Police kill more people than mass murderers

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Below is an excerpt from an article published at the Free thought Project.

It begs the question "why is consolidating guns in the hands of Police a good thing" ? Anybody?

More than 2,500 police departments have shot and killed at least one person since 2015. And while the vast majority of people shot and killed by police are armed, their weapons ranged from guns to knives to toy guns.

Clearly, the U.S. government is not making America any safer.

Indeed, the government’s gun violence—inflicted on unarmed individuals by battlefield-trained SWAT teams, militarized police, and bureaucratic government agents trained to shoot first and ask questions later—poses a greater threat to the safety and security of the nation than any mass shooter.

According to journalist Matt Agorist, “mass shootings … have claimed the lives of 339 people since 2015… [D]uring this same time frame, police in America have claimed the lives of 4,355 citizens.

That’s 1200% more people killed by police than mass shooters since 2015.
That’s 1200% more people killed by police than mass shooters since 2015.
How many innocent people make up the total number of people who police killed? That would be a more accurate number to compare.

But I am not as worried about the guns police need to carry with our current gun laws, I would rather them have their body cams live so that people back at the department to be constantly monitored and so the cop on the street doesn't have to fumble around with his radio while his adrenaline is through the roof and he has a gun in his hand. Not that they are not trained well, or capable, but we should find ways to use tech to make their jobs safer more efficient by eliminating the need for cops to do paperwork.
How many innocent people make up the total number of people who police killed? That would be a more accurate number to compare.

But I am not as worried about the guns police need to carry with our current gun laws, I would rather them have their body cams live so that people back at the department to be constantly monitored and so the cop on the street doesn't have to fumble around with his radio while his adrenaline is through the roof and he has a gun in his hand. Not that they are not trained well, or capable, but we should find ways to use tech to make their jobs safer more efficient by eliminating the need for cops to do paperwork.

Thank you for reminding me about using accurate numbers, that's a good point. The cop caused deaths are a microcosm within the total government caused deaths.

Should the conversation be expanded to ALL gun related deaths caused by government versus gun related deaths caused by nongovernment individuals, the ratio of deaths caused by government would increase. Thank you for pointing that out.

So if a person is okay with cops having guns, but noncops not having guns, would you say that person believes cops have special powers which enable them to "only use guns responsibly" that other people do not possess ?
Thank you for reminding me about using accurate numbers, that's a good point. The cop caused deaths are a microcosm within the total government caused deaths.

Should the conversation be expanded to ALL gun related deaths caused by government versus gun related deaths caused by nongovernment individuals, the ratio of deaths caused by government would increase. Thank you for pointing that out.

So if a person is okay with cops having guns, but noncops not having guns, would you say that person believes cops have special powers which enable them to "only use guns responsibly" that other people do not possess ?
More like they have extensive training from the start. Then add in real life experience repeated regularly. Yes they are far better equipped in every way over your average citizen. Your question smacks of ignorance and spoonfed rhetoric.
More like they have extensive training from the start. Then add in real life experience repeated regularly. Yes they are far better equipped in every way over your average citizen. Your question smacks of ignorance and spoonfed rhetoric.

If this is true, then they should be held to a higher standard. Police are supposedly highly trained in hazard recognition, scene assessment and de-escalation, leaving a show of force a last resort. Apparently their "training" isn't worth much and must have been on a Friday afternoon, cuz everyone skipped that class.
If this is true, then they should be held to a higher standard. Police are supposedly highly trained in hazard recognition, scene assessment and de-escalation, leaving a show of force a last resort. Apparently their "training" isn't worth much and must have been on a Friday afternoon, cuz everyone skipped that class.
They’re held to a higher standard. Shooting review boards should include citizens not involved in law enforcement. Note many cities go broke paying for officers who break those standards. So there’s that.
Agreed, police policing police is not the right system, and citizens deserve better.
Exactly. It’s going to happen and the cops are not always right or justified. Further bad cops need to be fired AND actions taken to prevent them from becoming cops again. 50% of people graduated in the bottom half of the class you know. Odd how some cops are “forced” to use their guns multiple times while others retire never having drawn it. These are the kinds of things that should be considered as well.
FYI the police in New Zealand and England don't carry guns. I know its crazy but when everyone agrees anything is possible like driving on the left side of the road.

BTW you can also refused to be arrested if there is no violence involved until a judge signs a warrant.
Exactly. It’s going to happen and the cops are not always right or justified. Further bad cops need to be fired AND actions taken to prevent them from becoming cops again. 50% of people graduated in the bottom half of the class you know. Odd how some cops are “forced” to use their guns multiple times while others retire never having drawn it. These are the kinds of things that should be considered as well.

I watched something called "Live PD" for the first time an Saturday. Had to turn that shit off it made me so angry. I don't know what made me angrier, the cops asking shit that was none of their business or the dummies answering them.

I know it's a TV show, but damn, if that's the state of policing today there should be a giant cull.
I watched something called "Live PD" for the first time an Saturday. Had to turn that shit off it made me so angry. I don't know what made me angrier, the cops asking shit that was none of their business or the dummies answering them.

I know it's a TV show, but damn, if that's the state of policing today there should be a giant cull.
“On 08/18/2019 at approximately 2240 hours, AST dispatch received a report of the occupants of three vehicles in a disturbance at Mushers hall and one male had a firearm. Further investigation revealed Bobby Davids, age 47, of North Pole, had pursued a vehicle from North Pole (approximately 19 miles) because it was speeding down his road. Davids almost struck the vehicle he was pursuing with his vehicle at Mushers Hall. David at no time contacted AST to report a dangerous driver and advised AST he does not call the police. Davids was charged with Assault in the third degree and remanded to FCC with no bail set.”

There’s a good example of an idiot with a gun. “I don’t call 911” bumper sticker on his truck.
Naaa these people dont care about deaths. They care only when a so called white supremesist does it. Then when they find out the guy was a democrat, they get quiet.
I spoke to a retired police chief for about 3 hours one day. He told me of the horrors inside the department..why cops commit suicide, corruption, harrassment from other cops and the list goes on. Pretty fkn sad really. Off topic but sad.
On topic: we would have to know the circumstances in these cop shootings.
More like they have extensive training from the start. Then add in real life experience repeated regularly. Yes they are far better equipped in every way over your average citizen. Your question smacks of ignorance and spoonfed rhetoric.

If their "extensive training" includes the reinforcement of the idea that they are above everybody else (it does) and they are armed and you are not, what are the potential outcomes to people who don't kowtow to them ?

Your nonresponsive answer to my question smacks of oil from kissing the jackboots, slave.
Police departments are full of ex military, they're trained to follow orders and kill.

...and "citizens" are trained not to question "authority" too much and to use different words when their "servants" get away with criminal acts, like murder, theft and victimless crime enforcement etc.
Naaa these people dont care about deaths. They care only when a so called white supremesist does it. Then when they find out the guy was a democrat, they get quiet.
I spoke to a retired police chief for about 3 hours one day. He told me of the horrors inside the department..why cops commit suicide, corruption, harrassment from other cops and the list goes on. Pretty fkn sad really. Off topic but sad.
On topic: we would have to know the circumstances in these cop shootings.

Fuck you’re dumb