Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

Social division, that’s called social media lol. People arguing just to argue. Whether they truly believe in it or are just having a bad day or just trying to stir up trouble. You’ll never get unity in any country never mind the USA. There’s to many issues people get fixated on and refuse to look at the whole picture. Example Chicago black on black killings daily it’s like a war zone, no ones fixing it or really talking about it. Racist white cops shooting people of color , it’s truly a serious issue, but the media pours it on for ratings. The whole Native American thing, I’m 99% sure they traced there dna back to Serbia and Russia, so are they Native American or Eastern European. There just to many issues out there. Even for instance Iran attacked us tomorrow, and we attacked back. Half of the USA would be all for it. The other half would be bitching at Trump for killing innocent people over there instead of worrying about the lives over year. We live in a twisted world, it’s best to just ignore everything and focus on your own life and that’s it.

There shouldn't be any problem though treating every good person regardless of race, ethnicity, decently and fairly, just because they are different?

That would be a sign of cowardice and I could prove it too.
c'mon man

White guys complain about pc by telling us how distressing it is that they have to think about what they say instead of gratuitously insulting people. Do you really think we should coddle them?
Try, fur awhile with the better ones Foggy ya need all the friends ya can get to go to the pols and you can reach almost every state in the union here, unlike home and can be much more effective.

Tough social policy will be introduced if you get a new government with a strong mandate. A lot of people are gonna bitch and complain, holler and dance like there was a red hot poker up there asses cause they ain't gonna like the solutions one fucking bit and the bigger the mandate, the more they can do. They might even bend the constitution a bit, cause the SCOTUS judges watch the news too, and they are nobody's master, in spite of what ya might think. They will do this because they must, the price so far has been too high and probably get worse. It would be too painful politically to do it with no reason and ya got a Helluva one now, most sensible people realize this.

BTW Wouldn't you like to be holding that red hot poker?
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Ya Yangs the fuckin man, really wish he didn’t jump right to the big stage and would of got his feet wet somewhere else in politics first. He’s someone that belongs in Washington at some capacity or another. Ya I have a 20 and 17 year old, their aware of the catfish thing. But there still gullible as fuck imo. Being young is part of it, but my wife’s friend in her 30’s is currently being catfished and refuses to believe it. I wonder why people allow that to happen. I wonder if it’s lack of self esteem, self worth , desperation or just hope in humanity. Either way I’d never fall for it.
Studies show people your age are far more susceptible to being conned by fake news than your kids will ever be
Bucky and he doesn’t even acknowledge you anymore
What was the true purpose of this line of thought?

I like and respect buck and he has far more experience than me in dealing with assholes and trolls though my approach is different, more nuanced and I look for hearts in those who spout shit, when find one I seek to understand them and and determine if they really have a heart.

In discussing issues adults always proceed from motive and intention first and settle them, then we move onto issues later. When we have determined the integrity of our opponent,we can discuss issues. But if yer on the wrong side of a morally indefensible position like racist, a child could beat the shit of ya on any stage.with a level playing field. It's that easy, the trumpers do not have the power of the truth in their mouths and the truth works with good people who's minds have not been warped by greed, anger, resentment and greed.

But understand this Buck is his own man and so am I, we share values and are values driven, not transactional in our beliefs, and I find him an interesting fellow, cause most folks are driven by other forces. I have't looked because I don't do that to good people they are just my friends like everybody has and unless they are suffering or doing what consider wrong and immoral. I generally let everybody be themselves and only guide with wise council (I hope).:lol: I like everybody else has no right to tell good and honorable people what to do, they would tell me to fuck off and they'd be right...

If yer not a good person however.... and I have the means to find out if yer an (idiot temporary state) or something else and there are several varieties of those.
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Try, fur awhile with the better ones Foggy ya need all the friends ya can get to go to the pols and you can reach almost every state in the union here, unlike home and can be much more effective.

Tough social policy will be introduced if you get a new government with a strong mandate. A lot of people are gonna bitch and complain, holler and dance like there was a red hot poker up there asses cause they ain't gonna like the solutions on fucking bit and the bigger the mandate, the more they can do. They might even bend the constitution a bit, cause the SCOTUS judges watch the news too, and they are nobody master, in spite of what ya might think. They will do this because they must, the price so far has bin too high and probably get worse. It would be too painful politically to do it with no reason and ya got a Helluva one now, most sensible people realize this.

BTW Wouldn't you like to be holding that red hot poker?
I don't want to hold a red hot poker and I don't want government social policies about speech. Shitheads who gratuitously spout racist, misogynist and other insults to others will stop doing so if the people around them start telling them to shut the fuck up. Businesses are aware of what social pressure does to their bottom line and they play a role in damping down the npc rhetoric. Making the social environment hostile to shitheads who can't help but call women cunts or act like Kavanaugh is a better solution.

