Are you better off today, than you were 4 years ago when Trump was POTUS?

Witnessing with your eyes isn't enough? Anyways it sounds like they just let them into our country. That's the crap I don't like. Jean Pierre blames Abbott for those immigrants breaking down the barrier and assaulting our troops.

It is clear that you didn't listen to what the Biden spokesperson truthfully said in her response to the loaded questions asked by the reporter.

Governor Abbot put troops in harms way against the advice and will of Biden's administration. They were put in harms way. Did you not hear that said in the video you posted? Also said was, when the people who tried to cross and broke down Abbots ridiculously ineffective and jury-rigged fence that might have stopped domestic cattle, all of them were arrested by the Border Patrol. People who have endured a thousand mile journey and were confronted with the equivalent of a Lego fence, guess what? People aren't cattle. They rolled over it and went through Abbot's National Guard like they weren't even there and were then arrested by the Border Patrol. All of them were arrested.

So, you didn't say, I guess you thought it was obvious but it wasn't to me. What was your point? And do you still think its valid?
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Looks like the same guy standing there to me on both.
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The endings of the clips are very very different.

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Fox and the other propaganda videos show the breaking down the fence, but then stop it before they get to the real fence where they were all arrested. Much scarier if the viewers showing all those big scary ppl getting through a shit little dog fence with nasty barb wire. Did you really not see that or are you just not wanting to say you did?
Oh no, I did and I thought I said that…. But yeah, fear mongers.
It’s the Biden vs. Trump Economy—and Hell No, It’s Not Even Close
The facts are clear: Biden has overseen a stronger economy than Trump did. That reality should dominate his reelection campaign.
Thanks for the input.

Thanks for the input. Being in the Car Biz as a finance manager for 32 years, I've seen it go up and down. I got to witness the over lending to the sub prime market in the late 2000's to the <600 credit scores on cars, homes, etc. It really set the market up for a crash/housing bubble pop, increased foreclosures, repo's, voluntary surrenders, etc. On my end at that time (2010 or so) The lending institutions really tightened up after learning that lesson. Funny story, right before all that, I had a Credit Union that if you had a TransUnion score of 740+, there was NO LTV on a car. So, we had people coming in, financing thier car/truck at 100%, and then adding on $50,000 in Credit Card debt to the loan. ..... that lasted about 28 days before they pulled the plug on that deal. So, most of that era was the Federal Lending's fault for doing what they did. It was a disaster in the making for not adhering to common sense guidelines. I understand what they were trying to do, but... they just over did it.
In today's case, You're right. After 911, people kinda froze up, and were not spending anything. After all, were just saw a collapse of the market (and 4 buildings), so people were just afraid to take on debt. Enter the 0% financing for 60 or 72 months from FMCC, GMAC (at the time), and Chrysler Financial. This long stretch of the idea that money was free (which it was) took a long time to adjust a customers thinking because it was just the norm for a long time. ... and in that long time, these institutions would still loan out to <600 score customers. The process started all over again, but this time, they were losing money for years. You can't loan out money for nothing and get your chicks for free for long. So,.... here we are. Good thing for me I don't have any debt, and can't complain about the 4.5% return I get every month on a savings account, but it sure has put a lot of people in a pinch these days.
See you've ventured into the political arena,did your nephew commit to a college for B-ball,is it D-1?
4 years ago today Trump led America to #1 in the world!
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And the whitless wonder stepping all over the actual professionals whose advise he should have been following.

AMAZING,maybe we should have tried the BLEACH,HOW THE FK IS THIS GUY STILL A VIABLE CANDIDATE,with more damning eg's of ineptitude,mental instability,ignorance,malfeasance than Heinz has pickles.Easily the most appalling,confounding event of my lifetime,feels like millions of fellow Americans rode a conveyor belt to a lobotomy machine cleansing them of common sense,morality, accountability,and the tenets of a democracy. They are actually going to touch the red hot stove AGAIN. Absolutely stunning,a phenomenon of the unexplainable,I'm literally watching Americans voluntarily put a gun to lady liberty's head, are they ignorant?,are they evil?do dark hearts reside in half of America?are they such haters that moderate dems are cast as the RADICAL FAR LEFT in their haste to install a completely un-American KIM,PUTIN,XI,HITLER fanboy in our highest office?Hand him the keys again,give a book of matches to a arsonist.WHAT's in the FKN air that I can't small?
AMAZING,maybe we should have tried the BLEACH,HOW THE FK IS THIS GUY STILL A VIABLE CANDIDATE,with more damning eg's of ineptitude,mental instability,ignorance,malfeasance than Heinz has pickles.Easily the most appalling,confounding event of my lifetime,feels like millions of fellow Americans rode a conveyor belt to a lobotomy machine cleansing them of common sense,morality, accountability,and the tenets of a democracy. They are actually going to touch the red hot stove AGAIN. Absolutely stunning,a phenomenon of the unexplainable,I'm literally watching Americans voluntarily put a gun to lady liberty's head, are they ignorant?,are they evil?do dark hearts reside in half of America?are they such haters that moderate dems are cast as the RADICAL FAR LEFT in their haste to install a completely un-American KIM,PUTIN,XI,HITLER fanboy in our highest office?Hand him the keys again,give a book of matches to a arsonist.WHAT's in the FKN air that I can't small?
4 years ago today:

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I figured I would take a look at what Trump was saying this day 4 years ago, and was struck by the way Mrs. Macnamara (Vietnam numbers guy ref) was talking about if we do nothing we are looking at 1.6 to 2.2 million deaths from the virus. It is a shame that Trump couldn't just suck it up and follow the guidance he was getting. Right after he takes the podium again he calls on someone asking if his Easter event was a good idea, and then of course takes no responsibility and then calls on an OANN reporter with a fluffed up question. The need for this spoiled brat to have his ego fed is just sad.

