In 2020. America will not get BERNED again


Well-Known Member
Speaking of not knowing what the fuck you're talking about:

The Fraser Institute published a study on waiting times and mortality in Canada between 1993 and 2009 which estimated that approximately 44,000 (median value) Canadians (confidence interval of between 25,000 and 63,000 Canadians) died due to waiting times.

Since it's you, I'll do the math.

Over a 16 year period, between 1600 and 4000 Canadians died each year due to wait times in Canada.
Invalid link


Well-Known Member
Are your parents too old, so old that you would disregard their advice, advice they give with years of experience?
I like wisdom that comes with experience personally, kinda like growing pot.
Dude, you are a wise man but as a wise man, you must know you have blind spots. We all do. So, yes, I listen when my parents give advice. As their son, I know when not to take it too.

Of the three septuagenarians, Warren is the best. Still, she's out of touch to some degree. She is at least a little out of touch or else that whole hoo-haw over her heritage wouldn't have happened. She was wrong and dug in her heels. I think she still doesn't' get it but is saying the right things to get elected. I'm guessing you don't get it either. I don't want a person to be president who doesn't understand the current culture. We all grow up and soak in the culture of our salad days. She grew up in different times and I'm simply saying that I want somebody who I think has a better chance of understanding today's culture, not the days of bee-bop.

Kamala Harris is in her fifties. It's not as if she's still wet behind the ears, nor is she a millennial and that's not so bad either. She has a whopping strong resume showing she can work well with others to get shit done. She's not my ideal candidate but I'm going to give her a good listen. Same with all the others except maybe Beto, who I probably won't vote for. Its more the lack of experience than his youth though. Same with that Butti guy.

As I've said before, for the primary, Biden and Bernie are off my list. OFF the list. End of discussion for those two. Still, I'm OK if others like them. Unlike the Bernie bots, I can respect a well thought out reason for choosing them. Electabillity is as good a reason as others, which is what I hear is why you prefer Biden. Bernie is not electable, so end of discussion on him.

I'll vote for who I like best in the primary and for the Democratic nominee in the fall. I don't like Biden but I'll vote for him if the party nominates him because we have to vote Republicans out.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Dude, you are a wise man but as a wise man, you must know you have blind spots. We all do. So, yes, I listen when my parents give advice. As their son, I know when not to take it too.

Of the three septuagenarians, Warren is the best. Still, she's out of touch to some degree. She is at least a little out of touch or else that whole hoo-haw over her heritage wouldn't have happened. She was wrong and dug in her heels. I think she still doesn't' get it but is saying the right things to get elected. I'm guessing you don't get it either. I don't want a person to be president who doesn't understand the current culture. We all grow up and soak in the culture of our salad days. She grew up in different times and I'm simply saying that I want somebody who I think has a better chance of understanding today's culture, not the days of bee-bop.

Kamala Harris is in her fifties. It's not as if she's still wet behind the ears, nor is she a millennial and that's not so bad either. She has a whopping strong resume showing she can work well with others to get shit done. She's not my ideal candidate but I'm going to give her a good listen. Same with all the others except maybe Beto, who I probably won't vote for. Its more the lack of experience than his youth though. Same with that Butti guy.

As I've said before, for the primary, Biden and Bernie are off my list. OFF the list. End of discussion for those two. Still, I'm OK if others like them. Unlike the Bernie bots, I can respect a well thought out reason for choosing them. Electabillity is as good a reason as others, which is what I hear is why you prefer Biden. Bernie is not electable, so end of discussion on him.

I'll vote for who I like best in the primary and for the Democratic nominee in the fall. I don't like Biden but I'll vote for him if the party nominates him because we have to vote Republicans out.
Yes we sure do, I've had enough of Jerry Springer goes to Washington. Like you I will vote for a Democrat regardless.


Well-Known Member

80 million people who say they like the health care plan

Is forcing a hundred million people from plans they like onto Medicare a Progressive thing?

112 million people aren't going to be happy with being forced into Medicare.

Can we settle on one number?

Let's make sure our propaganda is consistent at least..

You ignorant naive bitch.

Those were from polls and are estimates. No, we can't settle on ONE number because different polls come up with different values. You want certainty where it doesn't exist.

What I can say is there is a range wherein the right number can be found. Somewhere between 50 million and 150 million people are going to be outraged by being torn from their plan. That's the best I can say from what I've seen in the polling numbers.

What I can say with certainty is even the lowest possible number -- 50 million votes is too large to hand over to Trump in the fall of 2020. Sander's plan is stupid. I can say that with certainty. That assumes he WANTS to win. It could be a check from Putin is in escrow somewhere if he flips the election to Trump. I don't know but I'd put that down as a possibility.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member

You ignorant naive bitch.

Those were from polls and are estimates. No, we can't settle on ONE number because different polls come up with different values. You want certainty where it doesn't exist.

What I can say is there is a range wherein the right number can be found. Somewhere between 50 million and 150 million people are going to be outraged by being torn from their plan. That's the best I can say from what I've seen in the polling numbers.

What I can say with certainty is even the lowest possible number -- 50 million votes is too large to hand over to Trump in the fall of 2020. Sander's plan is stupid. I can say that with certainty. That assumes he WANTS to win. It could be a check from Putin is in escrow somewhere if he flips the election to Trump. I don't know but I'd put that down as a possibility.
I remember back in the 80's the Navy held classes on what we should do if / when we were contacted by Russian operatives. I had no special clearance or secretive job but those classes were good. Seems like people who have a hand in National security should take those classes too


Well-Known Member
I remember back in the 80's the Navy held classes on what we should do if / when we were contacted by Russian operatives. I had no special clearance or secretive job but those classes were good. Seems like people who have a hand in National security should take those classes too
If people had been contaminated through contact with Russians, was there a set procedure that Navy would send them through or would they simply be discharged?

'cause these guys are contaminated.


Well-Known Member
I remember back in the 80's the Navy held classes on what we should do if / when we were contacted by Russian operatives. I had no special clearance or secretive job but those classes were good. Seems like people who have a hand in National security should take those classes too
I can neither confirm or deny the presence of nuclear weapons aboard the USS _________


Well-Known Member
If people had been contaminated through contact with Russians, was there a set procedure that Navy would send them through or would they simply be discharged?

'cause these guys are contaminated.
We had Cryptos come on board ship. They had a special marine gaurd detail.
If it came to it. The Marines were ordered to kill the cryptos rather than have them fall into the enemy's hands


Well-Known Member
you have the link.
I don't have the link
I read the bill.
I don't think you did.. If you had read the bill, you wouldn't be asking these questions since they're answered within the context of the bill
What do you want me to do, post the words that aren't there?
What do you expect Sanders to say to quell your satisfaction towards this question? What could he say in this context you'd be satisfied with?


Well-Known Member
different polls come up with different values.
Yet you don't clarify what poll you're using, when you're using it, or acknowledge the fact that you've previously stated the only poll that matters is the election poll, yet here you are citing polls in an attempt to prove your point
What I can say is there is a range wherein the right number can be found.
Dumb and obvious point
Somewhere between 50 million and 150 million people are going to be outraged by being torn from their plan.
You have yet to provide any evidence that shows that people oppose Medicare for all even above their own current plans. Most Americans support Medicare for all, including a majority of Republicans (52%).
What I can say with certainty is even the lowest possible number -- 50 million votes is too large to hand over to Trump in the fall of 2020.
You believe 50 million people enjoy their system of healthcare through their employer enough to vote for Trump in 2020. You believe these 50 million people are single issue voters dependent upon whether or not their employer provides them the healthcare option they support..
Sander's plan is stupid.
Is it, now.. ?..
You don't care about the influence from corporate lobbyist groups that objectively influence American elections, so why are you trying to hold yourself up against a double standard when the reality is we do care about external and internal influence of our elections, yet you only care if a foreign entity attempts to influence our elections, and that's only if it hurts the candidate or cause you support. If Russia helped Hillary Clinton get elected, you would be crying just as vocally as you are now about the conspiracy theories about Russia. Nobody can believe you because you're inconsistent. You support things that benefit you and you oppose things that don't. You never admit when you're wrong, you never take responsibility for your own mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Yet you don't clarify what poll you're using, when you're using it, or acknowledge the fact that you've previously stated the only poll that matters is the election poll, yet here you are citing polls in an attempt to prove your point

Dumb and obvious point

You have yet to provide any evidence that shows that people oppose Medicare for all even above their own current plans. Most Americans support Medicare for all, including a majority of Republicans (52%).

