Well-Known Member
No, you have to be publicly traded to be evil. At least that is what the rules were explained to be earlier.I own a corporation, does that make me evil?![]()
No, you have to be publicly traded to be evil. At least that is what the rules were explained to be earlier.I own a corporation, does that make me evil?![]()
What makes it a union buster is the neutering of the union by taking their collective bargaining right away.....Your tone clarifies your logic and motivations. You sir are jealous. You dont have what they have and that bothers you. ...... "Those damned elitist teachers and janitors getting more than me!!"
No jealousy here. I could have a union job if I wanted. They are not that difficult to get around here. I just don’t like unions. Plus I'm more than capable of negotiating for myself. I think public sector unions should be made illegal, my personal opinion (it’ll never happen I know). In the private sector if the owners are willing o play ball with a union more power to them.Its not their fault that you cant negotiate with your employer. It also isnt their fault they get what they get. Their pay and benefits are NEGOTIATED, someone had to agree to their terms.
My information is factual but Im not supplying a link because I dont care to broadcast where Im from. In my area 2 big unions give 4 weeks paid vacation to start. After every 5 years you get another week paid. I know this for a fact because I have relatives and friends that work for both. They also get 90% after 20 years. After 30 they get 95% plus full health benefits for life. I know this for a fact and dont give 2 shits if some stupid internet fuck believes me or either young or stupid...not even the military gives you 4 weeks a year vacation (try two ) and do tell what union job gives you 90% of your pay when you retire after 20 years of service...last time I check the military was the quickest route to retirement with a decent base pay with only 20 years...stop talking out the side of your neck makes you look....and when you care to use numbers make sure you use factual avoids you having to correct yourself on the stupidity you quickly write down without checking... I said you either young or stupid but you can choose both.
Mines collaspe without unions? Furthermore, teachers don't work in mines. Prevailing sentiment in the old days thought child labor and deplorable working conditions were normal. Now, we do not.
I haven't seen anything showing a correlation between unionized states having better education. Furthermore, you can have decent wage without absurd pensions and benifits. Additionally, union negotiations makes firing shitty teachers problematic. What was your point or was it just a steamy queef?
Of course you don't. Budgets aren't real. Just shake the money tree harder right? At what level of broke would you say it hasn't worked? Also, we aren't talking minimum wage with no benifits. Drama queen rhetoric...
For one thing the retirement is being funded by the workers 100%. It would be difficult to make them pay more.
Governor Scott Walker gave a tax break to the wealthy that is pretty close to the deficit numbers he is complaining about.
If he just wanted the workers to contribute more to their health care that would have NOTHING to do with the ability of collective bargaining.
If he would drop the Union undermining/collective bargaining war people would probably stop fighting him.
WRONG!! The teachers pension ( Retirement) is 97% paid for by the public (that's you and me).
based on my observation, he is simply throwing a temper tantrum because he was completely unable to support his assertion that public sector unions put the state of wisconsin in debt.
and now he is crying like a baby.
quit your crying, put on your man pants, and produce an argument. ya crybaby.
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One of the auto parts manufactures around michigan, I forget which... Closed up shop for 2 years to get away from paying decent wages/unions. After 2 years, they opened up shop and strictly use temp agencies to hire the same goddamn skilled workers, and now only have to pay them minimum wage. How do you feel about that? Does that seem ethical to you?
I heard from my brothers cousins wife that the government has probes in your butt. Did you even bother to think about what you just said? "I don't know what Im talking about but this happened for sure, I just don't know when or where... or who.. or why... or what was that other one.. or yea! how"
My information is factual but Im not supplying a link because I dont care to broadcast where Im from. In my area 2 big unions give 4 weeks paid vacation to start. After every 5 years you get another week paid. I know this for a fact because I have relatives and friends that work for both. They also get 90% after 20 years. After 30 they get 95% plus full health benefits for life. I know this for a fact and dont give 2 shits if some stupid internet fuck believes me or not.
You talk about how great unions are and youre not even unionized. Why not? If youre a union supporter you should start the process tomorrow. Give them some of your money. What would your grandfather say if he knew you were just another greedy capitalist pig.
I...If they aren't lazy ass janitors who dropped out of school, have no eduction, and have no plan for the future. Why do you think someone who goes to school for 4 years and has a plan and works to improve their lives should be punished for it to help pay for someone who is an idiot and obviously doesn't care how they live since they have no plan or drive to change it?
Teachers make an average of 50k more or less in Wisconsin. They don't work 12 months. If they worked 12 months like the rest of us they would make more like 60k+. Teaching is mon-fri, all weekends and holidays off.
As I sit here remembering the hundreds of pages of long subtraction that my teachers got paid that much to give me - I think we need to be realistic about exactly what the teachers do. I think that computers with learning programs in cubicles could replace many teachers. They spend more time baby sitting and dealing with BS than teaching.
UPDATE: Since this post was published earlier today, many commenters have made the point that, while it is true that it is state employees’ own money that funds the pension plan, when the pension plan comes up short it is up to the taxpayer to make up the difference.
There is some truth in this – but not as much as many seem to think. Because the pension plan is a defined benefit plan – requiring the state to pay the agreed benefit for however long the employee may live in retirement- if the employee lives longer than the actuarial plan anticipated, the taxpayer is on the hook for the pay-outs during the longer life.
But is this the fault of the state employees? The pension agreements are the result of collective bargaining. That means that the state has every opportunity to properly calculate the anticipated lifespan and then add on some margin for error. What’s more, the losses taken by the pension funds over the past few years can hardly be blamed on the employees.
As a result, the taxpayers do not contribute to the public employee pension programs so much as serve as insurers. If their elected officials have been sloppy , the taxpayers must stand behind it.
So when my 401k got cut in half when the market went to shit, it was really Uncle Sam's responsiblity to pick up the loss. This is not a decent wage problem...this is an impractical clusterfuck... ....If they want to have a pension, the gov should not have to guarantee it. You play in the market at your own risk.
if not then wait for your Mother to wake up and ask her to explain it to you..![]()