Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...


Well-Known Member
That's very bold of you.
Some things need to extenuated, do you have a problem with the content of my spouting?
Sunlight is the best cure for cockroaches, trust me, makes em scurry away real quick.

I intend to provide some rather strong sunlight to grimy (I'm extremely selective) and hope to get help from good people in the community who judge his actions wrong and and antisocial, people who know right from wrong, adults.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Grimy I see you and yer fellow racists buddies are using my profile page as a communications hub and trying to harm my reputation in the community.
This is antisocial behavior of the first order, motivated by hatred and revenge. Those who communicate with you are either dupes with a heart, or those much like yourself.

I'm just gonna leave it there to shame you, but that's not possible, perhaps adults will find it funny. I care nothing for the opinions of those I do not respect, no honorable man does. You being a psychopath do not see this because you have no moral compass or compassion in your heart. Hear me @The Gram Reaper

BTW Why are ya changing yer icon like a lady changes her panties, frequently, son, don't ya figure folks got memories?
You can delete the posts that other people put on your profile page without having to report them. Its faster than making bold faced ballads.


Well-Known Member
Can I use this quote in my signature?
Yep that my opinion of your moral character and I've got a ton of documented evidence too, you are a psychopath and have never denied it after repeated accusations by me, this makes you a threat to any community of humans because you have an antisocial disorder. Ya got brain parts missing grimy and have no clue how normal people would look at this conversation, cause yer not one. Plus you don't learn from your mistakes act impulsively and have apparent neurolinguistic difficulties that are quite common in psychopaths grimy.

If anybody wants to have a chat with me about it, I'd be happy to explain and would convince any body with a brain, something you clearly lack.

By all means put it in yer sig grimy.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Yep that my opinion of your moral character and I've got a ton of documented evidence too, you are a psychopath and have never denied it after repeated accusations by me, this makes you a threat to any community of humans because you have an antisocial disorder. Ya got brain parts missing grimy and have no clue how normal people would look at this conversation, cause yer not one. Plus you don't learn from your mistakes act impulsively and have apparent neurolinguistic difficulties that are quite common in psychopaths grimy.

If anybody who wants to have a chat with me about it, I'd be happy to explain and would convince any body with a brain, something you clearly lack.

By all means put in yer sig grimy.
Thanks, I think its a great addition to my signature.

You are the one hell bent on studying my character but I am the psychopath?


Well-Known Member
Social division, that’s called social media lol. People arguing just to argue. Whether they truly believe in it or are just having a bad day or just trying to stir up trouble. You’ll never get unity in any country never mind the USA. There’s to many issues people get fixated on and refuse to look at the whole picture. Example Chicago black on black killings daily it’s like a war zone, no ones fixing it or really talking about it. Racist white cops shooting people of color , it’s truly a serious issue, but the media pours it on for ratings. The whole Native American thing, I’m 99% sure they traced there dna back to Serbia and Russia, so are they Native American or Eastern European. There just to many issues out there. Even for instance Iran attacked us tomorrow, and we attacked back. Half of the USA would be all for it. The other half would be bitching at Trump for killing innocent people over there instead of worrying about the lives over year. We live in a twisted world, it’s best to just ignore everything and focus on your own life and that’s it.


Well-Known Member
You can delete the posts that other people put on your profile page without having to report them. Its faster than making bold faced ballads.
Yer not too good at this social shit grimy cause ya got brain parts missing grimy, I warned you in PM and explained your condition to you all the way through the process and kept you fully informed, you practiced deceit grimy, normal folks don't do that, they got brakes, you don't.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks, I think its a great addition to my signature.

You are the one hell bent on studying my character but I am the psychopath?
Sure gimy you deal in disinformation and deceit, go ahead add it to your bag of tricks and by all means use it, people should know you for who you really are.

If I get banned doing something I feel is righteous and honorable in the defense of others it makes little difference to me. My ego is not strongly bound to this place, I'm a journeyman, I move along and live in the present and not the past.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
5 minutes.
Sure gimy you deal in disinformation and deceit, go ahead add it to your bag of tricks and by all means use it, people should know you for who you really are.

If I get banned doing something I feel is righteous and honorable in the defense of others it makes little difference to me. My ego is not strongly bound to this place, I'm a journeyman, I move along and live in the present and not the past.
Editing my quotes, but calling me a psychopath for editing your quotes? Be sure to document that too.


Well-Known Member
Some things need to extenuated, do you have a problem with the content of my spouting?
Sunlight is the best cure for cockroaches, trust me, makes em scurry away real quick.

I intend to provide some rather strong sunlight to grimy (I'm extremely selective) and hope to get help from good people in the community who judge his actions wrong and and antisocial, people who know right from wrong, adults.
Problem? No I am usually the monkey in the middle, I love everyone. I don't like the politics section though, but the threads are like yellow sticky tape.

Was just sayin, your posts are bold.


Well-Known Member
You have 6 minutes to keep posting stupid shit then I am ignoring you for the night and watching this popcorn sutton documentary.

Great grimy I don't wanna waste my time on ya and would like to do other things as well, I don't really like this but it's unfortunately necessary for my peace of mind and I won't let up or let you hurt others grimy.

