
cool....and you picked a great target.........you will go down in history and takeing out the scum dickwads of that church with you....awesome............Ill smoke to that.
Im getting pretty old so dont make it to much in the future or I may not be here to ejoy watching thos bastards get it.
no no, just enough time for me to get a plane ticket and weapon. Also i wanna plan it out to be perfect so i catch the most of them in the same place at once like their church.

If they are doing good in gods eyes then there is no other place with more chance of them being saved then the house of god. And when they are not saved then they will understand as they gurgle and choke own their own vial.
well if one exists im sure ill go to the same place as them. And if i see them there ill kill them again, and again.
WHOOP WHOOP yea they are in chuch...its been bombed before so I guess they have security ...and yes its a real church and they hide behind to stir shit up......did you see where they tried to out shout a funneral and lots of brothers on harleys showed up and drowned em out with loud pipes........YEP
no no, just enough time for me to get a plane ticket and weapon. Also i wanna plan it out to be perfect so i catch the most of them in the same place at once like their church.

If they are doing good in gods eyes then there is no other place with more chance of them being saved then the house of god. And when they are not saved then they will understand as they gurgle and choke own their own vial.
really though.Even if you managed to kill a bunch of them.Someone else will takeover and they'll become stronger because you motivated them by killing a couple dozen of them.
These people are nuts and I doubt killing a couple of them would make them stop.
Imo you shouldn't waste your time on them.Not like your serious anyway lol.
If your ready to die im sure theres better things you could do instead of killing a bunch of lunatics.
Yea some highschool kid bombed their yard. Bombs are too unpredictable. You dont know if u got them or not til later. I want them to see the face that puts an end to them. I want them to know that "god" would let an agnostic gun them down down rather then save them.
really though.Even if you managed to kill a bunch of them.Someone else will takeover and they'll become stronger because you motivated them by killing a couple dozen of them.
These people are nuts and I doubt killing a couple of them would make them stop.
Imo you shouldn't waste your time on them.Not like your serious anyway lol.
If your ready to die im sure theres better things you could do instead of killing a bunch of lunatics.

If i do execute this plan it will be perfect so i catch them all at once in one place. Bullets are cheap.

and what are the better things i could do?
maybe burn them inside the church like that mel gibson movie.
was it called patriot or something?
lol mel probably supports them.
If i do execute this plan it will be perfect so i catch them all at once in one place. Bullets are cheap.

and what are the better things i could do?

honestly cant think of any right now but im sure theres something lol.
i guess good luck.
Were alll gonna probably get accessory for posting in this thread to lmfao hahahaha
shit............now ya tell me dots.............uh I take back everything but the part about whos turn it is to buy pizza
so let me get this straight, that church is basically a group that goes out and rallies against homo's?
Haha thought of the best idea. I should just spike all their drinks with like 25 hits of grade A acid per person. Then they will all go crazy and kill themselves or be institutionalized.
much worse SloJo....they go to furnerals of vets that died in IRAQ and have signs saying all miltary are fags and deserve to die and posters at the funnerals...........they do thier shit on street corners and the web I dont care......but stay away from the funnerals
so let me get this straight, that church is basically a group that goes out and rallies against homo's?

no the church mostly does anti-gay stuff because its the thing that gets them the most attention. But they also hate jews, blacks, everyone else. The pastor/leader has said that he thinks the holocaust wasnt enough and didnt kill enough jews.

Then they go to the funerals of soldiers who have died in iraq and protest them saying its their fault they were killed because they let gays be gay.
no the church mostly does anti-gay stuff because its the thing that gets them the most attention. But they also hate jews, blacks, everyone else. The pastor/leader has said that he thinks the holocaust wasnt enough and didnt kill enough jews.

Then they go to the funerals of soldiers who have died in iraq and protest them saying its their fault they were killed because they let gays be gay.

HAHA!!! How dare the army let gays be gay!! But no I'm all for speaking out about gays but not like that. I hate homo's bleh, they can all suck a dick ...... wait
They dont go to homosexual soldier funerals, just iraq vet funerals in general. They say since they are fighting for america which lets gay do gay stuff then they deserve to die.