Trumps brain is mush (post examples)


Well-Known Member
-said wind mills cause cancer
- thinks you need an ID to buy food
- thinks he is the least racist person in the world
- thinks he's healthy
-thought 3 million illegals voted in California
- hired giuliani
- watches fox television
- thought Western liberalism was in reference to California
- thinks we have invisible fighter jets
- thought the moon was part of mars
- claimed to be a 9-11 first responder


Well-Known Member
It’s impossible to claim that all of these ridiculous things he says are political lies anymore

We have to face the facts here. We need to find a nursing home for grandpa racist
When he cuts loose without a TelePrompTer it’s quickly obvious he’s got some form of dementia. Frontotemporal most likely. Impossible to know if he’s on any medication but his monotone voice at times is also a sign of cognitive difficulty. Like he’s been primed over and over to say something he’s expected to say. But his freewheeling interviews? That sonofabitch is everywhere. He can’t complete sentences much less express a complete thought. I can attest to the fact he has not always spoken this way. Somehow he’s always managed to find a way into the public eye and there’s videos I’m sure of interviews with him. He’s a candidate for a cerebrovascular accident if ever there was one. Hope it’s on the White House lawn during one of his impromptu pressers on his way to the chopper to go play golf.


Well-Known Member
- thinks ISIS has been defeated
- thinks piss yellow is a natural hair color
- named his son after a make believe publicist
- called a guy fat in a stadium half full of fat people
- doesn't know what day it is
- still thinks he's running against Hillary
- couldn't remember paying hookers hush money
- has to wear diapers
- fucks kids