Fascism and the Republican Party

i think he should, might, just might shut them up
People accessed and stole information off his computer and others received said stolen information, those are very serious felonies with a lot of time involved for computer crime. Next are the liable allegations against foxnews and others and then the trouble he can cause congress people if they try to subpoena him, based on their public statements and outright lies. Congressman Jordan you said ---------- untrue statements about my client on foxnews, would you care to repeat those lies here and now under oath? Do you retract the statements? Where is Mr. Biden's apology and BTW you just admitted to knowingly slandering him on national TV. Then there is the matter of stolen material from my clients computer which is currently before the courts...

You can see why a judge would call Gym and others to testify if Hunter fought the congressional subpoena in court. By running off their mouths about it in public, and it now probably becoming a criminal case involving people connected to themselves, they could be opening a can of whoop ass on themselves.
People accessed and stole information off his computer and others received said stolen information, those are very serious felonies with a lot of time involved for computer crime. Next are the liable allegations against foxnews and others and then the trouble he can cause congress people if they try to subpoena him, based on their public statements and outright lies. Congressman Jordan you said ---------- untrue statements about my client on foxnews, would you care to repeat those lies here and now under oath? Do you retract the statements? Where is Mr. Biden's apology and BTW you just admitted to knowingly slandering him on national TV. Then there is the matter of stolen material from my clients computer which is currently before the courts...

You can see why a judge would call Gym and others to testify if Hunter fought the congressional subpoena in court. By running off their mouths about it in public, and it now probably becoming a criminal case involving people connected to themselves, they could be opening a can of whoop ass on themselves.

the upper paragraph is exactly why he should sue, Fox is already under the gun for J6, add Hunter and it's a double boom, GYM and the rest of the MAGA nuts would be trying to find they're nuts if they ever had them in the first place......
i and the majority of the country don't fucking care if they claim gawd is on their side or not...it only legitimizes them to themselves.
not going to be a valid legal defense the first time they try something stupid in gawds name.
That is true for now. Iran was a pretty nice place before the theocrats staged their coup. Understanding the reasoning of the nuclei of comparable sentiment here is not wasted effort imo.

Basically I think they’re more dangerous than you do. Their misread of the book has an awful lot of traction.
That is true for now. Iran was a pretty nice place before the theocrats staged their coup. Understanding the reasoning of the nuclei of comparable sentiment here is not wasted effort imo.

Basically I think they’re more dangerous than you do. Their misread of the book has an awful lot of traction.
Statistics show that religious belief is diminishing and no belief is increasing as the conditioned generations die off. It is another group among the republicans who feel their power and influence waning in America, another grievance group who are on the losing side of history. Civil secular society and law brought you modern civilization, not religion, they would be still burning people at the stake and no doubt fought for the right to do it when it became outlawed.
That is true for now. Iran was a pretty nice place before the theocrats staged their coup. Understanding the reasoning of the nuclei of comparable sentiment here is not wasted effort imo.

Basically I think they’re more dangerous than you do. Their misread of the book has an awful lot of traction.
I remember back in Dubya's day every republican had Jesus as their best imaginary friend, Dubya used to speak to him daily. It didn't take much for ole Cheeto Jesus to knock Jesus right out of American politics, "who's that guy". Jesus didn't have much staying power when the epitome of the seven deadly sins seduced them by blowing the dog whistle into a bullhorn.
Statistics show that religious belief is diminishing and no belief is increasing as the conditioned generations die off. It is another group among the republicans who feel their power and influence waning in America, another grievance group who are on the losing side of history. Civil secular society and law brought you modern civilization, not religion, they would be still burning people at the stake and no doubt fought for the right to do it when it became outlawed.
While your first sentence is undoubtedly correct, a similar situation existed in Iran. look what happened anyway.

To be useful, a fact needs to be more than correct; it needs to be to the point.

I reject the rest of this post as unfounded bias.
That is true for now. Iran was a pretty nice place before the theocrats staged their coup. Understanding the reasoning of the nuclei of comparable sentiment here is not wasted effort imo.

Basically I think they’re more dangerous than you do. Their misread of the book has an awful lot of traction.
i don't discount the danger they present, i discount them ever getting enough numbers to do anything.
there are only so many religious zealots in the country, and they're all already involved in their favorite brand of retarded shit.
you can only spread ten pounds of stupid so thin, and it's already stretched pretty tight.
younger people are less and less interested in religion, church attendance has been falling for decades,
and that is all church attendance, the zealots are only a falling percentage of another falling percentage..
If young people aren't interested in going to church at all, they aren't going to be interested in going to crazy motherfucker church even less.
i don't discount the danger they present, i discount them ever getting enough numbers to do anything.
there are only so many religious zealots in the country, and they're all already involved in their favorite brand of retarded shit.
you can only spread ten pounds of stupid so thin, and it's already stretched pretty tight.
younger people are less and less interested in religion, church attendance has been falling for decades,
and that is all church attendance, the zealots are only a falling percentage of another falling percentage..
If young people aren't interested in going to church at all, they aren't going to be interested in going to crazy motherfucker church even less.
if the past five years have taught me anything (other than I’m too old to trust a fart) it’s that a small minority can grab power even here.
What was the Thirty Years War for $500, Alex.
i just don't think they can find enough motivated people to start a 30 days war, much less a 30 year one.
most of the radical right that had enough balls to get up and do anything are in jail for Jan. 6th, i think anyone left is either just smart enough not to step in the same shit, or just a typical loudmouth troll talking shit.
if the past five years have taught me anything (other than I’m too old to trust a fart) it’s that a small minority can grab power even here.
same answer as ^....there just aren't enough of them to do more than cause themselves a shitload of trouble...after Jan. 6th, no one is in the mood for more of that shit, unless they're already indoctrinated to it...they have no base to recruit from.
same answer as ^....there just aren't enough of them to do more than cause themselves a shitload of trouble...after Jan. 6th, no one is in the mood for more of that shit, unless they're already indoctrinated to it...they have no base to recruit from.
let’s just say I don’t really agree. Church attendance is imo the wrong metric. Again, Iran.
let’s just say I don’t really agree. Church attendance is imo the wrong metric. Again, Iran.
this isn't iran...kids are disaffected, they don't give two shits about religion or politics for the most part.
i guess this will just be another thing we don't agree about, this is so far down my list of shit to worry about that george santos becoming president is higher on the list.
Another fool's life ruined by lies and bullshit pumped out by foxnews and others for profit and by Trump to try and stay out of prison by staying in power. The fact that people vote based on this bullshit or use it to rationalize it, is a bigger danger than what this guy did, they elect the Trumps, MTGs, Gaetzes and Gym Jordans. But there is blame on both sides here, those who create and feed them the bullshit and the character flaws that make them want to believe it and get sucked in by it. Many just pretend to believe the lies and know better, they wouldn't trust Trump with their wallet, but would trust him with their vote and kid's future. Those weak minded enough to trust Trump with their wallet get cleaned out ASAP!

All this poor slob had to give was 68 months, a ruined life and a lot of time to think about how he was played for a sucker and thrown under the bus. He shouldn't feel too bad though, since there are dozens of lawyers in the same boat as him, either fucked financially, professionally, or doing time.
