January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Bannon can defy a congressional subpoena, but he can't duck an interview with the FBI and it's a crime to lie to them too. Nail him for contempt of congress and lying to the FBI, or he will be pleading the 5th to them. Next get him and others on conspiracy, Rudy will crack and so will others. Since congress people are involved, a special prosecutor is required, then it goes ahead no matter what the results of the 2022 election.

I have not watched much of this yet, but looks like the Insurrectionists RINO's are trying to use their time to sell the CRT nonsense and making the parents freaking out turning themselves into potential domestic terrorists doing things like yelling at doctors trying to keep their neighborhoods safe and terrorizing school board members seem like they just want to give hugs and kisses.
https://www.rawstory.com/merrick-garland-hearing-2655409165/Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 1.56.00 PM.png
Attorney General Merrick Garland laughed at a Republican senator's question during a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), like every other GOP senator before him, used his allotted time to pepper Garland with questions about an Oct. 4 memo directing the Department of Justice to investigate threats against local school board members after a national organization asked President Joe Biden for federal intervention.

"The National School Board Association sent the letter to the White House and the White House promptly called you and said, 'Sic the FBI on parents at school board hearings, and that's what I mean," Kennedy said. "The White House is the prophet here and you're just the vessel, correct?"

Garland insisted he did not coordinate with the White House on the memo, which he said reflected his own views on protecting public officials from violence and threats while protecting parents' rights, but Kennedy pressed on.

"I get that, I heard your testimony," Kennedy said. "Were you worried you'd be fired if you didn't issue the memorandum?"

Garland laughed out loud before continuing.

"I'm not -- I signed on this memorandum on my own," Garland said. "I said from the very beginning, I've taken this job to protect the Department of Justice and make independent determinations with respect to prosecution, and I will do that."
A lot of people have issues with that! I do see an apparent 2 tier system of justice, from the reports that I've seen there is a mountain of evidence against Trump and many of his minions. I understand there are reasons of timing and political considerations. NY state has Trump by the balls and they are squeezing, so I can understand Garland waiting for congress to report and uncover evidence, but not the FBI! It's the appearance that is the issue, regular folks go to prison slam dunk every day of the week, some of these fucks will die of old age before they see a day in court, much less a prison.

I guess I think overthrowing the government is a serious issue and ya don't want repeat performances. But the problem is not really with the government or the courts, the problem is bigots have been abusing them and distorting civil society from a community, into a collection of frightened individuals, who gathered into a tribe lead by a psycho.
Do you understand the difference between a belief in guilt, however justified that may be and a legal court trial?
Do you understand the difference between a belief in guilt, however justified that may be and a legal court trial?
I understand how the law works foggy and I'm not alone in my concerns, many American legal experts are too, some have even mentioned Garland in terms of accessory after the fact. I believe much can be proven, provided the will exists and hope like many that it will be. One would think a few conspiracy cases will come of it.
Steve Bannon Indictment Watch & DOJ Precedent of 9 Days from Congressional Referral to Indictment

I understand how the law works foggy and I'm not alone in my concerns, many American legal experts are too, some have even mentioned Garland in terms of accessory after the fact. I believe much can be proven, provided the will exists and hope like many that it will be. One would think a few conspiracy cases will come of it.
Steve Bannon Indictment Watch & DOJ Precedent of 9 Days from Congressional Referral to Indictment

Jury trials are dicey. In Oregon, a gang of right wingers took over a wildlife sanctuary and used it as a post from which to terrorize the nearby town. They were there for weeks, parading about, digging up sacred land and threatening anybody who wasn't one on of them. And they were found not guilty on all charges. So, I'm not certain that what I believe to be criminal offenses by Jan 6 rioters will end up with the kind of justice we both want, much less Trump and his cronies behind bars. We both witnessed enough events over the past four years to convince ourselves they are guilty. But there are 12 jurors and none of them will be us, assuming there even is a trial.

On the other hand, Eric Chauvin was found guilty of murder. I didn't think that would happen.

So, I'm not going to hold my breath but not making any predictions either.

These hearings are relatively toothless. About all we can expect from them is a detailed report of what happened that includes testimony from heretofore untouchable witnesses and persons of interest. I'm deeeelighted that Bannon decided to commit Contempt of Congress. I'll take it if that's all we can find to use to put him away.
Jury trials are dicey. In Oregon, a gang of right wingers took over a wildlife sanctuary and used it as a post from which to terrorize the nearby town. They were there for weeks, parading about, digging up sacred land and threatening anybody who wasn't one on of them. And they were found not guilty on all charges. So, I'm not certain that what I believe to be criminal offenses by Jan 6 rioters will end up with the kind of justice we both want, much less Trump and his cronies behind bars. We both witnessed enough events over the past four years to convince ourselves they are guilty. But there are 12 jurors and none of them will be us, assuming there even is a trial.

On the other hand, Eric Chauvin was found guilty of murder. I didn't think that would happen.

So, I'm not going to hold my breath but not making any predictions either.

