

Well-Known Member
Just to throw this thought out here,

and to maybe rive up a discussion.
But do you guys think that the people who claim themselves athiest, out of these. That its mostly a male dominated catagorie??

I dont know if there is data on this, or anything. or reasoning.

My based on little prediction, is that women generally careless anyway, whether its religion or no religion. I know my mother is like that, she really doesnt give a shit?

What do you guys think? women athiests a-large? or what?


New Member
G*D would be the ultimate SugahDaddy ...:wink:

It's an interesting question. I'm not aware of a gender breakdown study, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's been done.


Just to throw this thought out here,

and to maybe rive up a discussion.
But do you guys think that the people who claim themselves athiest, out of these. That its mostly a male dominated catagorie??

I dont know if there is data on this, or anything. or reasoning.

My based on little prediction, is that women generally careless anyway, whether its religion or no religion. I know my mother is like that, she really doesnt give a shit?

What do you guys think? women athiests a-large? or what?
I'd say the ratio is probably 2/4, but I've seen plenty of female atheists too.


Well-Known Member
I cantt say I know ANY women atheist. Of all my lady friends, there are only a few that are even on the fence about it. However, most of my guy friends are atheist. Not to be sexist here, but I feel men typically have more logic :?


Well-Known Member
I know women atheists. But here in Canada people are a lot more likely to admit to being atheist because you don't (usually) get death threats at two in
the morning or in email for not loving Jesus, so it's safer to be out.

Religion is used as a way to dominate women by design though. Sex, reproduction, what they can wear, who they can associate and go with. Religions love to dictate those things to women from a very young age. It might be harder for some to escape in the more religious areas.


Well-Known Member
I know women atheists. But here in Canada people are a lot more likely to admit to being atheist because you don't (usually) get death threats at two in
the morning or in email for not loving Jesus, so it's safer to be out.

Religion is used as a way to dominate women by design though. Sex, reproduction, what they can wear, who they can associate and go with. Religions love to dictate those things to women from a very young age. It might be harder for some to escape in the more religious areas.
What country is an atheist going to be getting death threats? Besides the obvious middle eastern countries. Some people are very small minded, religious and atheist. Getting rid of religion isn't going to stop ignorance. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and because of opression and that kinda stuff i think maybe women would be less likely to "come out" its interesting and yea i agree, i wouldnt be suprised if a study has been done, anybody know of anything me net is playing up so cant really look :s


Well-Known Member
What country is an atheist going to be getting death threats? Besides the obvious middle eastern countries. Some people are very small minded, religious and atheist. Getting rid of religion isn't going to stop ignorance. bongsmilie
The US. Especially in the south.
There are even some lovely videos on youtube advocating the death penalty for atheists as soon as religion is merged with the state.

And obviously in theocratic countries like several islamic states, atheism or apostasy is punishable by the death penalty.


Well-Known Member
The US. Especially in the south.
There are even some lovely videos on youtube advocating the death penalty for atheists as soon as religion is merged with the state.

And obviously in theocratic countries like several islamic states, atheism or apostasy is punishable by the death penalty.
Sure there some crackpots in the south but to say that the entire south is backwards is not true. As for examples of places where it actually is a crime to be atheist...........well, shocker! :shock:


New Member
What country is an atheist going to be getting death threats? Besides the obvious middle eastern countries. Some people are very small minded, religious and atheist. Getting rid of religion isn't going to stop ignorance. bongsmilie
I agree Doc, but it does take away a shield. One less thing to hide behind....


Well-Known Member
I agree Doc, but it does take away a shield. One less thing to hide behind....
Religion is so old and deeply ingrained in societies around the world. To dream of a world without religion is just that. The majority of people on the planet believe in some God. It will be a LONG time before people evolve and wise up enough to shed the bonds of religion. And with the negative things going on in the world people aren't about to give up their most precious safety blanket.bongsmilie


New Member
I don't really expect most of the ppl of the world to wake up one day with the realization that G*D is a made up creature.

Just nudge it back to a tradition so that is not allowed to alter moral or legal codes of society.


Well-Known Member
Sure there some crackpots in the south but to say that the entire south is backwards is not true. As for examples of places where it actually is a crime to be atheist...........well, shocker! :shock:
You know what's not true? Your statement that I said that about the south.


Well-Known Member
The US. Especially in the south.
There are even some lovely videos on youtube advocating the death penalty for atheists as soon as religion is merged with the state.

And obviously in theocratic countries like several islamic states, atheism or apostasy is punishable by the death penalty.
Blah, blah, blah Morgen, OH BS. I have lived most my life in the south.

Lay off youtube dude! That crap just doesn't exist as you think! I'd of at least witnessed it with my own eyes, or for that matter, read it somewhere in the headline news. "Holy rollers" are harmless here, just goofy innocent folks in need of odd attention.

Please learn to decipher reality from fiction.

Care to share with us how Christianity ANYWHERE in America can even be remotely compared to islam---in ANY country?

I feel another youtube video coming on.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Care to share with us how Christianity ANYWHERE in America can even be remotely compared to islam---in ANY country?

I feel another youtube video coming on.:blsmoke:
You aren't very observant Babs, there is a perfect example just a couple posts above yours... (The one about Uganda and killing gays. You are responsible for that right now, it's not a good thing in case you don't know that.)

Oh sure lets encourage a backwards nation to think even more backwards, that's progress.


Well-Known Member
You aren't very observant Babs, there is a perfect example just a couple posts above yours... (The one about Uganda and killing gays. You are responsible for that right now, it's not a good thing in case you don't know that.)

Oh sure lets encourage a backwards nation to think even more backwards, that's progress.
LMAO Oregon!!!
"I" am responsible? Do elaborate.
I'm going to'll take you at least a full nights sleep to think about that one. :roll::roll::roll: Just when I think it not possible, some of you get sadder by the post.


Well-Known Member
Elaborate? Read the story it's self explanatory and I'm pretty sure you already know what I mean. I didn't mean you as in you personally are responsible, I mean you believers as a group are responsible.

Palestine is another example... If this country weren't mostly ignorant cristians we wouldn't support the ongoing abuses and continued stealing of palestinians land. Because of this ignorance you all are leading us towards world war three with the Muslims. There are two sides to every story, but if you're brainwashed to never think for yourself, you will go along with anything you are told and many of your leaders support Israel blindly because you believe the bible calls for Israel to exist no matter the cost.

You will even be so dumb as to think people will just kill themselves over almost nothing when the reality is violence in the world is directly a result of serious oppression and long term ongoing abuses. Everyone is human and everyone is the same but all religions do is divide people and allow them to think they are better than another group, which then allows you to abuse them or at a minimum turn a blind eye to it.