Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)


Well-Known Member
hope all works out for you man, it should be fine and strengthen up soon, glad to see you finally getting your grow under way :p cant wait to see what your awesome cab can do


Well-Known Member
hope all works out for you man, it should be fine and strengthen up soon, glad to see you finally getting your grow under way :p cant wait to see what your awesome cab can do
Yeah me too :) yeah man the grow has been a long time due, so I am well happy to have things started. I'am interested to see what my cab is capable of too, as soon as the seedling on the left in the DWC pot takes off, I'll be well n truly on my way with it all :) Its cool that I can grow in both soil and hydro at the same time, t'will make for a good taste comparison at a later date - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Canna Start is a balanced one-part nutrient for seedlings and rooted cuttings. It can be used on various substrates like Canna Terra Seed Mix, Rockwool, Jiffy Plugs, Fleximix, RootRiot and many more. Canna Start gives you all the micro- and macro nutritional elements for a seedling or cutting to develop into a strong healthy plant.

Its a bit late for it now but I discovered some of this and decided to buy it since it was only £8.99 for a Litre :) If it doesn't take too long to arrive I may still use some on my Great White Shark seedling..It may help her out :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Only a quicky,lol :) .... I decided to 'Top' my Strawberry Thai today shes grown 4 propper set's of leaves and is looking ok, So if all goes well she should go into flower with 2 main cola's. I wont top her again though because I want room left to grow the stronger strain :) aka (Great White Shark) - Speaking of which the GWS has 2 almost fully formed propper leaves, Although I am still being cautious with her and misting her at every dawn, She also has her 1st couple of roots that are hanging out of the net pot into the nuit res. So fingers crossed she'll be thirsty and get the taste for CANNA soon :) My Tomato plant has got massive lol its on its 3rd lot o 10L nuits already :) I am going to look into how to prune/trim it though so it doesn't start to creep across the growshelf and block my virt. Fan's and trespass into my other plants grow area.

I will update and add more pics as soon as the Strawberry Thai has started growing the 2 new stems and with a bit of luck some tantalising news on the GWS front :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Here's my actual Tomato plant its getting massive :) and is an inch away from touching the glass on the under side of my reflector - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

And here's my Strawberry-Thai that has just been topped in order for her to gain 2 main cola's. The lights have just come on in all these pics and they have just been misted - Hence the droopy looking leaves...In a few hours times they'll be elevated again :) Everything is looking good - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

I found this video which will be useful for me to start doing for a bigger and better yield on my Actual Tomato plant! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeah get a fan blowing on it too - will force plant to produce more cellulose that will stiffen stem
Thats already taken care of my friend :) I have 3 grow shelf mounted CPU fans and I also have the intake right next to it within 10" - 14" - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Canna Start is a balanced one-part nutrient for seedlings and rooted cuttings. It can be used on various substrates like Canna Terra Seed Mix, Rockwool, Jiffy Plugs, Fleximix, RootRiot and many more. Canna Start gives you all the micro- and macro nutritional elements for a seedling or cutting to develop into a strong healthy plant.

Its a bit late for it now but I discovered some of this and decided to buy it since it was only £8.99 for a Litre :) If it doesn't take too long to arrive I may still use some on my Great White Shark seedling..It may help her out :) - STELTHY :leaf:
Excellent my CANNA Start arrived today :) it advises you just add 40ml per 10 Litre's of PH balanced water - so that what I did...exactly what I did :) I hope to see results from this stuff, Good results I hope....Just find it weird how come CANNA didn't have this product on its web-site, I'll double check for it huh!?? I hope my Great White Shark takes to it - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here's a link to CANNA Start on CANNA's official page;-


CANNA Start is a balanced one-part nutrient for seedlings and (rooted) cuttings. CANNA Start can be used on various substrates like CANNA Terra SeedMix, Rockwool, Jiffy Plugs, Fleximix, RootRiot and many more.

CANNA Start gives you all the micro- and macro nutritional elements for a seedling or cutting to develop into a strong healthy plant.

Growing with CANNA from clone to crop! Many of you have requested this as you had to use a different brand for some specific tasks instead of using CANNA the whole way. Well here is the proof CANNA listens to you! Although you can have more than excellent results without this product some Connoisseur growers out there simply want to use it to make sure their crop is like no other, now you can! Use CANNA all the way.

And I consider myself a wannabe Connoisseur so thats good enough for me - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Today was a bit random...I have the crappest hangover :( But still managed to get some stuff done :) I trimmed up my Tomato plant big time...pretty much just left the main stems. I also watered my Strawberry Thai..Which is looking surprising lush :) and starting to smell too :) My Great White Shark is taking to its starter nuits like a fish to water :) and I located some of this stuff which should help my res deliver even more O2 (Oxegen) to my babies root system, Here's a pic has anyone else used this stuff before??

I remember I wanted to buy some for my last grow n never got around to it, But I've just been helping out a fellow grower form RIU and whilst looking for stuff to help him start his 1st grow etc I stumbled across the stuff! I am picking up a bottle tommoz..Just wondered if anyone else uses this and what differences it has made to the growth etc - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

As you can see my Tomato plant has really started to go for it lol :) I am thinking a trim is in order cos once this beastly plant/s grow taller this will be in the shade...and most stuff that comes from the bottom of the plant is crap lol - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Ah open seaseme we have light....and space :) .. Much better, I've also latched some of the vines onto the screen - STELTHY - :leaf:


Well-Known Member

My baby 'Great White Shark' is slow getting started but she'll get there...I just hope she catches the 'Strawberry Thai' and the Tomato's up before I need to raise the light some what - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Being 'new' to soil grows am not to sure whats going on with the 1st set of leaves on the bottom, They are fat only have 3 blades are pale green and are developing brown spots...also they feel a little dry! I have just watered her minus the 'Super Thrive' which I think may have been too much too soon.

I will consult my Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible soon to discover what could have caused this and how to best rectify the problem - STELTHY :leaf: