Organic for new growers, dont bother with bottles...

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Secrets of the game. Ill save these guys a lifetime of trial and error. Some never get it right some get it right away. Much easier if someone helps you. Is hard when nobody is actually here to help anyone lmao...
Sorry bud, but using things like “Liquid bonemeal” isn’t really organic though. It’s still using the direct-feeding approach of chemically chelated fertilizer that’s directly available to the plant. It’s what The Rev refers to as “soup-style” gardening.

I’m also confused as this is a bottled product, and I thought that the point of this thread was telling people that bottled products aren’t needed?
Is hard when nobody is actually here to help anyone lmao...
This whole forum is full of information that is very helpful. I learn something new every day, browsing through all the threads.

Organic gardening can be simple and complex, depending on the grower's level of experience and approach.

I just harvested an indoor crop where I tried to do the bare minimum with the soil. Black Gold, fish bone meal, blood meal, and 4-4-4 Jobes Pellets. My soil mix would greatly benefit from more amendments, yet I choose not to make a super soil blend.
Needless to say, the plants finished strong but I could tell that they hated being restricted to 1gl pots. Yet, I will continue to grow them in 1gl pots because I have a specific objective.

I guess the point im trying to make is that there are many variables to growing. The approach we choose depends on our preferences, experience, objectives, and practicality.

Over the years, it has become increasingly obvious to me that humility is an attribute that is often found in individuals who have accumulated significant experience and wisdom.
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