It's like a bandaid, sometime the bandaid works or at least doesn't hurt anything and the wound heals fast, but sometimes the bandaid/(or a dressing for larger wounds) just holds in all the moisture and rot and the only solution is to remove it and let the sunlight in, and some sanitizing solution to wash out the junk (bonds (and derivatives)).
It's like most of the large businesses and institutions the fed supports have got rotten wounds in their funding or productivity and the fed just keeps adding more tape to hold in the rot because they find themelves stuck in triage. They're just kicking the crisis can down the road doing so, making things worse for everyone concerned over the long term, it'll only go so far and a double crisis probably does in their ability to have exclusive leadership/control or at least curtails it permanently. The positive there is that their self limiting will allow spontaneous/emergent systems formation by fresh actors as the operating space clears.
If you are not interested in "end", how about an "audit" to bring a little light (and disinfectant) in, can I sell you on an audit of the Fed?