We have come a long way since the sixties and it wasn't by regulation, it was by education, public awareness and social pressure. Social pressure is an effective tool and I'm all for using it instead of trying to legislate good manners.
Here's an other tidbit from that post:

During the investigation of these cases, detectives also reviewed similar solved cases. In doing so, the detectives found that David Allen Jones, 28, had been convicted of three murders that occurred in the same area where Turner was known to be operating, including Tammie Christmas, found strangled in September 1992 at the 97th Street Elementary School. Jones, a mentally disabled part-time janitor who was barely literate, was questioned without an attorney and admitted using drugs with the victims in the areas where their bodies were found.[11]

Rather than using these convictions as a basis for excluding Turner, the detectives revisited these "solved" murders and re-evaluated the physical evidence. The detectives found that Jones' 1995 trial had relied upon other evidence, including Jones' coerced statements to police, instead of DNA technology.[12] At the detectives' request, the LAPD Crime Laboratory processed the available evidence using the latest DNA applications. Although DNA analysis could not be used to reinvestigate the Christmas murder, prosecutors and police are confident that Jones is innocent of the Christmas murder and that Turner is the likely culprit.

Law enforcement falsely convicted a black man during the course of its investigations.
I see both, and I’m Puerto Rican btw so you can use that white rhetoric on me. I see everyone for who they are, white,black,Hispanic,Asian doesn’t matter.
OTOH, you went right to the few black men who were serial killers. I don't give a shit what your nationality is, I'm just pointing out that where you see a black man, I see a serial killer. Do you want to play match? You post a black man convicted of serial murder and I'll post a white man. You'll run out of examples first.

It's OK. I'm sure you are a good family man and all that. I get it, some people just can't help but be ruled by their biases.
OTOH, you went right to the few black men who were serial killers. I don't give a shit what your nationality is, I'm just pointing out that where you see a black man, I see a serial killer. Do you want to play match? You post a black man convicted of serial murder and I'll post a white man. You'll run out of examples first.

It's OK. I'm sure you are a good family man and all that. I get it, some people just can't help but be ruled by their biases.
I’ll do the same with white people or my people. I’m a realist, there’s awful people of all races and plenty of examples to back them all up. But I seen you jump to Trump and Kavanaugh. How about AOC or Omar. All 4 of them are good for nothing but why fixate on those 2.
I’ll do the same with white people or my people. I’m a realist, there’s awful people of all races and plenty of examples to back them all up. But I seen you jump to Trump and Kavanaugh. How about AOC or Omar. All 4 of them are good for nothing but why fixate on those 2.
President of the United States and Supreme Court Judge (for life), vs 2 freshmen congresswomen? You don't see a difference? Its all propaganda pushing AOC and Omar, they are just a couple people representing their districts, it is not much of a reason to talk about them, I know I can't vote for either of them, are they local for you? Maybe I could understand then why you would care about one of them, but still not both.
I don't want to hold a red hot poker and I don't want government social policies about speech. Shitheads who gratuitously spout racist, misogynist and other insults to others will stop doing so if the people around them start telling them to shut the fuck up. Businesses are aware of what social pressure does to their bottom line and they play a role in damping down the npc rhetoric. Making the social environment hostile to shitheads who can't help but call women cunts or act like Kavanaugh is a better solution.

We have come a long way since the sixties and it wasn't by regulation, it was by education, public awareness and social pressure. Social pressure is an effective tool and I'm all for using it instead of trying to legislate good manners.
These are evidence based policies with supporting data, try not to be too ideological and more practical. (advice)
President of the United States and Supreme Court Judge (for life), vs 2 freshmen congresswomen? You don't see a difference? Its all propaganda pushing AOC and Omar, they are just a couple people representing their districts, it is not much of a reason to talk about them, I know I can't vote for either of them, are they local for you? Maybe I could understand then why you would care about one of them, but still not both.
There not local for me, Pocahontas represents my state. And as far as AOC I actually do like a lot of what she does and some of her ideas are actually decent. It’s just, and I might be coming out of left field with this one. But I thinks she purposely says stuff to stir up a social media shit storms and then sits back and enjoys it. As far as Omar she has some skeletons in her closet but casts stones at anyone not of her skin complexion. But that’s the end of my political rants on here for the foreseeable future. But I’ll see you and everyone else back in the grower threads. I did enjoy the conversation with you though your a smart dude. And my screenshots of that 1 crazy guy and buck gave my Facebook and snap some laughs at the same time. It was enjoyable for all here in New England lol.
I see two serial killers

He sees two black men.
Part of the problem is the cycle needs to be broken of teaching hate to children and it must be counteracted, policy can make it illegal to teach these thins deliberately to the young, it's another form of child abuse. Children who grow up under such circumstances are being programmed to suckers and dupes' who not only work against your interests but their own as well. Deliberately putting your children in such a position is child abuse.

Government might support emotional skills training in schools too to make better people and citizens. A normal person who is trained is not a racist and cannot be, for they live by values and compassion. It will allow ya to empathize with a goddamn snake and deal him without too much bias or emotional impact.