The Junk Drawer

A kick from Johnny Depp is kinda like grapefruit juice I guess.

Grapefruit juice enhances opioids and a lot of RXs..speaking of Johnny, I literally just watched him pick up a soda from the floor, bring it to the table, then put it between his legs to open and put a 'mix in' with it..took way too long to open out of sight.

Hard Core.
For drug movies, I would go with Edward scissorhands over fear and loathing, at least in terms of watching. Fear and loathing got played out for me, people always had it on in the background for years on end. That surrealism in Tim Burton movies is exquisite, I think it captures drugs better than overt attempts...though willy Wonka was terrible.

I enjoyed the Keith Richards as a pirate character in the first one, but the movies themselves got really bad and boring so meh.
Did you ever see "The man who stared at Goats" with Clooney?
Fucking awesome movie
Watch it and look out for the scene where this guy spikes the water with LSD.
Just thinking of it I'm laughing :)
Just for that alone makes it worth watching
Whoever wrote that script had to have eaten those drugs, the desription of the drugs affects are balls on.

Anyone else eat more acid/mescaline/psilocybin & didn't wait for the 1st dose to kick-in & ate some more & then the 1st finally hits & you're like oh fuck /I'm fucked :)
I did with some 4 way acid (a 1/4 of a hit was 1 trip) when I ate a 1/4, said fuck it & ate another 1/2 before the 1st kicked in
Oh my fucking God :)
I tripped like a motherfucker for 12 hours
Memorable :)

Fuckin quads. I have a solid story of trying acid for the first time. Doesn't hit fast like lots of drugs, the stuff you know about when you first try acid kicks in pretty quickly. Acid isn't going to hit in that first 10 minutes. Saying it's bullshit, eating the rest of that 10 strip just to be sure, then going to eat shitty Italian food with your parents is a terrible idea.
So, you know who was the aggressor was?

Maybe River was a dick
Maybe Johnny called him Amazon & he's was very sensitive to people who might diss his name?
Did you ever think of that?
It's possible right?

I believe they were co-owners three altogether (I believe again) I didn't Google so I may be incorrect of exactness.

I've been practicing my Gaelic accent should I ever visit the Island..there's a good slice of Irish demographic on Smother.
Canadian police find drone carrying handguns across border from US
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in Lambton County discovered a large drone carrying several handguns stuck in a tree on Friday near Port Lambton in southwestern Ontario.

The OPP announced the incident on Twitter Monday, saying that “drones are being used to carry the prohibited guns over from the United States.” The drone found Friday was carrying 11 handguns.
The property belonged to Christine and Jeremy Ackwood, who told CTV News London that their neighbor had seen someone in their yard with a remote control in the middle of the night. The pair were away on a trip to Las Vegas during the incident.

Christine Ackwood said the stranger was startled by the Ackwoods’ neighbor, lost control of the drone and crashed it into the large trees in the pair’s yard. The suspect then quickly ran into a waiting vehicle and fled the scene, according to CTV.

Jeremy Ackwood told the outlet they found out about the situation after being contacted by police. The investigation remains ongoing.

People, don't fly in the dark.
I believe they were co-owners three altogether (I believe again) I didn't Google so I may be incorrect of exactness.

I've been practicing my Gaelic accent should I ever visit the Island..there's a good slice of Irish demographic on Smother.
Your trying to sound Irish?

Ah lass, that's a fecking hard road to follow.

Are we talking sober or drunk?

They're vastly different.

When ye are a wee bit fucked up, you tend to curse & rail against the Brits.

When your sober, (Ha Ha Ha!/that in itself great crack) your as quiet as a mouse & go to Holy Mass & pray for forgiveness.

Then there's the profanity which has a special fecking place in the Irish vocabulary.

One of my favorites is pog mo thoin.

Do you know what it means? (look it up)

I'll give you a hint

Trump can pog mo thoin.

Want more?

PM me :)
Canadian police find drone carrying handguns across border from US
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in Lambton County discovered a large drone carrying several handguns stuck in a tree on Friday near Port Lambton in southwestern Ontario.

The OPP announced the incident on Twitter Monday, saying that “drones are being used to carry the prohibited guns over from the United States.” The drone found Friday was carrying 11 handguns.
The property belonged to Christine and Jeremy Ackwood, who told CTV News London that their neighbor had seen someone in their yard with a remote control in the middle of the night. The pair were away on a trip to Las Vegas during the incident.

Christine Ackwood said the stranger was startled by the Ackwoods’ neighbor, lost control of the drone and crashed it into the large trees in the pair’s yard. The suspect then quickly ran into a waiting vehicle and fled the scene, according to CTV.

Jeremy Ackwood told the outlet they found out about the situation after being contacted by police. The investigation remains ongoing.

