14 plants and the same flowering death look every time no matter what - Help please?

Dry amendments can't be flushed out
What happens when you flood a pot of dry fertilizer/amendments with water? Do they stay dry and inert and unavailable to the plant? Flush 10g of water through a pot of nutrients and expect only the things you don’t like to get washed out?

I guess I will just very strongly disagree and wish the OP good luck. I’m not debating what’s wrong with the plant, too much stuff. But it should’ve been fixed up front.
I appreciate every ones help so let's just stay cool. I've had a lot of replies here and in PM and they have really directed me in the right light. Over the course of 8 months I have consumed so much information that I fell into the "add, add, add" and it's exhausting. This is why I wanted to switch over to organic because it seemed easier but everything matches with the cal-mag issue which is about the only thing I have been doing the same from day 1 with the last 14 plants....well except the light so I moved that up extremely high.

I flushed and just didn't want to not top feed my plants with their last feeding as they just started flowering about 1-2 weeks ago. That's why I asked if I should top feed with some WC in a week or so.
I appreciate every ones help so let's just stay cool. I've had a lot of replies here and in PM and they have really directed me in the right light. Over the course of 8 months I have consumed so much information that I fell into the "add, add, add" and it's exhausting. This is why I wanted to switch over to organic because it seemed easier but everything matches with the cal-mag issue which is about the only thing I have been doing the same from day 1 with the last 14 plants....well except the light so I moved that up extremely high.

I flushed and just didn't want to not top feed my plants with their last feeding as they just started flowering about 1-2 weeks ago. That's why I asked if I should top feed with some WC in a week or so.

Ewc with your next watering, after it dries out a bit, is a great move. It will help boost the microbials you washed out, breaking down your amendments sooner after the flush.
This is one of the most common problems not only on this site, but general cannabis growing across all forums. Stop using cal/mag like a necessary magic syrum for perfect plant posture and radiant green foliage. It has its place in organics as a quick bandaid, not a daily vitamin

I never used calmag until about 10 years ago and then only 1/4 what they say on the bottles to use. Never saw deficiencies even using RO water in DWC. You're totally right that it's not some sort of magic bullet to fix everything wrong with a grow like so many say it is.

I always figured it just "played nice" with other ions...

I do know that elemental sulfur is used to decrease soil pH, so there is that concern if you over-apply it in an organic mix...
I don't add sulfur to soil mixes, but I do supplement with a little epsom between feedings (1 tsp / 5 gals).
The extra mag helps balance the nutes that are high in calcium, like oyster shell, bone, crab, seabird guano, etc.
I wanted to reach out to you again and say thanks to everyone. After everyones feedback and a few private messages I ended up flushing all the plants and grabbed a gallon bottle of Fish Emulsion and Fish Hydroslate. After I flushed I gave it about 3 days and water normal, non-php'D, then 2 days later I watered with Hydroslate and raised the lights up and reduced by 10%. 2 of the 5 that were in there were already at the end of their stage and 1 is curing for the last week and the other I cut down yesterday but the last 3 really changed and came alive (See pictures)View attachment IMG_5763.JPGView attachment IMG_5764.JPGView attachment IMG_5766.JPG

Now here's another question. The Purple Lemonade I pulled 2 weeks ago, dried and is curing only test 10.1 THC. I use the tcheck machine which has always been very accurate. Is it possible I burnt and caused nutrient lockout so bad it lost all it's potency?
If it was stunted bad enough, it would need more time to finish. Could add anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks depending on the severity. If they weren't drinking for a minute, that's generally when you can start your clock. Then a week or so after they recover. Sometimes they never recover fully, and you get what you get. A lesson hooefully