

New Member
Like in I told you the truth and you just basically called me a liar. Now of course, you know I wasn't lying. yet, you continue to blather on even though all can see U were 100% incorrect.

Ur a small person.


Well-Known Member
You big, bad atheist, you show yourself smaller and smaller with each and every post.


Well-Known Member
I can go back and show you exactly where I said it wasn't even about the stupid neg-rep. LOL, THE ONLY NEG-reps I have received have been from the atheist thread......big bad atheist. "You REFUSE to believe and see logic as I call you names, I'll show you!!!" HAHAHAHAHAHA
Why the hell would I even care? It's about your inability to show any one, other than your fellow religous followers, even a single ounce of respect.
You get what you deserve C*J.
As I said, your whole army of atheist neg reps won't phase me. Appease your lonely soul.
Very small price for me to pay for your orgasmic experience, I assure you.


New Member
U even followed me to another thread and repeated the lie/ignorance. It takes an awful lot to get me to neg rep after 12000 posts....

Ur the winner... :lol: If someone as tolerant as I am is driven to neg rep U..... here's a hint... it's not everyone else ... it's you.


Well-Known Member
As usual, you are so FOS. The post was merely, "Did someone just say they"
Very easy to prove that you are once again attempting to make your argument based on a LIE.
You can't stand someone who keeps attempting to make you stay on course---minus the stupid one-liner defenses.
That simple.
FOR THE RECORD C*J.......I HAD ALREADY POSTED IN THAT THREAD. I don't follow you. You, however, troll all too many on RIU as is evident.
But keep using lies for your defense.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on your proof too, LOL.
10-21-2009, 01:22 PM
The Prize Is Inside
Mr. Ganja

Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: You call it Earth.
Posts: 12,990

I'll give her till 6 to respond.... then I'll just assume she can't apologize for XXX reason, and I will simply prove I didn't neg rep her yesterday.

I'm always willing to help.....

You somehow proved you didn't neg-rep...."by" neg-repping?
That's logical!!!!


Active Member
fuck all the haters. The bible was a fictional novel wrote many years ago that was transformed into a means to control the general population and religious figureheads use it to leach off of weak minded people.

Good to see someone not being a hater around here.


Well-Known Member
Like in I told you the truth and you just basically called me a liar. Now of course, you know I wasn't lying. yet, you continue to blather on even though all can see U were 100% incorrect.

You did? I know you're not lying?
What proof do you even think you showed any single person? How is a line of neg-reps from atheists proof that you didn't give me any other than "that" single one?
You demand proof all the time C*J.
Cough up your proof you proclaimed to have provided.:sleep:


New Member
Babs..... u don't understand the rep system... just stop. Ur making an even bigger fool out of urself than usual.

Sunshine..... given the absolute ZERO proof of any Creator, how can you assume there is one?

Not knowing the abc's... doesn't mean putting xyz is the correct thing to do. It should be left blank until the information is forthcoming. It's okay to say "I don't know".


Well-Known Member
Babs..... u don't understand the rep system... just stop. Ur making an even bigger fool out of urself than usual.

Sunshine..... given the absolute ZERO proof of any Creator, how can you assume there is one?

Not knowing the abc's... doesn't mean putting xyz is the correct thing to do. It should be left blank until the information is forthcoming. It's okay to say "I don't know".
My friend I tell you the truth, the Creator is real! The grass is greener on this side. You can choose to be over here too.


Well-Known Member
Babs..... u don't understand the rep system... just stop. Ur making an even bigger fool out of urself than usual.

Sunshine..... given the absolute ZERO proof of any Creator, how can you assume there is one?

Not knowing the abc's... doesn't mean putting xyz is the correct thing to do. It should be left blank until the information is forthcoming. It's okay to say "I don't know".
Yo C*J, again, just because YOU say it, doesn't make it so.
It's ok for you to be embarassed for your discrepancies in showing what a hypocritical ass you make of yourself......let a load off and apologize instead of playing victim.


Well-Known Member
.....and yet you can say with fervency that you DO know.
Get it?
Now watch you get off course again.


New Member
Babs... again...ur a bit thick. I have already stated that it is okay to say "I don't know".
This indicates my position.

Is English your second language? You seem to have difficulty with the nuance of the language.