Donald Trump for President 2012

I don't like Donald Trump...He seems like kind of a douche but I think he might be the right guy for the job, that's why I would vote for him. I think America would improve under his control

When you control yourself and others control themselves and NOBODY controls another peaceful person...that's when America will improve. Ron Paul or Gary Johnson if I were to vote. Donald Trump can't control his bowels, they force shit to come out of his mouth all the time.
Do you have any family members who are struggling to make a dollar, struggling to pay their medical bills.... would you pay to help them out???

And FYI, in New Zealand, where i live we have been "sharing the wealth" for the benefit of our nation and the community as a whole for decades. Nobody in NZ goes bankrupt because of medical costs.

Maybe if you were suffering from illness beyond your control you would understand. Reap what you sow.

I would like to quote you the opening line on our nations healthcare corporations website, and remember if you come to NZ (even just for a day) you are entitled to it as stated on its website..

Remember this when you come to MY COUNTRY -

"The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents and visitors to New Zealand." <<-- That means you too!!

IN NEW ZEALAND YOU ARE COVERED, NO MATTER WHAT!!!..... and i mean no offence, but you sound kind of selfish or greedy :(

Sorry all my family WORKs for a living and yes we do help each other what families do. Do I want to pay medical bills for some illegal smuggling NO.
I am glad the NWO is working in NZ cause it is HELL here if you come here and get hurt you will lie on the street and die before you can the hospital to help you. There are people lying out side the hospital dying. So you should not come here no NWO hospitals.
Sorry all my family WORKs for a living and yes we do help each other what families do. Do I want to pay medical bills for some illegal smuggling NO.
I am glad the NWO is working in NZ cause it is HELL here if you come here and get hurt you will lie on the street and die before you can the hospital to help you. There are people lying out side the hospital dying. So you should not come here no NWO hospitals.

You owe your jobs to this.... "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free...". Ring a bell by any chance, or does it ring silent in your home?

And the feeling is mutual dude, with an attitude like that your welcome to stay where you are.
All a 25% tax on chinese goods will do is raise prices on things people have to buy from China.
Even if we made all the stuff we buy from them here all it will do is raise prices,
And redivert useful labor assets to improductive government subsudized jobs.
Now is not the time for protectionism.
Now is the time to buckle down make the hard choices.
Seriously indeed. I would vote palin before I voted for D trump. And I wuld sooner chop my plants & shove em up my ass before voting for palin.

haha I agree but I wouldnt vote for either I would pencil in "mickey mouse" before I voted those two idiots. Do you know how much money we would generate with an import tax on chinese items considering they make everything. That would pay for the bailouts all by itself lol
All a 25% tax on chinese goods will do is raise prices on things people have to buy from China.
Even if we made all the stuff we buy from them here all it will do is raise prices,
And redivert useful labor assets to improductive government subsudized jobs.
Now is not the time for protectionism.
Now is the time to buckle down make the hard choices.

Good point.
We have a 500 billion dollar a year trade deficit with China, 25% of 500 Billion is 125 Billion. Total of the bailouts so far is 11.6 Trillion. Its going to take 90+ years to pay off the bailout with a import tax, and that only assumes that government stops spending increases and brings the US Treasury Bond rates to less than 2%. Creating a 25% tax would also cause retaliation by the Chinese who can sell $1 trillion in treasuries overnight to cause wholesale collapse of the USA Economy overnight and making bread cost $100 a loaf. Want to see the end of the world as you know it? Try to Fuck the Chinaman.

If you decide to Visit New Zealand, they will only cover medical if you get INJURED while there, no cancer treatments, no kidney dialysis, no AIDS medicines. You get free help if while visiting you broke your arm, or got cut and need stitches, they aren't going to cure your Hemorrhoids or give you surgery for a botched nose job in California.

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries to ever be completely overrun by sheep. Buggery of the bleating is a serious problem.

Donald Trump knows jack shit about being in charge of a completely corrupted and ineffective Government, He might know how the Moneyed Interests work, but that is to the detriment of the average citizen. Stop electing rich assholes with TV shows to be in charge, start electing real people who know what its like to live the way 80% of us really do. These rich cock suckers have no idea the things we have to put up with on an everyday basis. to the rich a 20% increase in food and energy prices is nothing, but to us it could very well be the choice between freezing in the winter or starving to death. The rich are completely disconnected from the common Joe, the laws they enact only go to help themselves, regulations are created to keep the large corporations in business and the little guy decimated.

The way this post went you would think I was some Dirty Damned Democrat.
We have a 500 billion dollar a year trade deficit with China, 25% of 500 Billion is 125 Billion. Total of the bailouts so far is 11.6 Trillion. Its going to take 90+ years to pay off the bailout with a import tax, and that only assumes that government stops spending increases and brings the US Treasury Bond rates to less than 2%. Creating a 25% tax would also cause retaliation by the Chinese who can sell $1 trillion in treasuries overnight to cause wholesale collapse of the USA Economy overnight and making bread cost $100 a loaf. Want to see the end of the world as you know it? Try to Fuck the Chinaman.

