Autoflower Cuts

There ya go Mac..
Good call..Nice to see something constructive here.

Hey, listen gang..we might not always agree..(you saw my contributions to this effect)..but we don't have to tear one another down.

If there is anything I've appreciated since joining various cannabis chat boards the past few years..It's the sense of community and "helpin' a brother out sorta speak'..
The real world can be shit in this day and age..lets not contribute to that sentiment..

Peace Out! ✌️
There ya go Mac..
Good call..Nice to see something constructive here.

Hey, listen gang..we might not always agree..(you saw my contributions to this effect)..but we don't have to tear one another down.

If there is anything I've appreciated since joining various cannabis chat boards the past few years..It's the sense of community and "helpin' a brother out sorta speak'..
The real world can be shit in this day and age..lets not contribute to that sentiment..

Peace Out! ✌
I absolutely agree. I wouldnt be smoking this extra fire I just harvested without a few of these guys on here. I’m glad we all worked through that lol
Yeah man agreed and I know so w of the stuff ppl do might come across as dumb to some ppl but at the same time, alll great discoveries were at one time drowned upon might not seem like it rn, but really who's to say, so e of these guys on hereibht just accidentally stumble one the next big thing. I think if that dude earlier would have waited until he reversed one of his cuts and came BK and that seed that was produced were to in fact be sewn and grew as an auto, and was able to prove it, via pics/video whatever. This whooolle thread would have gone in a totally different direction. I hope he does honestly, and shit I hope he pulls it off too, if u could actually do that, flip an auto to be able to save it, then reverse a cutting and polinate another ant and still produce autoflowering babies.... That would be almost a priceless ability to some ppl...gonna stop rambling before I really start lol but I'm def w/ya man... The guys on here and t all that bad lol I just see it is as dealing with my grandfather kinda (hopefully I don't offend anyone by saying this) but he has been farming 2x as long as I e been alive and what he does works and works very well, but along the way I've figured stuff out that I think works a little bit better. But try telling him that, holy F* HAHAH everyone here has a ton of knowledge, some might not even realize how much they actually know. But not one person knows everything. Sometimes I'm very hard to convince of that as well, it's human..
So I came back to apologise for freaking out but seeing some of u guys comments I remember why I started talking like that I. The but regardless I shouldnt have acted like that in a place like this, it's not what this place is supposed to be for. But, what I. Talking about is actually happening regardless of my ability or desire to use the damn spell check. After all if growing abilities were based on clever screen names, it's looking like almost everyone would still be wondering why their thumb tacks hadn't sprouted yet. I should have waited to come back until I was actually done with every variable I have in play then , if everything keeps going the way it is and has been. You guys, in a couple months after I reverse one of the cuttings and polinate another and it produces autoflowering seeds once again which I do believe it will do, there really is t much anyone can say except for ask me the t
Questions any passionate grower trying to learn new things would already have been asking instead of just digging for every little bit of whatever u can grasp to try and probe to me that what I'm doing and witnessing, and have been recearching from my grow room to the dealer. I'm not just assuming shit. I have grown up growing everything that had kept us alive believe it or not idk it does t change actual "facts" I'll b BK in a couple months when. I'm done.. but to the one dude, that went as far as telling me I was full of shit talking about the very way in which I was raised... That's just about the most disrespectful thing a person could say. Insulting what made hi. Who he is... I would be really careful about taking that course when ur face to face with someone. But I really do think it's probably exactly what u need. You all , for ppl that are supposed to be a part of this lifestyle, or just grately underestimating the capabilities of mother nature in General which sadly doesn't surprise me because this attitude which translates into nothing but utter disrespect towards her is why this planet is in the disarray that it is today.. it's sad. I'll be back. And thank u to the few Ppl that weren't asshats! Grately appreciated...

Look I’m not trying to stir shit or be mean to anyone. However it’s more damaging to the community for people like this to go around preaching made up fake science then it is for us to correct them and inform them about the basics of genetics. (Not every auto seed will actual auto flower, it’s basic).

I’m all for people doing experiments, but this wasn’t an experiment we are talking about. It’s one person fucking with one plant trying to make conclusions about it after screwing around every which way invalidating any info they think they are gathering. Then coming on here and trying to tell everyone how dumb we are because we don’t believe his experiments.

I’ve got $5 on these guys being the same person. Look at how they type, they have mis-spellings in the same places. I’ve never seen someone use “BK” to replace the word back and yet both of these accounts use that term multiple times through these posts in a manner that almost looks like an auto correct from the same electronic device...........the mad scientists first post was in this thread defending wannabes behavior............ 90% of his posts are only in this thread.........

