Ok this is where I am upto today, I will carry on in about half n hour

the drainpipe (white square tube) is going to be fixed in place so as once it is extended it will not damage the plasterboard in my ceiling

...All of the crap on top of the unit will be tidy'd and minimalised.. I have still got to add a fairly huge carbon filter to the top and am planning to make a DIY MDF breathable box to cover all the top and the otherwise exposed components, I plan to house the ballast in there with a v. small fan and portal, the digital thermometer, and a speed controller for yet another new fan lol

then I will add speaker grills to the top to allow the comments extra breathing space, and allow me to stack clothes etc on top ensuring my unit becomes as stealth as possible, I am also planning to ceiling mount a couple of car door speakers to an mp3 player or such, for those cheesy jungle and animal noises since I am unsure if music really helps plant growth or not lol, but thought it would make a nice finishing touch, and be theraputic when i decide to do some gardening or nuit changes

then I will either cover the whole exterior in black carpet or sand it down and paint it glossy black, so a while to go yet but stick with me lots more to come yet