

Well-Known Member
So everyone has heard of their bullshit and hitler like thinkings. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to shut down their websites. Not legally, but hacked into it and shut down. I am tired of bullshit like this being allowed. Would you let hitler preach on the streets? no.

Freedom of speech has its limits. The government will stop MJ protests but none of their shit?
well then its time to take it into our own hands.
well ill work on it. My plan is to end that church. If i cant shut down their website ill just wipe them off the earth. They aren't just anti gay, they r anti jew, anti america and many more. They kick the flag, they torment widows of soldiers and laugh at their funerals. I will not accept that, the government allows it, but i do not. I dont believe people can go out on streets with signs that say "Kill Jews" or "Kill Nword" so why would they be able to go out and do this crap? law loop holes. Well i make my own law.
well ill work on it. My plan is to end that church. If i cant shut down their website ill just wipe them off the earth. They aren't just anti gay, they r anti jew, anti america and many more. They kick the flag, they torment widows of soldiers and laugh at their funerals. I will not accept that, the government allows it, but i do not. I dont believe people can go out on streets with signs that say "Kill Jews" or "Kill Nword" so why would they be able to go out and do this crap? law loop holes. Well i make my own law.
I got an idea. You can walk into a gun store and walk out with a m-16 in america right?
Yea well thats my next step.

I Openly admit that i will kill these people if the government doesn't shut them up in the next month. I will make it my life to murder everyone of them, including the youngest.
Are you kidding me man?

"I don't like what someone has to say and daddy government won't come in and deny Constitutional rights so I'm going to take the law into my own hands and MURDER people."

If you don't like what someone says, and they're too stupid to understand your point of view, and too stubborn to change, why the fuck do you want their sappy ass on your team anyway?!

Nature will take care of them, you don't have to do shit.

What YOU propose is completely anti-American.

Think about it.

See im tired of this peaceful bullshit attitude of being better then them. No no no, i dont care what people think of me, i dont like that Hitler is allowed to freely speak. Sry but yea murder is necessary. You can sue them, write letters and all you want but that wont do shit.

I do not want to change them even if i believed they could be changed. I want them to end. Its simple. I tolerate alot of things but this group is worse then nazis and in our own country.
I wonder if their "Church status" allows them to have a tax free existance.

Never heard of them before as I live in Australia, but ... fuck-em, you can't do and say the crap that they get away with

... what's wrong with the States? is it that constitution crap again, the right to be a complete fucktard if that is your choice?
I would happily beat the shit out of some of these people if they showed up to a loved ones funeral.But I wouldn't waste my life killing them.
I wonder if their "Church status" allows them to have a tax free existance.

Never heard of them before as I live in Australia, but ... fuck-em, you can't do and say the crap that they get away with

... what's wrong with the States? is it that constitution crap again, the right to be a complete fucktard if that is your choice?

Yea its the constituition and loop holes in the law. The government is supposed to remain neutral in their lawmaking and judgements but sometimes you need to pick a side when its this awful.
I would happily beat the shit out of some of these people if they showed up to a loved ones funeral.But I wouldn't waste my life killing them.

I already gave up on my life. Im ready to end it myself anyways. I'd much rather go out doing something that will make the world a little better.
I bet killing some of them would only make there "movement" stronger to.
Gotta think of another way to get rid of them.
well if you really want to impress and it seems you do....shut the fuck up get a gun wipe em out and video tape it and put it on youtube...copy it and paste in this thread...........I hear alot of talk on the forums about killing and murder...but so far all its been is talk...so make me proud and DO IT.....othewise this thread is like that girl Geewiz....talk talk talk..................she is still alive....I want BLOOD>.......GUTS......DESTRUCTION if you are going to do it...show me.............othewise pass the fucking pipe dammit......and by the way Cypoz its your turn to buy the pizza.
Well i just snapped tonight. I have decided i don't want to live in this country/world. Its way to fucked up.

You will see it in the headlines in the future do not worry.