

Well-Known Member
I believe your statment to be true in a essence of sense towards the Holy Molly Rollers...

but on another NOte.. Quantum Physics + the Anomaly/Theory of being able to REtrieve DAta/infromation back from blackholes gives us an insight on how nothing can come from Nothing.. It's All Science Baby....

but on another point, a Weak minded one.., Yes, the Holy Moly Believers and the Holy Moly Deniers....., FAiL
Yeah I know it is science.I could go on and on with this subject but its a battle I don't care about like I did when I was 20 years old.Some people need a crutch to get through life and a believe there is a reason for all this.I don't.


Active Member
My understanding of the purpose of this thread is to discuss the validity of the atheist beliefs. It's entitled "Atheism", so I'm feeling pretty sure I'm right. I've been wrong before.

Having had the chance to "chat" with some of atheists disciples, here's what I'm gathering. I understand that these "evolved" relatives of the apes are not the total picture for all atheists. There may be some who are willing to respect others beliefs. But, having at the heart of this belief system the abolition of all things spiritual, I don't expect that to be true.

#1. An atheist needs to get everyone in the world to change their belief in God and their convictions on how they exercise their faith, before they can be happy.

This is predicated on the many, many complaints made about how people have done awful things in the name of some religion or God. I'm not minimizing anything. It's necessary to keep in mind that human nature will often try to shift the blame to anyone and anything it can. It is naive to hear some madman say he killed witches because God told him to, and believe him. Which makes my next point.

#2. The atheists belief that God does not exist is based primarily on the lies of other people.

Without doing the hard work themselves, they accept stories from unknown, untrusted individuals their behavior was guided by God. From that position of trust, they use this information to formulate wrong conclusions about God and the nature of the universe.

#3. The heart of atheism is the destruction of all things spiritual. (it deserved repeating)

If it were simply someone saying I don’t believe in God, there would be no conflict. My thought is, who cares? Believe, don’t believe..... it makes no difference to me. But it’s always more then that (please refer to point #1). It is an aggressive stance to take when you say almost everyone in all the world, from the beginning of time was stupid, ignorant, deluded, and out of their mind. (interesting note that you’ll acknowledge the Christians were out of their minds, and still use their behavior as evidence of God’s non-existence. But I digress)

#4. An atheist is a narcissistic coward.

I’ve made this statement many times, and the fact my concerns in this subject have been ignored, it makes the point for the coward part. Suggesting your view is superior to the majority of all humanity and God puts you in the narcissistic category. I can say more on this if anyone wants. That is, if anyone is actually reading all this banter. Ha!


Well-Known Member
1) Religion is based on the naivety that you dismiss as ridiculous. Maybe someday you'll get the hypocrisy of that viewpoint.

2) Atheism is based on not believing the lies of others. In the same way that you don't believe in all the other gods in the world, we don't believe in yours. Except that we don't believe it because there is no proof for it, not because we were indoctrinated with the idea that if we believe in or worship those other gods we'll burn in hellfire.

3) Not every atheist is anti-spiritual. And not every atheist is a skeptic. Some atheists believe in the power of crystals without any proof as to their efficacy at all. I, personally, am against all forms of dogmatic faith and "magical thinking". If you want to believe that farts cure cancer, go right ahead, but don't expect your viewpoint to be respected until you back it up. Since the religion of the specific, capitalized "God" judges all non-believers explicitly in its texts, it invites the full on ridicule of its faith. Your religion made the assumption of superiority long before atheists could speak without fear of immediate death.

4) Yes, you've made that statement many times. You're a child molester and a rapist of women. Look I made a statement too. Just as baseless and devoid of proof as yours. I bet you even touch yourself every time you call an atheist a monkey, or think about Adam and Eve's children having sex with each other. Once again, baseless, but it's within the realm of possibility, therefore it must be true! That's the point you're trying to make right, Short Eyes?


New Member
The funny thing is Maui takes the basic tenants of religion and simply plugs in atheist instead.

Pretty lazy intellectually....


Active Member
But of course, it doesn't.... the point of my post.

Why do you think atheism is not simply another form of faith in a system of belief?

I've claimed that you are substituting one form or religion for another. There has to be a formal view of atheism, or there would be no definition of it.

