Donald Trump for President 2012


Well-Known Member
I just saw Trump on CNN yalking about running for president and putting a 25% import tax on Chinese imports. I would vote for him unless someone better like Ventura or Paul runs.
Donald Trump? I thought I saw his picture in the dictionary right beside the definition for "pompous ass".
Stick with obama. He's got the right idea. Voting him in was the best the America has done in a long time. What is it with you guys wanting to change your president every 5 minutes. I mean i can understand wanting bush out, obviously, but obama has a whole heap of shit to clean up after Bush. Voting for trump would be taking ten steps back, why, not because of his policy, infact i agree with the import tax on chinese goods, the chinese are sabotaging your domestic market by creating dependance (the fact they are cheaper) on cheap chinese goods produced in china. But because noone will take him seriously, how many people take Arnold seriously in california. Can you imagine ahmadinejad going to meet trump. "Hello mr president, i like your new show..... The Apprentice - The Presidency, how are the ratings???"
Seriously. The world would take America as a joke is Trump was pres. whats he going todo, FIRE a country he does not like. make them Resign from the planet. North Korea would Love to have TRUMP test them
Seriously indeed. I would vote palin before I voted for D trump. And I wuld sooner chop my plants & shove em up my ass before voting for palin.
I don't like Donald Trump...He seems like kind of a douche but I think he might be the right guy for the job, that's why I would vote for him. I think America would improve under his control
Stick with obama. He's got the right idea. Voting him in was the best the America has done in a long time. What is it with you guys wanting to change your president every 5 minutes. I mean i can understand wanting bush out, obviously, but obama has a whole heap of shit to clean up after Bush. Voting for trump would be taking ten steps back, why, not because of his policy, infact i agree with the import tax on chinese goods, the chinese are sabotaging your domestic market by creating dependance (the fact they are cheaper) on cheap chinese goods produced in china. But because noone will take him seriously, how many people take Arnold seriously in california. Can you imagine ahmadinejad going to meet trump. "Hello mr president, i like your new show..... The Apprentice - The Presidency, how are the ratings???"

Maybe you are more into obullshits NWO but I like to keep what I make. How about you share your wealth with me thats what your president wants you to do.
Donald trump could hide an entire arsenal of WMD under his frontal swoop. Would love to get him alone in a room...just me, him a high powered fan and a HD, High Speed that would be some kinda fun. Think it would be viral?
Stick with obama. He's got the right idea. Voting him in was the best the America has done in a long time. What is it with you guys wanting to change your president every 5 minutes. I mean i can understand wanting bush out, obviously, but obama has a whole heap of shit to clean up after Bush. Voting for trump would be taking ten steps back, why, not because of his policy, infact i agree with the import tax on chinese goods, the chinese are sabotaging your domestic market by creating dependance (the fact they are cheaper) on cheap chinese goods produced in china. But because noone will take him seriously, how many people take Arnold seriously in california. Can you imagine ahmadinejad going to meet trump. "Hello mr president, i like your new show..... The Apprentice - The Presidency, how are the ratings???"
Your right voting President Obama in is the best thing Americans could of done because it appears they are stopping the rush toward socialism.
President Reagan didn’t have a problem getting respect from other world leaders. Trump wouldn’t either. I bet he wouldn’t be bowing to dictators like some of our Presidents.
I just saw Trump on CNN yalking about running for president and putting a 25% import tax on Chinese imports. I would vote for him unless someone better like Ventura or Paul runs.

that tax on china would be the final straw for the poor people of this country. basically every good they need, clothes, shoes, etc would go up in cost 25 percent. many people would starve.
Maybe you are more into obullshits NWO but I like to keep what I make. How about you share your wealth with me thats what your president wants you to do.

Do you have any family members who are struggling to make a dollar, struggling to pay their medical bills.... would you pay to help them out???

And FYI, in New Zealand, where i live we have been "sharing the wealth" for the benefit of our nation and the community as a whole for decades. Nobody in NZ goes bankrupt because of medical costs.

Maybe if you were suffering from illness beyond your control you would understand. Reap what you sow.

I would like to quote you the opening line on our nations healthcare corporations website, and remember if you come to NZ (even just for a day) you are entitled to it as stated on its website..

Remember this when you come to MY COUNTRY -

"The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand." <<-- That means you too!!

IN NEW ZEALAND YOU ARE COVERED, NO MATTER WHAT!!!..... and i mean no offence, but you sound kind of selfish or greedy :(

Your right voting President Obama in is the best thing Americans could of done because it appears they are stopping the rush toward socialism.
President Reagan didn&#8217;t have a problem getting respect from other world leaders. Trump wouldn&#8217;t either. I bet he wouldn&#8217;t be bowing to dictators like some of our Presidents.

Obama is not bowing to anybody, he is doing what he can in the toxic political environment left him by Mr. Bush. In reality Trump would probably do alright, i think, but at the end of the day he is not president material. He wouldn't and couldn't be taken seriously on the world stage no matter how "successful" he has been on a personal level. He would always carry the stigma of da da da daaaaaa......"The Apprentice"

I agree that Obama is "slowing" not "stopping" the rush, as stopping it requires more time than i believe your nation will give him.

I beleive that Obama has the respect of World leaders, the only downfall is, world leaders (China, N Korea, Russia etc etc) can play on the knowledge that the US is SO divided at the moment. Therefore Obama doesn't have the weight he needs behind him. No fault of his own, the blame rests with what i call corporate-pocket-politicians and dillusional-mainstream-media personalities (Bill O'reily is the worst IMO) who shape the opinion of weaker personalities.

Bush understood the gullibility of the nation, and demonstrated this by manipulating right wing support in the media to pollute the minds of everyday people.
that tax on china would be the final straw for the poor people of this country. basically every good they need, clothes, shoes, etc would go up in cost 25 percent. many people would starve.

There are two sides to that argument, yes imported goods would cost more. But the effect would be more domestically produced goods, more jobs, more pay, more money. I would say the tax, longterm, would prove beneficial as opposed to not.