These hearings are relatively toothless. About all we can expect from them is a detailed report of what happened that includes testimony from heretofore untouchable witnesses and persons of interest. I'm deeeelighted that Bannon decided to commit Contempt of Congress. I'll take it if that's all we can find to use to put him away.
The trials will most likely happen in DC or the surrounding area and there is talk of a special prosecutor for the insurrection since congress people and government official were involved.
The Bannon issue will determine if Garland is really going to be the hammer of doom for Right wing, or if the Dem's will wimp out and leave the law toothless in order not to be "controversial". The DOJ should be inditing lots of Rethuglicans in and out of Congress for the Jan 6th attack on our democracy, not waiting to let it slip beneath the wave of Rethuglican bullshit that covers the news with distraction.
In my opinion Trump should have been indited and jailed in March and should be awaiting trial in an orange jumpsuit right now. No bail, no "Home Confinement" but in the slammer and under close confinement.
Congress should be hammered every day until all the conspirators are awaiting trial.
Do you understand the difference between a belief in guilt, however justified that may be and a legal court trial?
i do...and in some cases, i don't give a fuck. monsters have walked free over technicalities and out right bribery...that CANNOT be allowed to happen here...CANNOT...the fate of democracy and freedom in this country are at stake, and i'll be fucked if i'll willingly let one single fucking insurrectionist walk free without severe punishment
i do realize no one gives a fuck what i want, but that doesn't make me want it any less
i do...and in some cases, i don't give a fuck. monsters have walked free over technicalities and out right bribery...that CANNOT be allowed to happen here...CANNOT...the fate of democracy and freedom in this country are at stake, and i'll be fucked if i'll willingly let one single fucking insurrectionist walk free without severe punishment
i do realize no one gives a fuck what i want, but that doesn't make me want it any less
I understand and agree with you.

I believe in Democracy and the Rule of Law. Those two are precious and have to be defended. Neither are possible if you can't accept losing and election or court trial. People are put in the position of deciding the outcome. so long as we hew to Democracy and Rule of Law, we'll be OK.

The objective is to prevent those Jan 6 goons and their leaders from taking away Democracy and Rule of Law. We have alternatives to Federal criminal prosecutions that can achieve those objectives, such as the civil trials going on right now in Charlottesville.

So, although I don't agree that ALL the white terrorists must be imprisoned in order to acheive the stated objective. Some already are headed to prison and hundreds will be headed there over the next year. Some won't. And our systtem of government will be just fine. We have to win elections, and we have to dismantle the organizations that were behind the attacks. The Jan 6 congressional commission will be helpful in providing the legal framework for doing so.

Yes, our government is in danger. But I believe that the majority see what's happening which is why Democracy and Rule of Law will survive this crisis. Still though, the majority who oppose the white terrorists have to stick to those principles or the terrorists will win.
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I understand and agree with you.

I believe in Democracy and the Rule of Law. Those two are precious and have to be defended. Neither are possible if you can't accept losing sometimes.
Trying to eliminate technicalities cant be done without turning judges from “triers of fact” to something darker, more summary and authoritarian.

I hate seeing scum walk smiling out of a courtroom, but I accept it as part of the price of attempting to build an honest society.
I understand and agree with you.

I believe in Democracy and the Rule of Law. Those two are precious and have to be defended. Neither are possible if you can't accept losing sometimes.
even when losing means the death of democracy and the birth of the trump empire?
even when losing means the death of democracy and the birth of the trump empire?
Considering that man’s recent reversals of fortune, I think what you suggest is unlikely. In the past two weeks, news and commentary about that man (ignoring the Big Lie-cheering part of the press) have shifted in their tone. Criticizing that man and his henchmen has become more prevalent. It is a subtle thing, but it seems like the water drawing back farther than usual. We know what follows that. I am off my morale low for now, because I can feel things move in the right direction,

Theres an awful lot still to do, but it’s a start.
Considering that man’s recent reversals of fortune, I think what you suggest is unlikely. In the past two weeks, news and commentary about that man (ignoring the Big Lie-cheering part of the press) have shifted in their tone. Criticizing that man and his henchmen has become more prevalent. It is a subtle thing, but it seems like the water drawing back farther than usual. We know what follows that. I am off my morale low for now, because I can feel things move in the right direction,

Theres an awful lot still to do, but it’s a start.
i hope you're right, it will be a lot harder to exterminate the vermin if they get control of the house and or senate again...i really feel like we have to get shit done before the next election or we'll be fucked over by republican bullshit again and again....
Considering that man’s recent reversals of fortune, I think what you suggest is unlikely. In the past two weeks, news and commentary about that man (ignoring the Big Lie-cheering part of the press) have shifted in their tone. Criticizing that man and his henchmen has become more prevalent. It is a subtle thing, but it seems like the water drawing back farther than usual. We know what follows that. I am off my morale low for now, because I can feel things move in the right direction,

Theres an awful lot still to do, but it’s a start.
Except on Fox with charming Hannity the dumb
i hope you're right, it will be a lot harder to exterminate the vermin if they get control of the house and or senate again...i really feel like we have to get shit done before the next election or we'll be fucked over by republican bullshit again and again....
I imagine many of us share your sense of need. I do. However, we have months. I’m warming to the idea of playing a waiting game and then going flank speed when it’ll have the best effect on the midterms next year.

But what I am seeing from Garland and a DOJ still convalescing from all the harm done earlier, he refuses to hurry, but he projects resolution. I’ll trust him to use the timing well.

In the meantime, crushing Bannon and Giuliani in civil and criminal court will give us something of hope.