Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

you guys are funny
Are you implying the DOJ is my mom and dad?

Anyone can make a statistic and point the finger and leave out details such as why they are topping that statistic.

Its the insipid nincompoop nazis fucks that fail to see the big picture, and if u are one of these nazis It boggles me why you are allowed here.

DOnt get me started on tthe DOJ or dept of injustice, the most corrupt mofos they control the law, the feds the narcs and DHS. One whole conglomery or mofos that will not last much longer till either A reform and purging is done in these agencys or they start a problem which can not be solved domestically and would need foreign intervention.

DOJ is known to illegally obtain info from NSA, DHS mandates what info they get from spooks then lie in court to judges where they get it. Its all one big fucking joke and it needs to end.

Even nincompoop Trump knows about DOJs bs not just cause of the campaign against him but the "freedoms" they are taking with tools and privledges given to spook agencys to fight terrorism, which they eloquently label old hippys and native americans in North Dakota protesting..... Its not justice its unjustice and the american people and the world is getting tired of it.
Anyone can make a statistic and point the finger and leave out details such as why they are topping that statistic.

Its the insipid nincompoop nazis fucks that fail to see the big picture, and if u are one of these nazis It boggles me why you are allowed here.

DOnt get me started on tthe DOJ or dept of injustice, the most corrupt mofos they control the law, the feds the narcs and DHS. One whole conglomery or mofos that will not last much longer till either A reform and purging is done in these agencys or they start a problem which can not be solved domestically and would need foreign intervention.

DOJ is known to illegally obtain info from NSA, DHS mandates what info they get from spooks then lie in court to judges where they get it. Its all one big fucking joke and it needs to end.

Even nincompoop Trump knows about DOJs bs not just cause of the campaign against him but the "freedoms" they are taking with tools and privledges given to spook agencys to fight terrorism, which they eloquently label old hippys and native americans in North Dakota protesting..... Its not justice its unjustice and the american people and the world is getting tired of it.
I think you got yourself started.

But yeah ET is a Nazi bot.
I really dont like to talk politics, but you are saying thats a bot? Why not ban?
IDK why some stick around and some don't. The klan/nazi/alt.right scum eventually get banned but they come back as a sock. Pathetic if you ask me. Maybe Knitty has it right and it's all about seeking attention.

maybe ET is a human bot. Def without any redeeming social value.
IDK why some stick around and some don't. The klan/nazi/alt.right scum eventually get banned but they come back as a sock. Pathetic if you ask me. Maybe Knitty has it right and it's all about seeking attention.

maybe ET is a human bot. Def without any redeeming social value.
Ignorant much? The funny thing is, had I changed the word from black to white, you would have soiled your panties with joy. Sorry to burst your bubble but these are the DOJ stats and they are true whether you like it or not, dog.
Or hes just another DOJ funded shill.....

Its ok, toke up laugh at thier posts, they think they stirrin up fire, little do they know their time is coming... World and american people arent gonna put up with this fascist Mussolini type state they have goin
Or hes just another DOJ funded shill.....

Its ok, toke up laugh at thier posts, they think they stirrin up fire, little do they know their time is coming... World and american people arent gonna put up with this fascist Mussolini type state they have goin
I find this forum useful as a place to learn what they are saying and some insight into their totally alien way of viewing the world. Maybe if normal people living in Germany in the 1920's had a way to listen to unfiltered speech by the Nazi base, Hitler wouldn't have been viewed as a joke by the majority until it was too late.

I can't read and respond while high. Especially type. It becomes too much effort. Also those people can bum me out when I'm high because I'm more deeply affected by their callousness towards others. It's just a thing I have, not everybody. Clearly not everybody.