That makes it an organization of sorts, along the line of the christian church. They all say they believe in God, but there are so many different versions. The atheists believe the negative, and there are many different versions as well.

Looks like a good comparison to me.


Well-Known Member
It's almost funny that Christians get offended if anyone says their belief in god is irrational or even downright stupid. How dare someone question or mock their religion.

But look in the bible and it attacks anyone that doesn't follow their god.
Drive past churches or roadside billboards and see lovely admonitions that unbelievers will go to hell.
You can find it on TV and the radio... join up with God or expect eternal punishment.
And don't forget to send money.

Two thousand years of Christians abusing anyone that doesn't agree with them in the name of their god and we're the evil ones for calling them on this baseless, *narcissistic* religion. Why, the fact that they need their god and can't handle the criticism might even make them, gasp, narcissistic cowards.

Ooooh. I see now. He's not really on their side. He's just trying to draw attention to the hypocrisy.
An excellent Poe if I ever saw one.


Well-Known Member
There has to be a formal view of atheism, or there would be no definition of it.
There is:
a lack of belief in gods.

That's it.

I know, you're looking for something magical to explain what this "no gods" thing is.

Maybe someday you'll understand.


New Member
Atheism is the belief of using reason. This automatically disqualifies a personal G*D..... which is an unreasonable thing to believe in. Religion is also completely egotistical.


New Member
Atheism is willing to say... 'I don't know". This is the inherent problem with Religion. If a person is mildly aware of science, then that person already knows that science has not unraveled the mysteries of the universe. That person can see though that science is peeling that onion of uncertainty each year and the picture is becoming clearer.

Religion states it already has all the answers. People can see quite obviously that simply isn't true.

Hence the increasing hysteria of the religious as science takes over slowly but surely as the preferred tool of knowledge.


Active Member
But look in the bible and it attacks anyone that doesn't follow their god.
Drive past churches or roadside billboards and see lovely admonitions that unbelievers will go to hell.
You can find it on TV and the radio... join up with God or expect eternal punishment.
And don't forget to send money.

Two thousand years of Christians abusing anyone that doesn't agree with them in the name of their god and we're the evil ones for calling them on this baseless, *narcissistic* religion. Why, the fact that they need their god and can't handle the criticism might even make them, gasp, narcissistic cowards.

Ooooh. I see now. He's not really on their side. He's just trying to draw attention to the hypocrisy.
An excellent Poe if I ever saw one.

That will fall under point #1. If it weren't for them pesky religious folk, I'd be happy. Ahy?

Atheism should be able to stand on it's own merits. Talk about it without mentioning the christians, if you can. Atheism exists only because God exists. If he never existed, there would be no call for an atheist.

I find it funny as hell, you who are contemptiouse of all things spiritual, getting upset because I am not acting like the believer I ought to. Maybe God is speaking through you? I'll give it some thought.

If Jesus doesn't approve of my behavior on these threads, I'm sure you will be the first to inform me. That would make you and your disciples of destruction messengers from God. You little cherubs! Does Jesus want me to quit? Talk to him and get back to me. And thanks for letting him speak through you.

I m getting tired of this thread. So, get your last comments in before I pitch this topic with all the passion that 1% of the entire worlds population, ever, deserves.

Everything I learned about atheism, I learned on RIU. Perhaps I should be grateful. Hmmmmm?


Active Member
It's almost funny that Christians get offended if anyone says their belief in god is irrational or even downright stupid. How dare someone question or mock their religion.

The only offence I've taken is having to put up with the smell of standing next to the monkey cage in order to learn more about atheism. All the fecal bombs, watching you drink one anothers piss and sniff each others asses is offensive, but still educational and entertaining.

Make a scary noise, and all the monkeys hoot and huff, swing around the threads and menace the unsuspecting. A true monkey has no boundaries. The world is your toilet. I think I've heard about enough.

Hey! They just rang the dinner bell! Are you salivating? My bad..... wrong animal. You aren't loyal to anyone but yourself.

btw: What the hell is that white shit coming out of your mouth? Thats nasty.


Well-Known Member
<Organic cups his hand over his mouth and yells into the dank cave where the prisoners are shown light & shadows thrown onto the walls which they are told is reality, chained in place by their own dogma and faith.>

Jesus of Nazareth was the bastard son of a Roman soldier!

Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera. Look him up.