If you decide to Visit New Zealand, they will only cover medical if you get INJURED while there, no cancer treatments, no kidney dialysis, no AIDS medicines. You get free help if while visiting you broke your arm, or got cut and need stitches, they aren't going to cure your Hemorrhoids or give you surgery for a botched nose job in California.

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries to ever be completely overrun by sheep. Buggery of the bleating is a serious problem.

Donald Trump knows jack shit about being in charge of a completely corrupted and ineffective Government, He might know how the Moneyed Interests work, but that is to the detriment of the average citizen. Stop electing rich assholes with TV shows to be in charge, start electing real people who know what its like to live the way 80% of us really do. These rich cock suckers have no idea the things we have to put up with on an everyday basis. to the rich a 20% increase in food and energy prices is nothing, but to us it could very well be the choice between freezing in the winter or starving to death. The rich are completely disconnected from the common Joe, the laws they enact only go to help themselves, regulations are created to keep the large corporations in business and the little guy decimated.

The way this post went you would think I was some Dirty Damned Democrat.

Well said.
F that If I have to pay taxes on a good to buy it (aka sales tax) the assholes that make it can kick in a couple bucks as well
All costs are passed onto the customer. ALWAYS! Your product would only cost more for you to buy it because the price of said item would increase to be commensurate with the amount of tax levied.
All costs are passed onto the customer. ALWAYS! Your product would only cost more for you to buy it because the price of said item would increase to be commensurate with the amount of tax levied.

Which is the point! (AKA China) If import prices were on par with what the U.S. could make for itself more people would buy american. I'm not a protectionist but why can they charge incredible tariffs on american goods (to control the market) and we cannot?
He did bow to the saudi king and no american president bows before anyone ever!!!!

He will be a one term turd and america will not miss him.
He did bow to the saudi king and no american president bows before anyone ever!!!!

He will be a one term turd and america will not miss him.

Maybe not. That's kind of the thought that the Romans had right before the Barbarians sacked Rome. All Empires eventually end.
He did bow to the saudi king and no american president bows before anyone ever!!!!

He will be a one term turd and america will not miss him.

While Im not the biggest fan of the president (typical hype salesman promises the world) I cannot think of a single Republican I would vote for. I would love an actual constitutionalist to be successfull but just dont see it happening in my lifetime. And there is no way the Dems will field another canidate unless Obama says he will not run again.
We have a 500 billion dollar a year trade deficit with China, 25% of 500 Billion is 125 Billion. Total of the bailouts so far is 11.6 Trillion. Its going to take 90+ years to pay off the bailout with a import tax, and that only assumes that government stops spending increases and brings the US Treasury Bond rates to less than 2%. Creating a 25% tax would also cause retaliation by the Chinese who can sell $1 trillion in treasuries overnight to cause wholesale collapse of the USA Economy overnight and making bread cost $100 a loaf. Want to see the end of the world as you know it? Try to Fuck the Chinaman.

If you decide to Visit New Zealand, they will only cover medical if you get INJURED while there, no cancer treatments, no kidney dialysis, no AIDS medicines. You get free help if while visiting you broke your arm, or got cut and need stitches, they aren't going to cure your Hemorrhoids or give you surgery for a botched nose job in California.

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries to ever be completely overrun by sheep. Buggery of the bleating is a serious problem.

Donald Trump knows jack shit about being in charge of a completely corrupted and ineffective Government, He might know how the Moneyed Interests work, but that is to the detriment of the average citizen. Stop electing rich assholes with TV shows to be in charge, start electing real people who know what its like to live the way 80% of us really do. These rich cock suckers have no idea the things we have to put up with on an everyday basis. to the rich a 20% increase in food and energy prices is nothing, but to us it could very well be the choice between freezing in the winter or starving to death. The rich are completely disconnected from the common Joe, the laws they enact only go to help themselves, regulations are created to keep the large corporations in business and the little guy decimated.

The way this post went you would think I was some Dirty Damned Democrat.

Correction. If you visit New Zealand, and are suffereing from cancer prior to your arrival you ARE entitled to care in the event that you take a turn for the worse! If you require kidney dialysis, you WILL receive it. If you run out of AIDS meds you WILL receive it.


as for your theory on debt repayment, i agree with the chinese argument. But as for the method to repay, sorry, US government debt is privately owned & perpetual. Without debt the US financial system would collapse. Are you aware the Federal Reserve is a privately owned operation, operating under the guise of a government organisation.
as for your theory on debt repayment, i agree with the chinese argument. But as for the method to repay, sorry, US government debt is privately owned & perpetual. Without debt the US financial system would collapse. Are you aware the Federal Reserve is a privately owned operation, operating under the guise of a government organisation.
Wow, didn't know that about New Zealand, My GF gets sick all the time, has huge doctor bills, i'm sending her your way.

Not only am I aware of a fiat currency sytem that runs on debt, I could write a book on it. New Zealands economy works the same way ours does, so does every country, just a bunch of fiat currency for us, while the central banks use real money for all of their transactions. For us money is debt, for big banks money is gold.