hi Stealthy , thanks for all your advice a few month back about building a stealth cabinet , its finished now and currently houses 3 ladies :) ive updated my original post if you wanna check the pics out .. also how do i sub to threads i wanna keep in touch with this one !


Well-Known Member
Hi Stealthy , thanks for all your advice a few month back about building a stealth cabinet , its finished now and currently houses 3 ladies :) ive updated my original post if you wanna check the pics out .. also how do i sub to threads i wanna keep in touch with this one !
Glad you've finished your cab, and my advice was helpful :) I just checked out the thread. and all's looking good n well. Also NOTE: you are subbed the moment you enter a post on the said thread, alternatively what I do is just add the page to my 'Favourites' on my PC its a lot easier to keep track of peep's progress, Glad your liking my thread/work so far...My next update will be on MONDAY, stay tuned for more awesomeness :) - STELTHY :leaf: