Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

I’ll do the same with white people or my people. I’m a realist, there’s awful people of all races and plenty of examples to back them all up. But I seen you jump to Trump and Kavanaugh. How about AOC or Omar. All 4 of them are good for nothing but why fixate on those 2.
AOC and Omar never raped anyone

You are unsmart
There are a lot more white serial killers. Waaaaay more.

I only know of 4 prominent black serial killers.

I can name 20 prominent white serial killers without even trying.

Another problem is that racism as usual plays an active part in determining what a serial killer is.

Many times black multi murderers are classified as serial killers when in fact they are not.
I’ll do the same with white people or my people. I’m a realist, there’s awful people of all races and plenty of examples to back them all up. But I seen you jump to Trump and Kavanaugh. How about AOC or Omar. All 4 of them are good for nothing but why fixate on those 2.
But you didn't pull up records of white people who perpetrate most of the serial murders in this country and that makes all the difference.

You compare two people who literally raped women and would deny the choice whether or not to terminate a pregnancy caused by rape to four women who advocate for nationalized healthcare even for rapists. There is no comparison.

That kind of propaganda only works on the weak minded.
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Part of the problem is the cycle needs to be broken of teaching hate to children and it must be counteracted, policy can make it illegal to teach these thins deliberately to the young, it's another form of child abuse. Children who grow up under such circumstances are being programmed to suckers and dupes' who not only work against your interests but their own as well. Deliberately putting your children in such a position is child abuse.

Government might support emotional skills training in schools too to make better people and citizens. A normal person who is trained is not a racist and cannot be, for they live by values and compassion. It will allow ya to empathize with a goddamn snake and deal him without too much bias or emotional impact.

Himmler would have been a nicer person if only somebody had shown him empathy.