In 2020. America will not get BERNED again


Well-Known Member
how do we pay for ANYONE'S plan?..what was Trumpy's plan? anyone? anyone?
For the public option, people are buying Medicare like they would buy any other healthcare provider's package.

In Warren's plan, it's all part of the proposal to shore up the ACA. Should we get into the specifics of how the the ACA,is paid for? The ACA unlike Bernie's bill was written with payment as part of the bill. Of course, it wasn't a symbolic amateurish piece of political theater like Bernie's healthcare bill is.

Simply requiring people to have insurance infuriated people and was a big part of the campaign strategies that Republicans used to take control of Congress. Imagine the shit storm when people are told they no longer can have the healthcare coverage they like?

Bernie's healthcare bill is shit stupid. dipwad


Well-Known Member
the question is, how do we pay for Bernie's plan? His plan would decapitate all others. No other choices. He doesn't say how it will be paid for.

It's not an argument, it is a fact. 25% of this country's economy IS healthcare. How it will be paid for is important.

Answer this, dipwad. If his plan is so great, why does it force everybody into it?
Why is everyone who chooses to drive forced into buying car insurance?

Do you know how insurance works?


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone who chooses to drive forced into buying car insurance?
Because driving is a privilege, not a right. Many were abusing that privilege and costing innocent people their livelihoods.

The insurance requirement helped remedy that.

You pay for the privilege or you do without.

But that of course assumes you're a responsible, intelligent human being so once again you're excluded from understanding.


Well-Known Member
Because driving is a privilege, not a right.
People are not required to buy auto insurance because driving is a privilege...

They're required to buy auto insurance because car accidents are inevitable, just like unexpected healthcare issues are inevitable

The difference is, if your car breaks, it usually won't bankrupt you to get it fixed..


Well-Known Member
Because we're talking about auto insurance, not analogizing about health insurance

Stay in school, kids
Health insurance doesn't pay for traffic fatalities and property damage therein, nimrod. Auto insurance does on behalf of the person at fault.



Well-Known Member
Why is everyone who chooses to drive forced into buying car insurance?

Do you know how insurance works?
That wasn't the point, idiot.

I wasn't outraged about the legal requirement that everybody must have healthcare insurance but a huge number of people were. The requirement to have insurance became an issue that in part handed Congress over to Republicans during the Obama administration. I don't know if you can understand this but I'll repeat again. If simply requiring people to have insurance caused a shitstorm, imagine people being forced from plans they like into Medicare. Tens of millions of voters. Medicare is fine. My mom has it and its a good deal. But there are going to be a whopping large number of people who object to the authoritarian way Bernie forces people to switch coverage to Medicare.

In my opinion that those angry voters will tip the presidential election to Trump. You can agree with me or not. I don't care. In my opinion, this alone makes Bernie unelectable.


Well-Known Member
If everyone does not opt into insurance, how would it be funded?

The Trump administration removed the individual mandate, that effectively killed the ACA in the (predominantly red) areas where state governments chose not to

So you tell me, Tacoboy, how are we going to fund any kind of universal healthcare coverage, including the ACA, if half the country's states choose not to opt into it?

You mandate coverage. That's how. When Obama did it, none of you were crying about force. So stfu about it now because someone more progressive came along and did it better.