Police kill more than 12.8 times the amount of citizens than mass shooters

As soon as you Leave California and move to Iowa.
Yep and every conservative cock in your county has the scratches to prove it. Because you don’t stop talking with your mouth full.

I like to repurpose things, but your alluding to me being a "conservative" politically is an egregious error on your part.
If these offenders were forced to stay in the community they offended in and forced to work while turning the majority of their earnings over to victims and to the government for the costs involved you would see a whole lot less recidivism.

Many so called "crimes" have no real victim though. In those instances wouldn't it be fitting for the government to be called the criminal and the alleged offender to be called the victim?
Many so called "crimes" have no real victim though. In those instances wouldn't it be fitting for the government to be called the criminal and the alleged offender to be called the victim?
Depends, I am not sure what you mean, but I will play along for a few rounds. Laws are just human constructs right? I can see some becoming obsolete, others misguided, but I think very few would be actually intentionally harmful to the point it should be considered the government doing a criminal act. But I think there is not many examples of 'no real victim crimes'.

So like I am all for full legalization of drugs, but it doesn't mean that if people get sick/injured/die from prolonged use there is not a cost to society from what I know some would say is a victimless crime.
Depends, I am not sure what you mean, but I will play along for a few rounds. Laws are just human constructs right? I can see some becoming obsolete, others misguided, but I think very few would be actually intentionally harmful to the point it should be considered the government doing a criminal act. But I think there is not many examples of 'no real victim crimes'.

So like I am all for full legalization of drugs, but it doesn't mean that if people get sick/injured/die from prolonged use there is not a cost to society from what I know some would say is a victimless crime.

Some "laws" are human constructs, while others arise from nature. Sometimes a manmade law (statute) will mirror a natural law, or make a wrongful act "illegal", but it's not the statute which makes the act wrongful...it's the act itself.

Most often manmade "laws" are nothing more than malum prohibitum type edicts and should be ignored by good people.

Government is really just a group of people behaving as if they have rights you and I do not. So, it's pretty safe to say, any government that behaves that way is criminal from the start. This is irrefutable by the way, but you can try to refute it for my entertainment if you like.
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Many so called "crimes" have no real victim though. In those instances wouldn't it be fitting for the government to be called the criminal and the alleged offender to be called the victim?
List some of these “victimless” crimes that “the government” swoops in and charges people with.