You believe 50 million people enjoy their system of healthcare through their employer enough to vote for Trump in 2020. You believe these 50 million people are single issue voters dependent upon whether or not their employer provides them the healthcare option they support..

Is it, now.. ?..

You don't care about the influence from corporate lobbyist groups that objectively influence American elections, so why are you trying to hold yourself up against a double standard when the reality is we do care about external and internal influence of our elections, yet you only care if a foreign entity attempts to influence our elections, and that's only if it hurts the candidate or cause you support. If Russia helped Hillary Clinton get elected, you would be crying just as vocally as you are now about the conspiracy theories about Russia. Nobody can believe you because you're inconsistent. You support things that benefit you and you oppose things that don't. You never admit when you're wrong, you never take responsibility for your own mistakes.
If you want to stay ignorant, then do so. You may continue to believe there is a huge popular support for Bernie's bill if you want to. The two most numbers striking numbers I found are: 160 million people have healthcare coverage (this is fact, not a poll). 70% of them like the plan they are in (this is from the Gallup poll).

Regardless how one cuts the numbers, there is a whopping large number of people who like their healthcare coverage. It's in the tens of millions and closer to a hundred million. I think it is safe to say that most of the people who like their coverage are going to not like being told they can't keep it. I think that makes Sanders plan a nonstarter because tens of millions of people, maybe a hundred million will oppose it. That's what I think. You can think whatever you like. I showed you how I drew my opinion. You pulled yours out your ass.

Regarding what you say the "I don't care about", you are wrong and sound like an idiot child who can't get what he wants. I'm laughing at your run on sentence at the end.

Rave on, dude.


Well-Known Member
I don't have the link

I don't think you did.. If you had read the bill, you wouldn't be asking these questions since they're answered within the context of the bill

What do you expect Sanders to say to quell your satisfaction towards this question? What could he say in this context you'd be satisfied with?
Bernie says in his own words that there isn't a plan for how to definitive plan for how to pay for that bill.

I can't produce words that aren't there. I can say that Bernie says there isn't a definitive plan for how to pay for it.

To rush forward and pass a bill that would affect 25% of this economy and affect every family in the country, not telling us how it will be paid for is amateurish but not surprising because that's how Bernie rolls.


Well-Known Member
Bernie says in his own words that there isn't a plan for how to definitive plan for how to pay for that bill.

I can't produce words that aren't there. I can say that Bernie says there isn't a definitive plan for how to pay for it.

To rush forward and pass a bill that would affect 25% of this economy and affect every family in the country, not telling us how it will be paid for is amateurish but not surprising because that's how Bernie rolls.
How do we currently pay for healthcare?

You know what we currently spend costs more, right?

"How are we going to pay for it!?" is a stupid argument when you're not bitching about how we pay for it now. You get that, right?


Well-Known Member
You say Sanders doesn't have a plan. I'm asking you what the plan would look like that you would support?

You understand the question, right?
I like what Elizabeth Warren is proposing. Shore up and strengthen the ACA. Give people the option of signing up for Medicare. Leave people who have coverage they like the fuck alone.

You understand the answer, right?


Well-Known Member
How do we currently pay for healthcare?

You know what we currently spend costs more, right?

"How are we going to pay for it!?" is a stupid argument when you're not bitching about how we pay for it now. You get that, right?
the question is, how do we pay for Bernie's plan? His plan would decapitate all others. No other choices. He doesn't say how it will be paid for.

It's not an argument, it is a fact. 25% of this country's economy IS healthcare. How it will be paid for is important.

Answer this, dipwad. If his plan is so great, why does it force everybody into it?


Well-Known Member
Next year will be Sanders last year In public. Count on it. The shit he and his supporters did in 2016 and this year ain't gonna happen again. The best Sanders is going to do is letters to the editor in some local Vermont newsletter with suggestions for naming a Post Office
did i say 'shut up, russian'? if not, please do..shut up, russian.


Well-Known Member
the question is, how do we pay for Bernie's plan? His plan would decapitate all others. No other choices. He doesn't say how it will be paid for.

It's not an argument, it is a fact. 25% of this country's economy IS healthcare. How it will be paid for is important.

Answer this, dipwad. If his plan is so great, why does it force everybody into it?
how do we pay for ANYONE'S plan?..what was Trumpy's plan? anyone? anyone?

FTW i know you can't understand this..but it's 'dickwad'..there's no such thing as 'dipwad'.