The Junk Drawer

Race: Drone vs. Rocket. It Was Close!

In an unmanned aviation history first, a drone has raced the orbital class rocket, EcoRocket. The event took place at ARCA’s test facility, on November 12, 2021. The drone was hovering close to the launch silo, during the rocket’s countdown. After the rocket took off, the drone successfully matched the rocket’s climbing speed. After a few seconds though, the rocket’s higher thrust to weight ratio started to make a difference, and the drone couldn’t keep up. We should applaud the drone’s pilot skills, who was the first in unmanned aviation history to race an orbital rocket. EcoRocket is built by ARCA, and will perform its first orbital flight in 2022.
Yeah I doubt the drone stayed tight at max Q.
Yeah I doubt the drone stayed tight at max Q.
It was a photo shoot, not a race! For promotion and entertainment purposes only, it can keep up while she's fat an heavy but once she picks us speed and lightens up... The drone might top out at 100 mph straight up
Ya' gotta' read the transcripts to get a laugh, it's worth it. "...we were put on alert that they were going to do fruit. And some fruit is a lot worse than- tomatoes are bad, by the way. But it's very dangerous.":lol:

I've been watching SMOTHER the epic Irish thriller mystery on Peacock+

Dang and we thought we had problems; they have to live next to that frozen ocean + I'm picking up their slang.

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Defense is leaning hard on Johnny's CPA..i literally said 'time to pop another Roxy, Johnny' and he did!!..he's literally popping Roxy's all during the trial!

That's the 'coping' pill:lol: he pretended to be thinking of something, had the pill on his finger and slid into his mouth. He's way fucking hard core.
His ex-wife's lawyers are dicks/suck.
They ask questions that they think would work for them, and none did, the witnesses appearing for Depp nail them with supportive answers for Depp

They really do blow (I would have fun with them) & she really is fucked)

He will win, no doubt in my mind :)
His ex-wife's lawyers are dicks/suck.
They ask questions that they think would work for them, and none did, the witnesses appearing for Depp nail them with supportive answers for Depp

They really do blow (I would have fun with them) & she really is fucked)

He will win, no doubt in my mind :)

I used to like Johnny Depp movies quite a bit, you could count on them to be good during the 80s and 90s. That sort of changed after/during the pirates of the Caribbean years, kind of viewed the dude as turning into a joke of a washed up actor. Personally I would do the same if I were in his shoes, hanging out with weird ass Marilyn Manson and all.

He's coming out of this looking better than he went in. Good on him. I don't have sympathy for celebrities really, but man it would suck ass to have your personal issues out there in public all the time with people weighing in.
His ex-wife's lawyers are dicks/suck.
They ask questions that they think would work for them, and none did, the witnesses appearing for Depp nail them with supportive answers for Depp

They really do blow (I would have fun with them) & she really is fucked)

He will win, no doubt in my mind :)

Actually I think Rottenborn is good..heard one thing he lined up came back on him but didn't see it.

Win? Maybe if Johnny stopped popping Roxy's in front of the jury?
I used to like Johnny Depp movies quite a bit, you could count on them to be good during the 80s and 90s. That sort of changed after/during the pirates of the Caribbean years, kind of viewed the dude as turning into a joke of a washed up actor. Personally I would do the same if I were in his shoes, hanging out with weird ass Marilyn Manson and all.

He's coming out of this looking better than he went in. Good on him. I don't have sympathy for celebrities really, but man it would suck ass to have your personal issues out there in public all the time with people weighing in.

If you've been watching it's all already out there for both. All of it. Johnny wasn't included in Pirates 6 prior and his Q score proves it from yesterday + based on talks from Disney he wasn't in the script or a contract rendered. He was written out.

He's been on his way down and it hurts me to say because like you 80s and 90s part of our family as was the Disney Annual Florida Resident Pass.

Wasn't Johnny the one who kicked River Phoenix onto the sidewalk of Viper Room where he OD rather than call EMS in order to save his life?

The paralegal that sits to the left of Johnny should cover her mouth- there are people who know how to 'sign' and read lips. She's got it for him.

Yesterday there was a lingering hand hold and parted slowly like lovers when court was adjourned for the day.
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Wasn't Johnny the one who kicked River Phoenix onto the sidewalk of Viper Room where he OD?

A kick from Johnny Depp is kinda like grapefruit juice I guess.

Wasn't Johnny the one who kicked River Phoenix onto the sidewalk
So, you know who was the aggressor was?

Maybe River was a dick
Maybe Johnny called him Amazon & he's was very sensitive to people who might diss his name?
Did you ever think of that?
It's possible right?
A kick from Johnny Depp is kinda like grapefruit juice I guess.

Fucking grapefruit juice?
Who the fuck thought of running tests on that.

Fuck 'em
You want to eat that shit, well, your a dumb fuck
Tough shit
No clue how/why, but that was a known thing to me when I was way younger and liked feeling itchy and content with said itchiness. But yeah, a bit of grapefruit juice with an opiate kicks it up a bit.
I used to like Johnny Depp movies quite a bit,
I've been watching Depp since 21 Jump St & in my opinion he's one of the best out there but really only until Pirates he wasn't well known
I think this movie is his best
Best tripping scene ever filmed (been there/done that)

or is it this?

For drug movies, I would go with Edward scissorhands over fear and loathing, at least in terms of watching. Fear and loathing got played out for me, people always had it on in the background for years on end. That surrealism in Tim Burton movies is exquisite, I think it captures drugs better than overt attempts...though willy Wonka was terrible.

I enjoyed the Keith Richards as a pirate character in the first one, but the movies themselves got really bad and boring so meh.
Whoever wrote that script had to have eaten those drugs, the desription of the drugs affects are balls on.

Anyone else eat more acid/mescaline/psilocybin & didn't wait for the 1st dose to kick-in & ate some more & then the 1st finally hits & you're like oh fuck /I'm fucked :)
I did with some 4 way acid (a 1/4 of a hit was 1 trip) when I ate a 1/4, said fuck it & ate another 1/2 before the 1st kicked in
Oh my fucking God :)
I tripped like a motherfucker for 12 hours
Memorable :)