Trumps brain is mush (post examples)

The Russians celebrated with much vigor too! They had a real nice BBQ in the Katyn Forest for about 22,000 of Poland's top citizens.
Old Joe was a piece or work and this is what happens when a psychopath gains complete control of a country. Stalin (Man of Steel) was a beast, highly intelligent, erudite and had the superficial charm that many display. He had a sick and frail FDR conned, but not Churchill, who knew his adversary well and who warned. He also knew of the above atrocity from enigma decrypts after the Germans found the graves when they double crossed Stalin and invaded. It confirmed the German propaganda that this picture was part of, FDR had the info too.

Yer lucky Donald is such an idiot, the next one might not be, someone else will gain control of the herd after Trump is gone.
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True, that. I've taken comfort in Trump's golfing holidays. Power mad dictators with the ambition to rule the world don't take off and go golfing 100 days a year.
His complete lack of interest and knowledge is helpful sometimes, if the moron knew how to use the levers of power to accomplish evil, you'd be fucked. If he just didn't twitter and kept his mouth shut he would be light years a head in the polls. All he has to do is shut to fuck up and his poll numbers rise by magic. That's why the democrats need to light a fire under his ass with hearings and documents, so America can hear more unstable rants, lies and stupidity and a daily twitter storm of rage and fear. Bury the cocksucker or drive him off the deep end, but not so far as to nuke everything in sight, including hurricanes!
True, that. I've taken comfort in Trump's golfing holidays. Power mad dictators with the ambition to rule the world don't take off and go golfing 100 days a year.

I doubt he actually plays golf. Maybe one tee off for the camera. He says he shoots around par, or even under par on a good day, and can drive 285 yards. Yeah fuckin right. And he drives carts on the green... despicable. Maybe I am wrong and he's one of the best old golfers ever.
I doubt he actually plays golf. Maybe one tee off for the camera. He says he shoots around par, or even under par on a good day, and can drive 285 yards. Yeah fuckin right. And he drives carts on the green... despicable. Maybe I am wrong and he's one of the best old golfers ever.
Whatever it is he's doing, while he's gone "golfing", he's not plotting the takeover of this country. I heartily endorse his vacations.
I doubt he actually plays golf. Maybe one tee off for the camera. He says he shoots around par, or even under par on a good day, and can drive 285 yards. Yeah fuckin right. And he drives carts on the green... despicable. Maybe I am wrong and he's one of the best old golfers ever.
His game is a reflection of his life, he's a loser, a liar and a cheat, a lazy asshole with respect for nothing.
Whatever it is he's doing, while he's gone "golfing", he's not plotting the takeover of this country. I heartily endorse his vacations.
The only plotting Donald does revolves around his ego and how to feed it, he uses the time to tweet and doesn't think too far ahead when he does! Donald isn't introspective and he doesn't want you to be either. Donald is like the star ship Enterprise with a broken warp drive he runs on impulse power and is driven by forces that are sub conscious to him but are obvious to others. A classic case of the Dunning–Kruger effect, he's so stupid he don't know how stupid, he doesn't have a clue.
Trump displays altered weather map showing Dorian could have hit Alabama


I don't know if i should feel bad for the idiot holding the graphic or not. I don't quite know if the look on his face is scorn for his task or steely-eyed determination to support the Moron in Chief. Perhaps if the video was analyzed it would be found that he was blinking out a message in Morse Code... perhaps BLOWJOB, or TRUMP FUCKS KIDS.
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Fucking sharks, how scary is that to think about being caught in a flood and having to worry about sharks...

yet another worry of climate change.... sharks.

You think this wouldn't be so hard for people to do something about reversing our impact on it.
Fucking sharks, how scary is that to think about being caught in a flood and having to worry about sharks...

yet another worry of climate change.... sharks.

You think this wouldn't be so hard for people to do something about reversing our impact on it.
Sharknado! They should make a more realistic movie about sharks roaming the future flooded streets of Miami and chomping the citizens in a classic battle of man against the adversity of nature. With modern CGI they could make a dandy too, water up to the second story and it doesn't even have to be set that far into the future either...
Doesn't get easier to have a disaster movie that covers a 24 hours category 5 hurricane directly over your home with Sharks swimming past your front door.
Fucking sharks, how scary is that to think about being caught in a flood and having to worry about sharks...

yet another worry of climate change.... sharks.

You think this wouldn't be so hard for people to do something about reversing our impact on it.
Sharks won't eat Trumpkins. Why? you ask?

Because they are bitter.