Trumps brain is mush (post examples)


Well-Known Member
Trumps latest Tweet, no digging required, 24/7 word shit fest.
“My Stock Market gains must be judged from the day after the Election, November 9, 2016, where the Market went up big after the win, and because of the win. Had my opponent won, CRASH!”


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"Nobody’s happy about it. But we’re taking a good look, and we’ll see, we’ll see. The relationship continues, but we’ll see what happens. I know they want to negotiate. They’re talking about negotiating, but I don’t think they’re ready to negotiate because we have to either do —it’s very much like China" - Donald Trump 3/9/19


Well-Known Member
Trump is using the entire country in order to bully others for his own personal gain. It is inconceivable that there are a large number of people who support him in this.

I'm not sure if he is suffering mental decline or if he was always this way and can now give free reign to his worse instincts now that he has established control over the executive branch. The distinction is an invidious one - he is insane - I just don't know that it is anything new.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
"I want the cleanest water on Earth. I want the cleanest air on Earth. And that’s what we’re doing. And I’m an environmentalist," he said.


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"...I'm not going to make any money. I don't want to make money. I don't care about making money". -Trump 8/26/2019


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Same pose from another authoritarian leader
The original Valdimir, Putin's namesake. Our Vlad wants to restore the first Vlad's empire only with a soviet (council) of oligarchs instead of the old Politburo. Putin's power springs from the same place Trump's does, there are plenty of bigots and shitheads there too. It will be the job of the next democratic president to show them the errors of their ways, in a most painful manner.
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