Fascism and the Republican Party

Another fool's life ruined by lies and bullshit pumped out by foxnews and others for profit and by Trump to try and stay out of prison by staying in power. The fact that people vote based on this bullshit or use it to rationalize it, is a bigger danger than what this guy did, they elect the Trumps, MTGs, Gaetzes and Gym Jordans. But there is blame on both sides here, those who create and feed them the bullshit and the character flaws that make them want to believe it and get sucked in by it. Many just pretend to believe the lies and know better, they wouldn't trust Trump with their wallet, but would trust him with their vote and kid's future. Those weak minded enough to trust Trump with their wallet get cleaned out ASAP!

All this poor slob had to give was 68 months, a ruined life and a lot of time to think about how he was played for a sucker and thrown under the bus. He shouldn't feel too bad though, since there are dozens of lawyers in the same boat as him, either fucked financially, professionally, or doing time.

they all better be glad they didn't do this 50 years ago, or they would all be hung instead of locked up.
this isn't iran...kids are disaffected, they don't give two shits about religion or politics for the most part.
i guess this will just be another thing we don't agree about, this is so far down my list of shit to worry about that george santos becoming president is higher on the list.

I like your disagreement and think it's healthy. Watching the religious weirdos is a good indicator for how 25-50% of the other side reacts though. Weird Jesus shit is half the republican playbook.

I back a George soros/santos (yes.....let's fuck with them on this) presidency.
I like your disagreement and think it's healthy. Watching the religious weirdos is a good indicator for how 25-50% of the other side reacts though. Weird Jesus shit is half the republican playbook.

I back a George soros/santos (yes.....let's fuck with them on this) presidency.
I can see the slogan now
“Honesty hasn’t worked”
It doesn’t need to be true

the author of one of the studies said that people are misinterpreting his data to claim there is no systemic racism...
but this is what fascists do, ignore any facts that don't support their agenda, and distort any that they can get away with.
This is the propaganda arm of the fascist party, trying to subvert the American people with disinformation.
fox news and everyone on fox news are working against the well being of America and it's people, and should be shut down, investigated, and most of them prosecuted.

the author of one of the studies said that people are misinterpreting his data to claim there is no systemic racism...
but this is what fascists do, ignore any facts that don't support their agenda, and distort any that they can get away with.
This is the propaganda arm of the fascist party, trying to subvert the American people with disinformation.
fox news and everyone on fox news are working against the well being of America and it's people, and should be shut down, investigated, and most of them prosecuted.
If the democrats win a hattrick, dealing with foxnews and social media disinformation should be high on their agenda, they will have fox in a box or do them in. Hearings on their roll in the rise of Trump, J6 and the pandemic should see them removed from the air and cable. Cable TV probably won't be around much, or as influential in a decade and I can't see analog AM radio lasting another decade either. You are not allowed as it is, for a network to be a propaganda arm of one party, but those rules and others seem to be ignored, broadcasters are suppose to provide a public service, not public manipulation leading to a suicide cult.

A house divided cannot stand and foxnews spends 100% of it's time creating and driving wedges in American society by creating and promoting destructive culture wars and very bad ideas.
If the democrats win a hattrick, dealing with foxnews and social media disinformation should be high on their agenda, they will have fox in a box or do them in. Hearings on their roll in the rise of Trump, J6 and the pandemic should see them removed from the air and cable. Cable TV probably won't be around much, or as influential in a decade and I can't see analog AM radio lasting another decade either. You are not allowed as it is, for a network to be a propaganda arm of one party, but those rules and others seem to be ignored, broadcasters are suppose to provide a public service, not public manipulation leading to a suicide cult.

A house divided cannot stand and foxnews spends 100% of it's time creating and driving wedges in American society by creating and promoting destructive culture wars and very bad ideas.
they can be on the air, and they can say whatever they want to say, but they CAN'T be allowed to say it is anything but their opinion...
every segment they do should have a warning that it is their opinion, and only their opinion, before, in the middle of, and at the end of every segment.
any actions on air like smirking or sneering at inappropriate times, to lead people to think it IS the truth and more than their opinions, should make them liable to CRIPPLING fines, in the hundreds of millions of dollars area.
they can be on the air, and they can say whatever they want to say, but they CAN'T be allowed to say it is anything but their opinion...
every segment they do should have a warning that it is their opinion, and only their opinion, before, in the middle of, and at the end of every segment.
any actions on air like smirking or sneering at inappropriate times, to lead people to think it IS the truth and more than their opinions, should make them liable to CRIPPLING fines, in the hundreds of millions of dollars area.
the FCC needs someone analogous to the Surgeon General.

the author of one of the studies said that people are misinterpreting his data to claim there is no systemic racism...
but this is what fascists do, ignore any facts that don't support their agenda, and distort any that they can get away with.
This is the propaganda arm of the fascist party, trying to subvert the American people with disinformation.
fox news and everyone on fox news are working against the well being of America and it's people, and should be shut down, investigated, and most of them prosecuted.
… and those misinterpretations are inherently racist, closing the circle of irony.
Yep, they is gonna git em real good, tax cuts for the rich are ok and tax increases for them are fine too, as long as the libs are triggered! Who needs Medicare and social security when you've got hate and fear to keep you warm and fed? Yeah, I know, that's not what you voted for, but the constitution protects minorities, so tax cuts for the rich will cure all ills. Hey look over here at Hunter's laptop, while we sweat bullets waiting for the FBI to knock on the house door.