Defending wannabes behavior and acting like this site is to blame for him not getting treated right is silly. His actions were rude presumptuous and fly in the face of science. If wannabe really thinks they discovered something, repeat it and document it 10x, that’s how science works. If you took his theory to a bunch of scientists they would tell you the same thing, and if you told them “they were wrong and idiots for not believing you” they would also laugh at you, that’s how science works.
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I hear ya..I can't defend anyone here..nor will I.

No one likes people "talkin' out if their asses"..buddy legitimately thought what he was saying is true..We all had different views and stated them...

The disappointment, in my view, was how this turned into the equivalent of a virtual street fight.

Hey, I'm not tryin' to stuff some tin foil halo on my head (I didnt help matters)..we self regulate the chatter..Someone claims something, some of us think is BS..we call them out..No worries..I think we can all agree to that. However, name calling..drags things down to a level none of us enjoy..

We can agree to disagree..but dragging this down to our equivalent of the Trailer Park Boys..nah..


Positive vibes gang...Positive vibes..

I hear ya..I can't defend anyone here..nor will I.

No one likes people "talkin' out if their asses"..buddy legitimately thought what he was saying is true..We all had different views and stated them...

The disappointment, in my view, was how this turned into the equivalent of a virtual street fight.

Hey, I'm not tryin' to stuff some tin foil halo on my head (I didnt help matters)..we self regulate the chatter..Someone claims something, some of us think is BS..we call them out..No worries..I think we can all agree to that. However, name calling..drags things down to a level none of us enjoy..

We can agree to disagree..but dragging this down to our equivalent of the Trailer Park Boys..nah..


Positive vibes gang...Positive vibes..

Dude I’m all about positive vibes! I try real hard to make sure I speak to others in as respectful a manner as possible. That was part of my point, the reason wannabe got jumped on was because he came in saying “you guys are idiots I’m right”.