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Great grimy I don't wanna waste my time on ya and would like to do other things as well, I don't really like this but it's unfortunately necessary for my peace of mind and I won't let up or let you hurt others grimy.
Do what makes you happy, it keeps me entertained. Have a good night.


Well-Known Member
How can that be? Blacks only make up 12% of the population. Does Japan, Canada, and Australia, have black populations on par with America?
Your thread is an attempt to spread racist propaganda and deceit and cause social division in America.
This is my opinion tell me yours and be honest and honorable about your motives and intentions.

I can't understand why a normal person would want to fuck themselves over something stupid like racism, unless they are driven by hate, fear, and resentment, or are brain a damaged psychopath like the gram reaper. Hate come first with those folks, and it rests on a foundation of fear of loss of social status as other peoples arise, including brown ones, in a modern multicultural state like America. Mostly it is fear by losers who know in their hearts they can't compete with the brown folks, because they are either not smart enough or are fucked up in emotional ways. It's most unfortunate and plays right into the hands of America's enemies by creating wedge issues that they can exploit. Also it creates a lot of terrorism too, almost always by white guys jacked up on racist propaganda too. They regularly slaughter American innocents by the dozens and ruin the lives of many more. I suppose when Trump get's his ass whipped they will rampage through the streets of America on a mission of mayhem.

I mean what kind of heartless cocksucker could support and promote something like that?

This issue appears to be important to you, so y'all get back to me ya hear...
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Well-Known Member
I find myself just skimming over all of your posts. (DIY) You seem to have some kind of infatuation with Gram reaper and it shows thread after thread. The biggest question I wanna know is....who died and made you the boss?? You act so pretentious trying to tell others how they should act and live their lives. Seems like all you want is validation from Bucky and he doesn’t even acknowledge you anymore. You’re just as bad as the “Russian trolls” you seem to hate so much. Smoke a bowl man and chill


Well-Known Member
Social division, that’s called social media lol. People arguing just to argue. Whether they truly believe in it or are just having a bad day or just trying to stir up trouble. You’ll never get unity in any country never mind the USA. There’s to many issues people get fixated on and refuse to look at the whole picture. Example Chicago black on black killings daily it’s like a war zone, no ones fixing it or really talking about it. Racist white cops shooting people of color , it’s truly a serious issue, but the media pours it on for ratings. The whole Native American thing, I’m 99% sure they traced there dna back to Serbia and Russia, so are they Native American or Eastern European. There just to many issues out there. Even for instance Iran attacked us tomorrow, and we attacked back. Half of the USA would be all for it. The other half would be bitching at Trump for killing innocent people over there instead of worrying about the lives over year. We live in a twisted world, it’s best to just ignore everything and focus on your own life and that’s it.
I agreed fully with this back around 2012-2013. The daily drudge of trolling and hateful rhetoric got too much to push back and I just started dismissing it as noise.

Even to the point that when my brother would troll Obama when we would go grab dinner or whatnot I would try to explain all the stuff he was saying was not reality. A few years later in 2016, I even still was able to ignore it as my dad and younger brother started talking about con-trails by the government and every other batshit thing that they were reading online, and aside from some curiosity I had about why they cared about email servers, I told myself, it is online craziness and doesn't matter. Then the more sane people in my family started posting anti immigrant shit, standing up for mens right to sexually aggress women without fear of being called out on it, on and on.

But 2016 and on we have learned too much about how foreign trolls have infected every bit of online communication attacking our citizens to not try to stay up on their garbage. It might not help much my little contribution to this site, but having an understanding of what messages these trolls keep pushing onto people and understanding better how/when they ramp up their volume is important to know what and why things are being said in the news and everyday life.


Well-Known Member
I agreed fully with this back around 2012-2013. The daily drudge of trolling and hateful rhetoric got too much to push back and I just started dismissing it as noise.

Even to the point that when my brother would troll Obama when we would go grab dinner or whatnot I would try to explain all the stuff he was saying was not reality. A few years later in 2016, I even still was able to ignore it as my dad and younger brother started talking about con-trails by the government and every other batshit thing that they were reading online, and aside from some curiosity I had about why they cared about email servers, I told myself, it is online craziness and doesn't matter. Then the more sane people in my family started posting anti immigrant shit, standing up for mens right to sexually aggress women without fear of being called out on it, on and on.

But 2016 and on we have learned too much about how foreign trolls have infected every bit of online communication attacking our citizens to not try to stay up on their garbage. It might not help much my little contribution to this site, but having an understanding of what messages these trolls keep pushing onto people and understanding better how/when they ramp up their volume is important to know what and why things are being said in the news and everyday life.
I agree with ya, but only a small portion of the trolls are foreigners. There your neighbors, your coworkers etc etc. Iam not pro Trump or anti Trump. But if Hillary was president right now, people would still be bitching about something. Conflict motivates people and absolutely boosts ratings in the media. Plus a lot of people feel powerful behind a screen. On top of that they fall for suggestive articles or suggestive documentaries. People don’t realize you should probably only believe about 25% of what you read online. A good narrator can sway an audience in any direction they want, to meet there own agenda not yours.