And your programmed to be a irresponsible idealistic titty baby who can't ween off the tit. Mommy isn't paying this credit card off
Yes that really supports your argument and lends to your credibility.
You know he just fakes that shit for effect right?based on my observation, he is simply throwing a temper tantrum because he was completely unable to support his assertion that public sector unions put the state of wisconsin in debt.
and now he is crying like a baby.
quit your crying, put on your man pants, and produce an argument. ya crybaby.
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Really? Are you sure you aren't the short bus rider yourself? I spent plenty of time in the Military, and got a month of vacation(Paid) every year. Every either young or stupid...not even the military gives you 4 weeks a year vacation (try two ) a
The unions aren't perfect, and neither are politicans or corperations. The fact of the matter is that republicans are trying to stomp out the unions, and I find that to be excessive. I hear shit like, "these union workers think they're better than the private sector..." If union workers are making more & getting better benefits, that makes the private sector have to step up their game to be competitive. I though that's what free market was all about? Instead, private sector want zero competition so they can treat workers like shit. And scott walker wants to give money to people who put their kids in private schools. Nevermind that they can already afford to put their kids in private school. Lets give them tax money on top of that...
This is not about left or right. This is a human right issue. You may not be able to see from your shrouded vantage point, sorry.
One of the auto parts manufactures around michigan, I forget which... Closed up shop for 2 years to get away from paying decent wages/unions. After 2 years, they opened up shop and strictly use temp agencies to hire the same goddamn skilled workers, and now only have to pay them minimum wage. How do you feel about that? Does that seem ethical to you?
I don't think unions were originally a bad idea, but our country's current prevailing sentiment and laws have made them somewhat irrelevant in regards to their original intended purpose.
They served their purpose, but now in order to justify their existence it has been neccesary to push the envelope beyond what is practical for anyone's budget, hence the rub.
I don't get great joy out saying any of this and wish it had worked out. But it didn't.
Lack of union representation does not make a mine collapse.what part of our country's 'prevailing sentiment' makes the purpose of unions irrelevant?
better yet, what part of our laws make unions irrelevant? mines are still collapsing on miners, minimum wage is poverty level, and corporations still employ all types and sorts of shady practices to avoid giving their employees benefits - legally.
Lack of union representation does not make a mine collapse.
Sorry Drama you are right...The military is the only place you will receive about 2.5 leave days a month. ( I only took about two weeks, but you are right it was 30 days a year)...but they also count your weekends as leave.. According to military regulations, leave must start and end in the local area. That means, if you begin your leave on Monday, you cannot leave the local area until Monday, even if you are off-duty on Saturday and Sunday. Conversely, if you schedule your leave to end on a Friday, you must return to the local area on that Friday, even if you're not scheduled for work until the following Monday....but you are right about the amount they give..thank you for the correction and again sorry for the misinfo..( hate when thats done even if by me) you did remind me that it was always 30 I just never took it all and actually was able to process out early and still received close to 60 days "terminal leave pay"Really? Are you sure you aren't the short bus rider yourself? I spent plenty of time in the Military, and got a month of vacation(Paid) every year. Every year.
Mines collaspe without unions? Furthermore, teachers don't work in mines. Prevailing sentiment in the old days thought child labor and deplorable working conditions were normal. Now, we do not.what part of our country's 'prevailing sentiment' makes the purpose of unions irrelevant?
better yet, what part of our laws make unions irrelevant? mines are still collapsing on miners, minimum wage is poverty level, and corporations still employ all types and sorts of shady practices to avoid giving their employees benefits - legally.
I haven't seen anything showing a correlation between unionized states having better education. Furthermore, you can have decent wage without absurd pensions and benifits. Additionally, union negotiations makes firing shitty teachers problematic. What was your point or was it just a steamy queef?paying a teacher a decent living wage is 'beyond what is practical for anyone's budget'?
apparently, you don't see the connection between quality teachers, quality education, and the short and long term benefits thereof.
education is an investment. if you think education is too expensive, TRY IGNORANCE. it seems you already may have, actually.
in fact, your statement above is an absolute festering pile of ejaculate, as the unions have already conceded EVERY financial demand made of them, despite being contractually promised it.
Of course you don't. Budgets aren't real. Just shake the money tree harder right? At what level of broke would you say it hasn't worked? Also, we aren't talking minimum wage with no benifits. Drama queen i fail to see how it is not practical for anyone's budget.
what about public sector unions didn't work out? the part where they agreed to make sacrifices during tough times that they did not precipitate, despite being contractually promised more?
the part where they secured a decent living wage for their members, a wage that helps attract better teachers than a minimum wage position with no benefits?
i fail to see what has not worked out.
Low flow toilets????? lmfao!!!!!!!!!! Did you know that water is a renewable resource? That's right! When you take a piss and it gets to the sewage treatment plant and they do their thing to it and then discharge it into whatever happens to be the nearest body of water, it then evaporates into the atmosphere and falls in the form of rain or snow on some other part of the world. Each time you take a walk in the rain you are being pissed on! lol! Unfortunately, some people live in areas where water is scarce because of the environment they live in. Deserts aren't good places for large numbers of people to live. Places like that will always have shortages. I highly doubt anybody is going to run out of water though, and if that did happen shouldn't they maybe go someplace that has plenty of water? Low flow toilets are one of the dumbest inventions ever. Convincing people that water is actually a vanishing resource is laughable. There's more than plenty of water on this planet for everyone. Those toilets you speak of have to be repeatedly flushed a lot of times just to get the shit to go down them. How is that conserving anything?Ummm...its pretty obvious how you feel about conservation if you take issue with regulations requiring low flow toilets. Personal freedom is all fine and dandy except when allowing people to do whatever they want runs the risk of everyone else running out of drinkable water.