Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...


Well-Known Member
How can that be? Blacks only make up 12% of the population. Does Japan, Canada, and Australia, have black populations on par with America?
What a completely distorted, bullshit, made up article.

First off, here is the PDF of the statistics they quoted attached as proof.

From your article:

The DOJ only has three racial categories for murder offenders.
Outright lie.

The DOJ has 4 categories clearly labeled and defined in the report. Here they are:
  • White (excludes persons of Latino or Hispanic origin)
  • Black (excludes persons of Latino or Hispanic origin)
  • Hispanic
  • Other (Includes American Indian and Alaska Natives; Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islanders; and persons of two or more races.)
The other outright lie is that the data they used was arrest, not convictions. It's typical of the police in this day and age. One black guy gets shot, they arrest 5 guys for the crime until they can pen it on one of them.

One white guy gets killed and it takes them 5 years to make an arrest.

I also noticed you neglected to show the disparity in sentencing, the number of accused who have to rely on public defenders vs. personal defense attorneys, number of uncharged violent crimes reported and more.

Simple fact is, whites commit more murder and violent crime than blacks by a very substantial margin. But whites are typically in a position to lawyer up much more so than blacks are.

You're a racist piece of shit that quoted a racist blog in order to promote your racist ideas.



Active Member
What a completely distorted, bullshit, made up article.

First off, here is the PDF of the statistics they quoted attached as proof.

From your article:

The DOJ only has three racial categories for murder offenders.
Outright lie.

The DOJ has 4 categories clearly labeled and defined in the report. Here they are:
  • White (excludes persons of Latino or Hispanic origin)
  • Black (excludes persons of Latino or Hispanic origin)
  • Hispanic
  • Other (Includes American Indian and Alaska Natives; Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islanders; and persons of two or more races.)
The other outright lie is that the data they used was arrest, not convictions. It's typical of the police in this day and age. One black guy gets shot, they arrest 5 guys for the crime until they can pen it on one of them.

One white guy gets killed and it takes them 5 years to make an arrest.

I also noticed you neglected to show the disparity in sentencing, the number of accused who have to rely on public defenders vs. personal defense attorneys, number of uncharged violent crimes reported and more.

Simple fact is, whites commit more murder and violent crime than blacks by a very substantial margin. But whites are typically in a position to lawyer up much more so than blacks are.

You're a racist piece of shit that quoted a racist blog in order to promote your racist ideas.
lol. Triggered.


Well-Known Member
That might mean something coming from a credible source. Coming from you, it means zero. Zero, as in how many F's I give about your opinion.
A federal judge found 4 witnesses saying just that credible

Then of course trump himself bragged about walking in on naked underage girls

You support a pedophile


Active Member
Here's some unrelated, non-alcohol stats from South Australia.

(..might be 27 pages too late, but seeing how this thread has evolved, still relevant enough).

Alcohol was NOT involved in:
  • 70% of road accidents
  • 56% of fire injuries
  • 84% of child abuse cases
  • 88% of suicides
  • 90% of industrial accidents
Stats make not drinking seem unsafe, to me.

According to the OP of this threads source:
The DOJ reports 13,455 murder victims in 2015;
About 53% of the VICTIMS were black
About 51% of known offenders were NOT black.

Not quite as catchy as this threads title, though.
"Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides..."

...but we're all (some of us) used to clickbait and know that descriptive titles are are only found in books that get the author paid just once for a quality read, and not for the amount of times it gets seen.

Maybe the 'stats' articles would sell more stories if they biased the article for a different audience. Like my non-drinking stats.

Racist people need to learn some bigger numbers. They seem to be oblivious as to how tiny and TRULY insignificant our speck of a planet is, (let alone us individual parasites inhabiting it) ..yet evidently they think that a line in the sand (or the other side of a train track) can make us different and worth fighting each other, over.

Stop swallowing the puppet pills that you are fed and open your eyes, people.

Anyone that thinks that we have something to fight over, needs to go out and look to the sky. Of the infinite possible things that a 'thinking' being could be upset about, WE pick the closest possible mixture of atoms, to ourselves!

As far as politics goes: Who do you even think that your branch managers' foremans' 2ics' lackey in charge of getting your prescriptions swallowed, is?

Divide and Conquer, people. It makes EVERYTHING work. Just wasn't designed for us blind people, is all. Look around and you can see it EVERYWHERE.

Just 'Bread and Circuses'. That is why your favourite sports team exists. ..selling taxable drugs to the fans is just a nice bonus. The amusement, sedation and general misdirecting of the rivaling masses is the point and a good indicator to go and look at the new laws being snuck in for 'your protection' and find out what right you will have to give up, in order to be safe. ...or more correctly, 'less scared' of an imaginary threat. You'll need a new 'WAR ON X'.

...Solve for x.

We're all nothing and our differences are SO insignificant that they are only appearing to be there because that is what we're fed.