I can't believe people actually want four more years of Orange Mussolini.

4 years ago today:

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I figured I would take a look at what Trump was saying this day 4 years ago, and was struck by the way Mrs. Macnamara (Vietnam numbers guy ref) was talking about if we do nothing we are looking at 1.6 to 2.2 million deaths from the virus. It is a shame that Trump couldn't just suck it up and follow the guidance he was getting. Right after he takes the podium again he calls on someone asking if his Easter event was a good idea, and then of course takes no responsibility and then calls on an OANN reporter with a fluffed up question. The need for this spoiled brat to have his ego fed is just sad.

I can't believe people actually want four more years of Orange Mussolini.

To your last sentence, I lay the blame at the feet of an actual conspiracy.

“News” services run by leaders of the new fascism like Murdochs have been building a parallel narrative that has the base enthralled. Combine that with social media largely replacing adult journalism and being a wild West of hostile propaganda aimed right at our younger voters.

What gives me the hecking concerns is that there does not seem to be any (enforceable) laws being broken by this assault on our republic.

With the current state of our legislative and judicial branches, the insurrection clause would be the nearest thing — and we see what they did to that! Their greased pig* is still running loose, squealing and breaking things.

*This could apply to the entire Republican party as well.
Easter 2020. When the Orange would be dictator started to really lose his shit.
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President Donald Trump says he wants the nation “opened up and just raring to go by Easter” – a date just more than two weeks away that few health experts believe will be sufficient in containing the spread of coronavirus.

Speaking during a Fox News town hall on Tuesday, Trump reiterated he was eager to see the nation return to normal soon, even as doctors warn the nation will see a massive spike in cases if Americans return to crowded workplaces or events.

“I give it two weeks,” Trump said earlier in the town hall, suggesting he was ready to phase out his 15-day self-isolating guidelines when they expire. “I guess by Monday or Tuesday, it’s about two weeks. We will assess at that time and give it more time if we need a little more time. We have to open this country up.”

But Trump said Monday that the health experts on his task force do not necessarily agree with his hope for a quick return to their jobs to boost the economy. Some Republicans on Capitol Hill, including Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa and Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, are also sounding the alarm.

“There will be no normally functioning economy if our hospitals are overwhelmed and thousands of Americans of all ages, including our doctors and nurses, lay dying because we have failed to do what’s necessary to stop the virus,” Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican, tweeted Tuesday.

The White House’s coronavirus task force is receiving plenty of feedback from public health experts who are sounding the alarm over easing the social distancing guidelines next week, a source familiar with the matter said.

Although Trump has talked about reopening the country by Easter, the source said, the President hasn’t reached a final decision on exactly when the government’s guidelines would be relaxed to get the economy back up and running. Trump is hearing from advisers who are urging him to make Easter more of an “aspirational date,” the source added.

When Trump talked up the idea of packing churches on Easter, the source continued, the President knew it was more wishful thinking than a realistic goal.

“He was being himself,” they said.

At the moment, the source said the current thinking is that it’s unlikely Trump will relax the social distancing guidelines next week, when the current 15-day period for those measures is scheduled to come to an end. That kind of a move would likely spark fierce debate inside the task force, the source said.

‘A beautiful timeline’
Trump told reporters during the daily press briefing it was his idea – and not that of his medical experts – to suggest Easter, which falls on April 12, as a potential date by which the US would again be “raring to go.”

“We’ll only do it if it’s good. We’ll do large sections of the country,” Trump said, adding he would listen closely to recommendations from Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, two top medical experts on the White House coronavirus taskforce.

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Asked who suggested the Easter date, Trump said it was him.

“I thought it was a beautiful time. A beautiful timeline,” he said.

Pressed whether it was based on data, he said: “It was based on a certain level of weeks from the time we started and it happened to arrive, we were thinking of terms of sooner. I’d love to see it come sooner.”

Fauci told reporters that while he met with Trump in the Oval Office Tuesday he emphasized the need to be “flexible” in determining a date for a bounce back.

“We just had a conversation with the President in the Oval Office. You can look at a date but you gotta be very flexible,” Fauci told reporters when asked what he thought of Trump’s timeline.

Fauci also said that parts of the country may be OK by Easter but added other places that are worsening would likely not be.

“Obviously, no one is going to want to tone down things when you see things going on like in NYC,” he said.

Health officials drafting plans
It’s a timeline that federal public health professionals are now drafting plans for, a senior federal health official involved in the coronavirus response told CNN on Tuesday.

Continued on the cnn site.
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"The Labels with which we identify ourselves and others, only keep us
divided and fighting each other, instead of Fighting Back"
“We the People are the Rightful Masters of both Congress and the Courts,
NOT to Overthrow the Constitution but to Overthrow the men who Pervert the Constitution.”
Divided we all fall.
"The Labels with which we identify ourselves and others, only keep us
divided and fighting each other, instead of Fighting Back"
“We the People are the Rightful Masters of both Congress and the Courts,
NOT to Overthrow the Constitution but to Overthrow the men who Pervert the Constitution.”
Divided we all fall.
Fighting back against what?

I find myself fighting back against ignorance and hate hostly these days. But I think that might be person specific (or at least what that person is being micro targeted in the online propaganda attack that is being conducted on us all).