Police kill more than 12.8 times the amount of citizens than mass shooters

Have you ever seen that video where a cop shots a black teen/young adult and you can watch the video and at first glance you think, damn, he just shot an unarmed teen. But they show the video slowed down and it turns out the teen was pulling a gun out and it was a justified killing. .

no i'm not able to see imaginary videos that you just made up you right wing freak
no i'm not able to see imaginary videos that you just made up you right wing freak
I googled "It looks as though this cop shoots a guy surrendering his weapon but if you look closely you'll see he has a pistol in his left hand." and you can see the first pic of the video but the video is gone, 9 years ago. it has to be out there but I am not going to invest the time just to prove you're wrong. If you are interested you might be able to find it. It's a real eye opener.
I googled "It looks as though this cop shoots a guy surrendering his weapon but if you look closely you'll see he has a pistol in his left hand." and you can see the first pic of the video but the video is gone, 9 years ago. it has to be out there but I am not going to invest the time just to prove you're wrong. If you are interested you might be able to find it. It's a real eye opener.
No I am not going to search for the imaginary video you made up you right wing dipshit
Didn’t think you would, but it’s there, 9 seconds. I personally have never liked cops, being a minority meant getting searched weekly, harassed, arrested, guy hits me with his car and 15 cops question me. And forget self-defense. I learned there was no such thing, get sucker punched you can’t even touch them. So I am not a cop lover. That’s where I am coming from. How about you? Maybe? I’ve noticed a few of you guys are extremely radical in your positions to the point that your concept of left, right is just not normal. Seriously warped.
Didn’t think you would, but it’s there, 9 seconds. I personally have never liked cops, being a minority meant getting searched weekly, harassed, arrested, guy hits me with his car and 15 cops question me. And forget self-defense. I learned there was no such thing, get sucker punched you can’t even touch them. So I am not a cop lover. That’s where I am coming from. How about you? Maybe? I’ve noticed a few of you guys are extremely radical in your positions to the point that your concept of left, right is just not normal. Seriously warped.
In two posts you’ve stated that the video is gone and also the video is there

You are a right wing retard
the abuse of power by people who hold a badge is beyond ridiculous..
i just read a story on NPR i think yesterday about a cop who arrested a repo guy who was repo'ing the cops car for theft, oh, and they even confiscated dude's tow truck..

The OP is a silly ass dipshit. I mean about everything. Were it not for the laws he hates and those who enforce it he’d have been dead years ago. Or would have been eating with false teeth and using a hook to get it to his mouth. So so much for any philosophical argument with his dumb ass.
The video is gone from the place I found, just a screen capture on the google result and a home page missing the embedded video but if it was there it has got to be somewhere else. I know, hard to follow...not.
Less than 1% of American gun deaths are from mass shootings, while 64% are self inflicted. Chop off the two extremes, and it's no surprise cop shootings fall somewhere in the 35% in between.
Stupid stupid post by a fucking idiot. The most armed country in the world and cops kill people. Geez I wonder if there’s any correlation? You are one stupid piece of shit.

Not condoning cops who kill senselessly. Just telling you this is one stupid post.
Having worked in the Prison system for 22-years, I can tell you that they should have shot a few more before they got to prison. There are some very sick people in the world.
Having worked in the Prison system for 22-years, I can tell you that they should have shot a few more before they got to prison. There are some very sick people in the world.
Having worked in the Texas state prison system I can assure you that many beds are taken up by low level criminals who were black or brown and who made one mistake too many. They don’t learn a thing except how to avoid prosecution in the future.
Having worked in the Prison system for 22-years, I can tell you that they should have shot a few more before they got to prison. There are some very sick people in the world.
Having worked in the Texas state prison system I can assure you that many beds are taken up by low level criminals who were black or brown and who made one mistake too many. They don’t learn a thing except how to avoid prosecution in the future.
The Prison system can make one a sick individual.
The Prison system can make one a sick individual.
If these offenders were forced to stay in the community they offended in and forced to work while turning the majority of their earnings over to victims and to the government for the costs involved you would see a whole lot less recidivism.
Having worked in the Texas state prison system I can assure you that many beds are taken up by low level criminals who were black or brown and who made one mistake too many. They don’t learn a thing except how to avoid prosecution in the future.
The Prison system can make one a sick individual.
The prison system is a lot of things and it varies from state to state. The prison system can make you a worse person or it can be the best thing that ever happened to you. I’ve had many lifers on my caseload that personally told me that going to Prison slowed their life down so they were able to make the appropriate changes in their life to effect change. Of course I’m talking about violent offenders, not nonviolent types.