Fascism and the Republican Party

Never heard what one, Dumbya? Remember they called the creep
Dubya? So, fucking Dumbya, yeah?
Hey shrubber, been meaning to ask if you're related to Lewis Black. Anyhow
keep on givin' 'em hell, buddy, i love your posts. You sound like Lewis Black. :clap:
You take no prisoners, you will NOT capitulate, and i am 100% behind you on that.

I too am in the dumbya boat...it's right freaking there, shocked I never saw it. I'm feeling dumbya at the moment
Never heard what one, Dumbya? Remember they called the creep
Dubya? So, fucking Dumbya, yeah?
Hey shrubber, been meaning to ask if you're related to Lewis Black. Anyhow
keep on givin' 'em hell, buddy, i love your posts. You sound like Lewis Black. :clap:
You take no prisoners, you will NOT capitulate, and i am 100% behind you on that.
while i would be proud to claim kinship with Mr. Black, i cannot. All i can do is emulate his style, that i admire so much.
you have to feed prisoners and take them to the latrine...so yeah, no prisoners.
i can capitulate, but i have to be bludgeoned into submission first, and most of the people here just aren't willing to expend that much effort to get me to shut up. actually, i have to be convinced i'm wrong, which has happened here, a few times... :oops:

Morning Joe 'connects the dots' between GOP words and violent action

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough connected the dots between Republican rhetoric and violent threats against their political enemies.

Former secretary of state Mike Pompeo called the head of the national teachers union "the most dangerous person in the world," and the "Morning Joe" host slammed him for directing hate and violence toward educators, just as Republicans have done toward federal agents, elections officials and Democratic lawmakers and their families.

"There are a lot of Republican senators who are quietly horrified at how the House Republicans have started," Scarborough said. "They're like, man, did you not get the message from the election? You're going to try to keep pulling this party down, like, wake up. Great points about the FBI agents, what about IRS agents? You know, Chuck Grassley and people on TV said IRS agents are going to come to Iowa. They're going to have AR-15s, they're going to kick down the doors of middle-class Americans and kill them. What does that do if you're an American that works for the federal government. What does that do?"

"Like, if you're an FBI agent and your job was to go down and conduct a search at Mar-a-Lago, and Donald Trump and everybody around Trump were desperate to get those names of the federal employees whose job it was to go down and do their work down at Mar-a-Lago, they're desperately working to out them, and so when they do, their lives are in danger," Scarborough added. "This is, again, it's not really hard to figure out what's going on here. Connect all of these dots. There are a lot of people who have to go into hiding, and Republicans, Trump Republicans, especially, know exactly what they're doing when they say IRS agents are coming, and they're going to shoot middle-class Iowans, or when they, you know, when Randi Weingarten is declared the most dangerous person on the earth, than Xi, Putin, by a former CIA agent or former secretary of state. Connect the dots. Paul Pelosi, he's the one that gets into the ICU because of it. But this reckless rhetoric, connect the dots. It's a part of a bigger plan, and unfortunately there are tragic consequences out there for it."

Donald had better hope he doesn't draw this guy for his DC trial over the secret documents and obstruction indictments. He was ready throw the book at Flynn and called him a traitor from the bench. Donald swooped in and pardoned him, or he would have been gone for a long time.

