Police kill more people than mass murderers

Thank you for reminding me about using accurate numbers, that's a good point. The cop caused deaths are a microcosm within the total government caused deaths.

Should the conversation be expanded to ALL gun related deaths caused by government versus gun related deaths caused by nongovernment individuals, the ratio of deaths caused by government would increase. Thank you for pointing that out.

So if a person is okay with cops having guns, but noncops not having guns, would you say that person believes cops have special powers which enable them to "only use guns responsibly" that other people do not possess ?

Your logic is at rodent level with some rabies delusions..
Your logic is at rodent level with some rabies delusions..
View attachment 4382066

Below is an excerpt from an article published at the Free thought Project.

It begs the question "why is consolidating guns in the hands of Police a good thing" ? Anybody?

More than 2,500 police departments have shot and killed at least one person since 2015. And while the vast majority of people shot and killed by police are armed, their weapons ranged from guns to knives to toy guns.

Clearly, the U.S. government is not making America any safer.

Indeed, the government’s gun violence—inflicted on unarmed individuals by battlefield-trained SWAT teams, militarized police, and bureaucratic government agents trained to shoot first and ask questions later—poses a greater threat to the safety and security of the nation than any mass shooter.

According to journalist Matt Agorist, “mass shootings … have claimed the lives of 339 people since 2015… [D]uring this same time frame, police in America have claimed the lives of 4,355 citizens.

That’s 1200% more people killed by police than mass shooters since 2015.

I totally 100% agree! That's why I'm also NOT about really banning any guns like the AR-15. I want to defend myself against the police who are armed to the teeth.

Hell I'd want a tank, like my rich veteran neighbors have, if I could. Especially all the new tech police have, like sound cannons. Disarming people is the most dangerous from lessons from WW2 and other dictators.

I told my cousin once, the only way I would ever considering giving up my gun is ONLY if the Military, police, etc also give up their guns. Sure peace would be great but everyone needs give up their guns including the government, if they want us to play that game. Otherwise it's an unbalance of power and only invites genocide. Balance is a key to life!

Of course we know they will never do this they enjoy killing innocent people other countries too much!
I totally 100% agree! That's why I'm also NOT about really banning any guns like the AR-15. I want to defend myself against the police who are armed to the teeth.

Hell I'd want a tank, like my rich veteran neighbors have, if I could. Especially all the new tech police have, like sound cannons. Disarming people is the most dangerous from lessons from WW2 and other dictators.

I told my cousin once, the only way I would ever considering giving up my gun is ONLY if the Military, police, etc also give up their guns. Sure peace would be great but everyone needs give up their guns including the government, if they want us to play that game. Otherwise it's an unbalance of power and only invites genocide. Balance is a key to life!

Of course we know they will never do this they enjoy killing innocent people other countries too much!

Tell your supervisor we want a better Russian virgin boi to troll us, kid
Wow thats all you got today?!
Fuck you're dumb
Uncle Buck doesn't have much cerebral capacity to debate these subjects. When he starts losing a debate, he resorts to brainless insults and lies. Like calling people jew haters, white supremacist, racist, Russians, etc, with absolutely no proof. Very much like almost every extreme liberal I came across over the last 3 years. He doesn't even study his own history. He doesn't even know about Operation Northwoods and he lived in that time period, pathetic excuse for a human being!
Uncle Buck doesn't have much cerebral capacity to debate these subjects. When he starts losing a debate, he resorts to brainless insults and lies. Like calling people jew haters, white supremacist, racist, Russians, etc, with absolutely no proof. Very much like almost every extreme liberal I came across over the last 3 years. He doesn't even study his own history. He doesn't even know about Operation Northwoods and he lived in that time period, pathetic excuse for a human being!
You make mistakes that no English speaker ever makes.

You just made a mistake that no one has ever made in the history of this forum

How’s the weather is Moscow today, ya little virgin bitch boy?
You make mistakes that no English speaker ever makes.

You just made a mistake that no one has ever made in the history of this forum

How’s the weather is Moscow today, ya little virgin bitch boy?
Haha now you're a forensics expert!
I'm still up to taking more pictures of my plants and proving to you what paranoid delusional idiot you really are. Some reason I was blocked from replying on the other thread. But anyway I'd be happy to give you those pictures!
Go suck Putin’s dick and take more English classes
Its a god damn melee out in these streets and in the forums lol
Trolls from around the world are being weaponized against every forum out there. It sucks but is the reality since Trump invited foreign election interference in order to have a prayer to win again to avoid jail time. People are being amped up everywhere, it is important to understand how we all (even kids playing games online can be cat fished by foreigners trying to radicalize them) are under attack with this propaganda method.