Romney is running in 2024

. . . . . . . the scope of Mitt Romney’s awkward remarks was wider still, including things like grass color: “Everything seems right here. You know, I come back to Michigan; the trees are the right height. The grass is the right color for this time of year, kind of a brownish-greenish sort of thing. It just feels right.”
Only baffling if the reporter didn't understand his background.
Probably was comparing his place on Winnepesaukee in NH vs his time in Michigan as a youngster.

I cut him off coming out of the Shop n Save by his place in NH just a little while ago...yet again...sorry again Mitt.
I think i yelled something like "Stay in quarantine zipperhead!" then saw it was him yet again....
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Aw, a sensitive fellow. That's okay, I am too.

Actually the racism was a deal breaker, as I was the victim of a racist hate crime, had to have reconstructive surgery because of it and have lived with PTSD every since. And I take it more seriously than, most of this country/world.

To specifically respond to your comment:

At the time of "Grab them by the Pussy", we were dealing with Clinton's emails which were a threat to National Security and Trump's racism. Sorry, not sorry, but the security of ALL, IS and always will be more important than racism.
I was raised/grew up in Washington DC proper. I have been around politics most of my life.
I was Republican my whole life.
I voted for Clinton in 2016.
I voted for Biden in 2020.

What's good?
hillarys emails!

Ah, I see. Yeah, maybe you are right about defensive mode, probably the other guys comment that kind of accused me of being racist.

I should probably stick to my own principals and leave politics out of places they shouldn't be spoken, or in this case, typed.

Thanks for clarifying, appreciate you.
i didn’t accuse you of being racist. You are racist.
i didn’t accuse you of being racist. You are racist.

Awww. You are hurting, you poor boy. I'm sorry to hear this. I know times are tough for so many.

You can name call all you want and assume I'm racist for literally no reason at all, by all means, honestly, whatever makes you feel better. Even if you have to blow off some steam towards me. Continue on young man.

Everyone that knows me knows I'm not racist, especially my Mexican girlfriend, her entire family and all of the people in our lives. But, like I said, whatever makes you feel better.

Maybe look up a doctor if you don't have one already and ask for an anti-anxiety medication or similar, this a rough time and I know everyone including myself is very anxious for this all to end. And a sleeping medication so you are well rested. I personally, stopped smoking months ago, take Cymbalta in the day for anxiety but mainly for nerve pain (for trigeminal neuralgia) which has done wonders for my arthritis. And also take Trazadone before bed, "off label" as a sleeping aid. Both have done Wonders for me. I actually deep sleep and have vivid dreams.
If you live near a major city, they have medical "concierge" services that are reasonably affordable. I signed up for one here in San Diego a few years ago. Everything is done through FaceTime/Zoom thing and they mail you prescriptions, pretty cool. If that's not an option, there Are other ways. Every county has clinics, I know they are packed right now but just making an appointment IS the first step. Also, if you don't have insurance (I don't, laid off in March), there is GoodRX that discounts the prescriptions to less than my insurance used to, pretty incredible. Like $7 a bottle each month. It's affordable.

Enjoy the weekend
so you supported trump after he called mexican people rapists and called for a ban on all muslim people and called for the execution of 5 black men who were exonerated by DNA evidence but you dont understand why youre being called racist

jesus christ you are one stupid fuck

You are actually making me laugh, thank you. I remember when I was a mad little boy too. Seriously, don't sweat it, you CAN grow out of this. Just take some deep breaths and start making your bed each morning. It's a great start. :)

You KNOW, you would never say any of this to me in person. I definitely know this lol. The fact that you continue to name call and try to demean me shows that you Do Need Some Help and should take my advice on the anti-anxiety and sleeping aids. Doesn't have to be forever, maybe just to get through these times. Honestly, I'm not mad at you for it. I just feel bad. This is a Cannabis website, maybe go over to the, I need mental help website, because I'm mad at the world and taking it out on strangers. I would also stay out of the politics website, since you don't know anything about politics. But this also isn't the place. I definitely regret ever commenting on the Romney going for 2024.

It's 70 degrees, sunny and ridiculously beautiful here in San Diego, I'm going to finish this amazing meal I just made, take my dogs to the dog beach and talk to my Dad on the phone. I'm going to have a great day today and I hope you do too.
Idiots. Romney is a vulture capitalist. Look at his get rich plan and the factories closed along with lives totally upset if not destroyed. Not his father for sure.

Wake up.
Yeah, ridiculous. Who really knows what was what. The email thing was probably blown out of proportion and mainly more lies/scams to get that con artist into office.
Keep your prejudices if you want, but you will pay a personal price for bigotry moving into the future. Looks like you can evolve and should be given the space to do so. Self consistency is the hallmark of integrity and little kids in cages that look like yours should have some impact on your mind. I think you need to get your values in alinement, you don't need to be perfect, just not a sucker and an enemy of the constitution. What is the point of making war on the brown folks? How does inflicting suffering and bullshit help America?

It is your conditioned biases that made you vulnerable to Trump and a threat to your country. We are responsible for overcoming that shit and evolving into better human beings, but often we try on one level, but are unconscious of the conditioned biases we have. Mere tolerance is not good enough, but it is a start, you need more than tolerance to form a community (country), you gotta care about others and be concerned about what happens to them.
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You are actually making me laugh, thank you. I remember when I was a mad little boy too. Seriously, don't sweat it, you CAN grow out of this. Just take some deep breaths and start making your bed each morning. It's a great start. :)

You KNOW, you would never say any of this to me in person. I definitely know this lol. The fact that you continue to name call and try to demean me shows that you Do Need Some Help and should take my advice on the anti-anxiety and sleeping aids. Doesn't have to be forever, maybe just to get through these times. Honestly, I'm not mad at you for it. I just feel bad. This is a Cannabis website, maybe go over to the, I need mental help website, because I'm mad at the world and taking it out on strangers. I would also stay out of the politics website, since you don't know anything about politics. But this also isn't the place. I definitely regret ever commenting on the Romney going for 2024.

It's 70 degrees, sunny and ridiculously beautiful here in San Diego, I'm going to finish this amazing meal I just made, take my dogs to the dog beach and talk to my Dad on the phone. I'm going to have a great day today and I hope you do too.
Oh oh Buck. This guy is about to send you his address or something. If he does do that send him back a dick pick :eyesmoke:
Oh oh Buck. This guy is about to send you his address or something. If he does do that send him back a dick pick :eyesmoke:
That is the nice thing about hindsight.

Also remember man, you always have the ignore feature if the trolling gets too intense. Welcome to the site, nice to meet you.

There's an ignore button?! lol. Do tell where this button is.

Thanks man. Nice to meet you too.
so you supported trump after he called mexican people rapists and called for a ban on all muslim people and called for the execution of 5 black men who were exonerated by DNA evidence but you dont understand why youre being called racist

It's gotta Really Really suck to just sit at home all day in all this hate. You should reread my comment about the mental health thing. You can PM me if you have any questions.