Republican Federal Judge Compares Trump to Nazis in January 6 Sentencing

359,741 views Nov 21, 2022
A DC Federal Judge Reggie Walton sentenced January 6 Insurrectionist Dustin Thompson to 3 years in prison and had powerful words condemning Trump in his sentencing order.
All the evil minus the clown. He lists the things Republicans are doing wrong as virtues.
It's Bizarro World, since at least since Dumbya if not Reagan. But now, good is bad,
bad is good. And these creep criminals talk about "family values". Hypocrisy could never be more defined.
Joe Scarborough
Scarborough is a Reaganite, and therefore he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Nuthin' but ahole there.
"Pull the party down..." Bullshit, there's no civil war in the GOP. They've been doing just what they have
wanted to do since Nixon and Reagan, Bush creeps included, and Trump is their ultimate goal. Take all the
power, make the USA a single party state, like China and the former USSR (and Russia), and N. Korea.
That's what Mcconnell, Gingrich, Paul Ryan (lately, again spouting off about "winning" at all costs) are all
about: absolute power, corrupted, absolutely. And the dumbed-down voters go right along with it.
How the hell the AFL-CIO voted for Reagan is beyond me. They didn't just shoot themselves in the foot,
they killed the American democracy.
It's Bizarro World, since at least since Dumbya if not Reagan. But now, good is bad,
bad is good. And these creep criminals talk about "family values". Hypocrisy could never be more defined.
Scarborough is a Reaganite, and therefore he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Nuthin' but ahole there.
"Pull the party down..." Bullshit, there's no civil war in the GOP. They've been doing just what they have
wanted to do since Nixon and Reagan, Bush creeps included, and Trump is their ultimate goal. Take all the
power, make the USA a single party state, like China and the former USSR (and Russia), and N. Korea.
That's what Mcconnell, Gingrich, Paul Ryan (lately, again spouting off about "winning" at all costs) are all
about: absolute power, corrupted, absolutely. And the dumbed-down voters go right along with it.
How the hell the AFL-CIO voted for Reagan is beyond me. They didn't just shoot themselves in the foot,
they killed the American democracy.
Definitely since Reagan. Eisenhower warned us, and some still think Kennedy obstructed the corporatists’ plans. Nixon f’d up, and Ford didn’t have the horsepower. Reagan was the first of the modern series: vague libertarian talk, voodoo/trickle-down economics, big spending with small taxes = massive deficit, and an embrace of the megapastor “family values” crowd. Racism as demonstrated by his made-up “welfare queen” and weaponized drug policy. Just say no, my maiden aunt Fanny.

The Bushes stayed the course (and gave us Clarence Thomas), and the legislatures reined in Clinton and Obama, who still toiled to undo the economic damage of the GOP’s pro-rich policies.

That Man tore the mask of decency off the GOP, but as current R legislators prove daily, he was not a cause but an effect. He did draw the Tea Party/maga fascism into focus though.
Last edited:
It's Bizarro World, since at least since Dumbya if not Reagan. But now, good is bad,
bad is good. And these creep criminals talk about "family values". Hypocrisy could never be more defined.
Scarborough is a Reaganite, and therefore he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Nuthin' but ahole there.
"Pull the party down..." Bullshit, there's no civil war in the GOP. They've been doing just what they have
wanted to do since Nixon and Reagan, Bush creeps included, and Trump is their ultimate goal. Take all the
power, make the USA a single party state, like China and the former USSR (and Russia), and N. Korea.
That's what Mcconnell, Gingrich, Paul Ryan (lately, again spouting off about "winning" at all costs) are all
about: absolute power, corrupted, absolutely. And the dumbed-down voters go right along with it.
How the hell the AFL-CIO voted for Reagan is beyond me. They didn't just shoot themselves in the foot,
they killed the American democracy.
Oh, I know his background, but he believes in liberal democracy, just not my brand of ideology and I have different opinions on Reagan than him! He promotes civil society and normal politics, but he is preaching into the wilderness, he has many Trumper relatives from down south and quit the GOP over trump and Trumpism, like so many others. He is emblematic of the people who left the GOP and were replaced by the kinds of people you see at Trump rallies.

I try to stay focused on liberal democratic issues and the rule of law in America, the details of domestic policy are American's business. However, we do have buffoons on both sides of the border and a common media culture, so lots of things are up for comment and laughs, you can't keep Herschel all to yourselves! :lol:

Morning Joe 'connects the dots' between GOP words and violent action

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough connected the dots between Republican rhetoric and violent threats against their political enemies.

Former secretary of state Mike Pompeo called the head of the national teachers union "the most dangerous person in the world," and the "Morning Joe" host slammed him for directing hate and violence toward educators, just as Republicans have done toward federal agents, elections officials and Democratic lawmakers and their families.