War on kids to feed the deplorable assholes of America some red meat and innocent lives, fascists have to "other" somebody, Black, Asian, Hispanic, gay or trans. Some strawman enemy is needed to get the tribe all lathered up to shut down their brains and feed them more bullshit. Culture war foxnews fodder, these people are far behind the social curve and have another agenda largely driven by bullshit and a social media echo chamber. In an effort to reduce acrimony, social media platform algorithms tend to create echo chambers and safe spaces for "alternative realities, facts and POVs".

give him the 20 years they all deserve.
and jordan, and greene, and biggs, and gatez
Dunno, the only thing I can say is they are all idiots, that appears to be the commonality.

We can only hope Jack digs up enough on the congressional magats to go for an indictment over J6. They are calling in people to the grand jury we have not heard about, participants and witnesses, republican party officials and such. One guy was recently before a grand jury who was involved with both J6 and the documents case, so that's one reason for delay on the docs. So it appears there are aspects of Trump's documents case still being investigated.

Wait until Kevin caves on the debt ceiling as Joe makes it more painful for him and the magats to hang together. Then it might be time to do Donald when they are ready and Kevin will have a bigger fiasco on his hands than the debt ceiling when the kingpin goes down. :lol:
Dunno, the only thing I can say is they are all idiots, that appears to be the commonality.

We can only hope Jack digs up enough on the congressional magats to go for an indictment over J6. They are calling in people to the grand jury we have not heard about, participants and witnesses, republican party officials and such. One guy was recently before a grand jury who was involved with both J6 and the documents case, so that's one reason for delay on the docs. So it appears there are aspects of Trump's documents case still being investigated.

Wait until Kevin caves on the debt ceiling as Joe makes it more painful for him and the magats to hang together. Then it might be time to do Donald when they are ready and Kevin will have a bigger fiasco on his hands than the debt ceiling when the kingpin goes down. :lol:
If ya look a year into Kevin's house you'll see Santos gone and perhaps half dozen or more congressional magat republicans indicted, or feeling the heat intensively! Donald will be gone over the docs and obstruction and who knows how many he will take down with him or who will throw themselves under the bus for him? They will have to defend him even if he is convicted and doing time, then the process will repeat itself with each new conviction. There will be more republicans going down with every one, first Georgia, then federally over J6 and not just politicians either, but other republican officials, every one a potential rat.
If ya look a year into Kevin's house you'll see Santos gone and perhaps half dozen or more congressional magat republicans indicted, or feeling the heat intensively! Donald will be gone over the docs and obstruction and who knows how many he will take down with him or who will throw themselves under the bus for him? They will have to defend him even if he is convicted and doing time, then the process will repeat itself with each new conviction. There will be more republicans going down with every one, first Georgia, then federally over J6 and not just politicians either, but other republican officials, every one a potential rat.
I've really just kind of given up most hope that justice will be done.
If and when anyone gets indicted, i'll reconsider my attitude.
It looks to me like what we have is actually a three tiered justice system...Poor folks get fucked, rich folks buy their way out of getting fucked, and politicians get to fuck the entire country with no consequences...
I've really just kind of given up most hope that justice will be done.
If and when anyone gets indicted, i'll reconsider my attitude.
It looks to me like what we have is actually a three tiered justice system...Poor folks get fucked, rich folks buy their way out of getting fucked, and politicians get to fuck the entire country with no consequences...

i'll never surrender, and i'll fight fascism when i'm three days in the ground...
it would just be nice if our own government seemed a little more interested in protecting itself, and punishing those who tried to kill it.
that would be kind a nice.

The thought that some key legislators might precede that man on the descent into orange is pretty sustaining though.
I didn't know quite where to put this one...

What will happen when the indict Trump, or convict him and send him away? Will there be a wave of red state suicides!

Not a cult: Entire family of Trump supporters commit suicide

An entire Pennsylvania family of Trump supporters, including James Daub (62), Deborah Daub (59) and their daughter Morgan (26), were found dead in their backyard. An investigation found several notes inside the house that the family made a “joint decision” to end their lives.

There were no signs of foul play, no evidence that anyone else was present, and no signs of forced entry. The physical evidence pointed to self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Police also interviewed people close to the family who confirmed they were devout Christian conservatives.

The mother and daughter were avid bowlers, and Brett Stabley was the owner of a bowling supply shop who knew them well and gave lessons. He said they were despondent over Trump no longer being president:

Stabley said the Christian, churchgoing family “was never shy about letting anybody know what their beliefs were” when it came to religion and politics. Morgan and Deborah “very, very huge” supporters of former President Donald Trump, Stabley said.

“They were just so hell-bent on Trump winning, like this could be in the end if he doesn’t,” Stabley said, referring to an instance when he saw them just before the 2020 election. He said he stopped seeing the two after that.

Once again, it’s more than a tad hypocritical when conservatives accuse others of indoctrination. This family's front yard was "littered" with Trump signs before the 2020 election. When Roe v. Wade was overturned last June, they put a ton of anti-abortion signs in the yard. Ironically, they considered themselves to be very “pro-life.”

The daughter gave unhinged rants on YouTube decrying the forces of evil conspiring against Trump. In her suicide note, she mentions that these or similar forces of evil were conspiring against her as well. It appeared as though she was suffering from a psychosis, which is very dangerous in a cult. In other videos, she talks about “abdicating her throne” and declared herself a prophet.

Cult members often have no idea they’re in a cult. They are besieged with an “us vs. them” mentality and given absolute, black-and-white answers for everything, including who is good and who is evil. I am hopeful that more people break the spell before more deaths occur. When Trump loses again, either the primary or the general election, expect him to either directly or subtly call for more violence and death.

I hope more people caught in this cult will see that Trump is nothing more than a completely horrible human being and not worth dying over.