People, don't fly in the dark.

...that is way too many steps, just carry that shit through the woods for a mile. We give you guns, you give us some shitty beasters, it's win win. See ya at Tim Hortons.
I can give you a hint & a helping hand @schuylaar

This song is about Brendan Behan, one of Ireland's greatest writers who wrote The Borstall Boy (one of my favorite books)
read his works & you'll learn a lot about the real Irish (Joyce never did)
Brendan Behan | Irish author | Britannica
So, have wee bit of the whiskey & a dozen or so Guiness Stout and sing along with it, and you'll be halfway there


This is a statue of Brendan in Dublin (I love his shoes)
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Fuckin quads. I have a solid story of trying acid for the first time. Doesn't hit fast like lots of drugs, the stuff you know about when you first try acid kicks in pretty quickly. Acid isn't going to hit in that first 10 minutes. Saying it's bullshit, eating the rest of that 10 strip just to be sure, then going to eat shitty Italian food with your parents is a terrible idea.
That night/day that I ate that Sunshine, I floated into my home (I was 16 :) ) & after my Da beating the fuck out of me, he dragged me to church still tripping.
Anyone ever set foot in a RC Church during Mass with the incense./stained glass/priests dressed in this weird shit/hymns/prayers that your supposed to join in on?
Let me tell you something.
I did & look at me now, still suffering from PTDSLSD.
Really, I still have nightmares
That night/day that I ate that Sunshine, I floated into my home (I was 16 :) ) & after my Da beating the fuck out of me, he dragged me to church still tripping.
Anyone ever set foot in a RC Church during Mass with the incense./stained glass/priests dressed in this weird shit/hymns/prayers that your supposed to join in on?
Let me tell you something.
I did & look at me now, still suffering from PTDSLSD.
Really, I still have nightmares

That's shitty man. I uh...just had to eat tortellini soup in a crowded room. "Why are you trying to grab the wall?" "It's crowded in here!"
That's shitty man. I uh...just had to eat tortellini soup in a crowded room. "Why are you trying to grab the wall?" "It's crowded in here!"
LSD was the most fun of any drug I've taken
Could be dangerous if not used in the right enviromint, but if your with good people & it's clean acid.
If you've been watching it's all already out there for both. All of it. Johnny wasn't included in Pirates 6 prior and his Q score proves it from yesterday + based on talks from Disney he wasn't in the script or a contract rendered. He was written out.

He's been on his way down and it hurts me to say because like you 80s and 90s part of our family as was the Disney Annual Florida Resident Pass.

Wasn't Johnny the one who kicked River Phoenix onto the sidewalk of Viper Room where he OD rather than call EMS in order to save his life?

The paralegal that sits to the left of Johnny should cover her mouth- there are people who know how to 'sign' and read lips. She's got it for him.

Yesterday there was a lingering hand hold and parted slowly like lovers when court was adjourned for the day.
She's fucked
She's going to go back to streetwalking after Depp gets done with her :)

Amber Heard Admitted Using Drugs With 'High-Profile' Man, Nurse Said (
The Johnny Depp talk reminds me that I recently saw some old article about a day in the life of hunter Thompson drug and alcohol know it wasn't really that much. The only thing that got me was the size of the meal he ate, I couldn't imagine not getting sick.
Just did acid once. My buddies would jam together, looking to play the bars at this time. Decided that we were going to set the equipment up and record them on acid. Drummer's parents let us us their shop to practice in during the weekends. A fairly large space, about a half dozen car bays and office area. We were setting up the mixer, speakers and tape recorder in the office area. A bit of a blizzard going on at the time. Oh shit, forgot the patch cords at home. Jump in the car and drive to get them. Get back, no tapes. Shit, drive back home, parents screaming it is stupid driving out there. Got back to the space.

Took the acid. Something else missing, take a buddy along with me in case the acid hits before I get back. Was fine until about half way home (about half an hour drive). The snow was flying vertical and when I drove under a street light it looked like I was in Star Wars (the first one, it came out a year or two by then). These white things came streaking into the windshield. What a rush (lot of street lights along the way. My buddy is wondering about me. Got home, got what we needed and started going back. More street lights. Then my buddy is seeing it too. Fuckin' awesome. Then we drove under a crosswalk with yellow lights shining down.

Fuckin' Awesome!

Finally got back to the shop, everybody is doing their own thing, come on guys get it together so we could record something. (we had a mic at the mixer so I could tell them what I want) OK, now hit the snare so I can get the sound sight. The other guys messing about and making noise when I want to work on one mic. So I turned up the fader for the monitor mix, real loud feedback (Well, out there. At the mixer, not that loud.) Slid the fader down again. Silence. "OK, let's try the snare again." After a minute or two, other guys start messing about, turn up the gain again. 'Squeeeeal.' Silence.