"There are a lot of Republican senators who are quietly horrified at how the House Republicans have started," Scarborough said. "They're like, man, did you not get the message from the election? You're going to try to keep pulling this party down, like, wake up. Great points about the FBI agents, what about IRS agents? You know, Chuck Grassley and people on TV said IRS agents are going to come to Iowa. They're going to have AR-15s, they're going to kick down the doors of middle-class Americans and kill them. What does that do if you're an American that works for the federal government. What does that do?"

"Like, if you're an FBI agent and your job was to go down and conduct a search at Mar-a-Lago, and Donald Trump and everybody around Trump were desperate to get those names of the federal employees whose job it was to go down and do their work down at Mar-a-Lago, they're desperately working to out them, and so when they do, their lives are in danger," Scarborough added. "This is, again, it's not really hard to figure out what's going on here. Connect all of these dots. There are a lot of people who have to go into hiding, and Republicans, Trump Republicans, especially, know exactly what they're doing when they say IRS agents are coming, and they're going to shoot middle-class Iowans, or when they, you know, when Randi Weingarten is declared the most dangerous person on the earth, than Xi, Putin, by a former CIA agent or former secretary of state. Connect the dots. Paul Pelosi, he's the one that gets into the ICU because of it. But this reckless rhetoric, connect the dots. It's a part of a bigger plan, and unfortunately there are tragic consequences out there for it."

i'm having trouble watching morning joe...Scarborough is just a rude, inconsiderate asshat asshole....why do people keep coming on his show when he spends the entire time interrupting them, and cutting them off? how the fuck does Mika sit there and smile about it? she has to be on some kind of medication...
proof that age and wisdom are not inextricably intertwined....the exact opposite of what i was expecting this to say
Proof that people will fuck themselves if they are conditioned to it, older and still living in the past. Herschel is the obvious choice to protect their Medicare, SS and give them lower drug prices! Rick Scott will say, sign here Herschel to wipe them out and if ya put a dollar in his hand you'll own him. A choice between a body with no brain and a good intelligent man who will try to do what he says. Sometimes with the young, the burden of past social conditioning doesn't get in the way of seeing things clearly.
Maybe they are really stupid enough, they are republicans...

Two Red Counties In Arizona Refuse To Certify Elections

30,308 views Nov 22, 2022
Republicans in two Arizona counties have refused to certify their election results over bogus voter fraud claims. But if they let the deadline pass, they could end up handing seats to Democrats. “My question to these MAGA Republicans is: Are you really going to take two of the darkest red counties in Arizona and just throw all those votes away?” says Arizona Secretary of State-elect Adrian Fontes.
Maybe they are really stupid enough, they are republicans...

Two Red Counties In Arizona Refuse To Certify Elections

30,308 views Nov 22, 2022
Republicans in two Arizona counties have refused to certify their election results over bogus voter fraud claims. But if they let the deadline pass, they could end up handing seats to Democrats. “My question to these MAGA Republicans is: Are you really going to take two of the darkest red counties in Arizona and just throw all those votes away?” says Arizona Secretary of State-elect Adrian Fontes.
i sincerely hope so...it would fit right in with all the rest of the retarded shit they've been doing.
Maybe the city of DC should just drop its gun laws and allow open carry. Then they can carry on a lively debate on steps of the SCOTUS and take potshots at politicians every fucking day. I wonder how long federal gun laws would take to be enacted, even the NRA doesn't allow open carry at its conventions. Just the lights going out and a pack of firecrackers thrown on the floor would lead to mass death. They don't want open carry at their meetings but want it in schools.

Clowns walking around in full combat uniform, assault rifle, helmet and body armor, at war with American citizens or what? Who else is he going to make war on, dressed to kill and pretending he's a fucking soldier with patches and all. The fucking child should not be let anywhere near weapons. Such an image should see him banned from owning weapons for life.

One of many problems fascists face in America and walking around with a Nazi armband should earn them a punch in the face. They are telling people they want to exterminate them and thus need to go about armed lest they be confronted and at least rebuked but being armed doesn't stop a lot of people from calling them assholes to their faces. It's not a political statement but a symbol of hate and a threat of murder, what else does it stand for?
