I just have to say that I do not care if you agree or not that we need to pay for libraries, schools, roads, etc. Honestly, you and your ilk do not want to pay for anything you do not use. So I would say you have no concept of "society". You need to go up in the hills, build your own cabin, grow your own veggies and livestock and get off of electricity (society produces and pays for this and keeps your costs down), get off of public water (hope you like boiling every bit you ingest), and NEVER come into town FOR ANYTHING, because then you would be using OUR roads, hospitals, schools, churches, supermarkets, water, electricity, etc.
Oh, and don't forget, we don't use horses and buggies any more, so we will have to charge you extra for the poop cleanup from your horse and the damage you do to OUR city. Us people who care about our cities and citizens do not have time for you, you freaking BUM.
I bet you would sue if the police did not come to your house, even though you only wanted to pay for them when you were a victim.