Really it was never any sweat off my back, everyone can do whatever they want in their own gardens I don’t have to smoke your plants. Buts it’s not fair to the community to present totally illogical ideas as facts. If people wanna experiment do it, and document it and share it. Sharing ideas is definitely how we grow and become better. Claiming facts without putting in the work to prove or document things won’t get you far though.
Ok so I'll just jump in here and say this, I do know *geniusdude* personally, we met at the supply store that I wrk at sometimes. He actually is a pretty talented grower with a pretty sweet set up.. I get why he was frustrated but I did tell him he was a jackass for jumping in here thinking he was gonna convince anyone of anything acting like that, like wtf u think was gonna happen bro?? he just approached the whole deal wrong, and he actually does and has lived off grid, I helped him with some issues he was having with pumps burning up in his tillapia pond feeding his raised beds. He is a HoTT headed mfr, I've gotten into it with him in person before because just like old farmers are, he's very set in his ways lol and talking anything new to him, well u might as well be talking to a cinder block. (I'm still trying to play neutral here just making known the facts of HIS situation that I know) now when i was there he ddnt let me look at all his stuff but I did see and look thru probably ten of his journals, and man he does keep detailed journals of lots of stuff, (PPM READINGS,ex,pH temp,eh etc and he does it daily I saw it written down with my own 2 eyes )and he has been doing it a long time, but he's not like "book smart" I guess is how u would put it? And he's most def Not a people person so I really DNT know why he thought coming on here was gonna work out lol. I'm not one to candy Coat anything so we're not like the best of friends or even kinda friends I guess we just know each other and have butted heads a few times, I could kinda be to blame for telling him about RIU so sry for bringing all this on, and I feel bad for it happening which is why I'm writing this speech In the first place. But really some of the stuff I saw him doing was pretty fkn cool, so I DNT really have any reason to doubt that he's ONTO SOMETHING but I have no clue what it is nor will I know probably till he's done, and I might never know esp if it doesnt wrk out. But he is friends with ALOT of ppl so I DNT doubt that he has sent stuff out to be tested either, he's actually Been working with some ppl I wish I could say I was a part of some of the projects but they are a waaaay closed lip tight knit group of old school growers, and just kinda trying to give him the credit he actually does deserve because I do know he is a weird fucker, but he's produced some pretty impressive meds that I've had the pleasure of smoking personally I kinda just wanted shit to work itself out on here so ppl ddnt come at me for just knowing this cat, but if that's what it turn into it is what it is I guess... I'm actually pretty curious to see what he's been up to, esp if he came in guns a'blazing like that, ??? Maybe he is onto some new shit? I dunno? But I also would t blame anyone for banning his ass either, cuz sites like this are most def not intended to be a fighting ground. Everyone should keep that stuff on Facebook with the rest of the garbage and political b.s. that's on there.. I'm just glad to see this thread sort of back to normal, whew it did get intense for a min..
On a diff note I FOUND A FUCKING ROSE BUSH IN MY BACK YARD!!!! HAHAAHA. Has anyone else done anymore reading on if it was actually possible to graft cannabis to them? It sounds crazy but man I really wanna try it now lol
What I think you should do instead of doing everything in secret and then telling us aha I did it! Why wouldn’t you start a journal that way we can follow along and see the results? As a scientific minded man would you believe me if I told you I did something that in hundreds and hundreds of years of marijuana cultivation has never been done? You certainly would not. So like I said. Journal it, tag some of the guys and girls and boom now you have a legit experiment and not a ghost story. I think your plants look great btw you would have got a lot of likes JUST from that.
Ok so I'll just jump in here and say this, I do know *geniusdude* personally, we met at the supply store that I wrk at sometimes. He actually is a pretty talented grower with a pretty sweet set up.. I get why he was frustrated but I did tell him he was a jackass for jumping in here thinking he was gonna convince anyone of anything acting like that, like wtf u think was gonna happen bro?? he just approached the whole deal wrong, and he actually does and has lived off grid, I helped him with some issues he was having with pumps burning up in his tillapia pond feeding his raised beds. He is a HoTT headed mfr, I've gotten into it with him in person before because just like old farmers are, he's very set in his ways lol and talking anything new to him, well u might as well be talking to a cinder block. (I'm still trying to play neutral here just making known the facts of HIS situation that I know) now when i was there he ddnt let me look at all his stuff but I did see and look thru probably ten of his journals, and man he does keep detailed journals of lots of stuff, (PPM READINGS,ex,pH temp,eh etc and he does it daily I saw it written down with my own 2 eyes )and he has been doing it a long time, but he's not like "book smart" I guess is how u would put it? And he's most def Not a people person so I really DNT know why he thought coming on here was gonna work out lol. I'm not one to candy Coat anything so we're not like the best of friends or even kinda friends I guess we just know each other and have butted heads a few times, I could kinda be to blame for telling him about RIU so sry for bringing all this on, and I feel bad for it happening which is why I'm writing this speech In the first place. But really some of the stuff I saw him doing was pretty fkn cool, so I DNT really have any reason to doubt that he's ONTO SOMETHING but I have no clue what it is nor will I know probably till he's done, and I might never know esp if it doesnt wrk out. But he is friends with ALOT of ppl so I DNT doubt that he has sent stuff out to be tested either, he's actually Been working with some ppl I wish I could say I was a part of some of the projects but they are a waaaay closed lip tight knit group of old school growers, and just kinda trying to give him the credit he actually does deserve because I do know he is a weird fucker, but he's produced some pretty impressive meds that I've had the pleasure of smoking personally I kinda just wanted shit to work itself out on here so ppl ddnt come at me for just knowing this cat, but if that's what it turn into it is what it is I guess... I'm actually pretty curious to see what he's been up to, esp if he came in guns a'blazing like that, ??? Maybe he is onto some new shit? I dunno? But I also would t blame anyone for banning his ass either, cuz sites like this are most def not intended to be a fighting ground. Everyone should keep that stuff on Facebook with the rest of the garbage and political b.s. that's on there.. I'm just glad to see this thread sort of back to normal, whew it did get intense for a min..
Funny how the two of you type exactly alike. No paragraphs, capitalizing for no reason, shortening words. Smells fishy
Ok let’s use this forum as it’s meant for. Not a school yard fight lol. I’m growing 9 autoflowers outdoors. Can’t seem to beat the damn leafhoppers. I don’t wanna use neem as they are flowering. Any good remedies? Tried organic insecticideal soap don’t seem to work.
Ok let’s use this forum as it’s meant for. Not a school yard fight lol. I’m growing 9 autoflowers outdoors. Can’t seem to beat the damn leafhoppers. I don’t wanna use neem as they are flowering. Any good remedies? Tried organic insecticideal soap don’t seem to work.

Ok I’ll use this forum how it’s meant to be. Here’s the section to post for issues with pests.