You would not believe how much power you felt at your fingertip with it on the fader. You almost had to hold your finger back. Anyway, we kind of figured the recording session was going to be a wash. At some time someone decided to stick their head out to see how much snow fell. Look down the street and there are three cop cars with lights going arranged sideways blocking the street. Fuck! OK, just wait to see if they will go away. Look out, they are still there. Are they there for us? This is an industrial area with loading docked for the train tracks across from us. It is the weekend so there should be nobody around but us. Maybe they were thinking we had a major amount of drugs and are after my cousin? He got busted the year before (got off without doing any time).

So a buddy and I get up the nerve to go walk up to the cop cars. It stopped snowing and there was a two inch fluffy layer of virgin snow across the road, no tire tracks or foot prints, was really pretty. Got up to the cop car, a cop looks at us and says, "Get the hell out of here."

That is enough for us, we almost skipped over the snow back to the shop. By this time we were coming down, called it a day and went home. Never did acid again. I was a guy that was in control of himself, no stupid stuff done when drunk or stoned (well not stupid that anyone could get hurt). Mind you, this was at a time before drunk driving was frowned upon. If you were driving at 1:00 AM you assumed everyone else driving was drinking at the time. While there was times when stoned we got the giggles, the acid just let stuff out and there was no trying to act straight. I generally stuck to weed and occasionally mushrooms. Take some mushrooms, drive to the bar, smoke a joint on the way, beer, beer and more beer when there. Boy I has some fun times.
Anyone have any thoughts on canceling student loan debt? I think it would be a good idea for biden. If you acknowledge that the dems are more and more representative of a middle/upper middle class of college educated folks, the people benefiting are in his camp. Throw them a bone to maintain support. It would be pump the economy up for a few years, there are a lot of people out there that make a decent salary but they are dropping 600 a month on student loan debt and salaries aren't growing as fast as home prices, give them some purchasing power. While dropping 500k for a starter home we promise to buy an iPad or whatever.
Anyone have any thoughts on canceling student loan debt? I think it would be a good idea for biden. If you acknowledge that the dems are more and more representative of a middle/upper middle class of college educated folks, the people benefiting are in his camp. Throw them a bone to maintain support. It would be pump the economy up for a few years, there are a lot of people out there that make a decent salary but they are dropping 600 a month on student loan debt and salaries aren't growing as fast as home prices, give them some purchasing power. While dropping 500k for a starter home we promise to buy an iPad or whatever.
It, student debt load on newly graduated students, after getting probably a mediocre education from over paid mediocre professors, paying back those vultures in this time of Covid, put those students in a hole they actually may never get out of.
Saving to buy a home, impossible
Getting a credit card with that debt, impossible unless you get a Discover card.

The cost of a 4 year college degree at a decent school is at a minimum, is 30 grand plus, so walking out the door they will, at the bare minimum, have $120,000 owed.
Nice way to start you life, right?
So, unless you can run 100 meters in under 11 seconds, be a football/basketball/baseball/soccer star or smart as fuck, you ain't getting a nickel or a scholarship.
Or your parents are wealthy, then no problem also.

But, for those that are mere mortals, get ready to fork over some serious cash

Something MUST be fucking done by the government in the US to offset these costs, otherwise most dreams of college are out of reach for most.

Wanna stay competitive in this World's economy, where education in most other countries, like medical care is partially subsidized by the government, give the kids a break.

But that's Socialism, right?

So, the answer in America is?

Pull up your boot straps & get to it/no free lunch here

Fuck you!!!!

I can't even afford the fucking boots with straps, they cost more

You want to laugh/cry?

When I went to school in 1974 at a state college in CT, Western Ct State, & as an out of state student I didn't get a break, you know what I paid?

$ 14,750.00 for 12 credits per year & I paid for it myself washing dishes/waitering & selling drugs :)

No problem & had no debt, at all.

Something HAS to be done, or we're going to have an under-educated population, just like we have fucking now.
My weird ass just put a bad idea into my kids head, as soon as I spoke I realized I should have shut up. He mentioned there are cameras various places at his school...that doesnt sit well with me so I let fly some expletives and said he should smash them. I stick with my sentiment, but 3rd graders don't need to take that stand.
My weird ass just put a bad idea into my kids head, as soon as I spoke I realized I should have shut up. He mentioned there are cameras various places at his school...that doesnt sit well with me so I let fly some expletives and said he should smash them. I stick with my sentiment, but 3rd graders don't need to take that stand.
All he needs is a Wrist Rocket and the small Easter eggs filled with gravy. or pancake batter.