too larry
Well-Known Member
I'm a collector myself. I have way more guns than good sense would dictate. But since I've got into hiking, I have stopped buying myself one for every birthday. Even sold a few here and there. {I do not think of my collection as a means of defending myself. Shooting anyone for any reason would be the last resort for me}I'm not knocking hunting or hunters. I don't knock farmers or ranchers from owning rifles too. But it would be a lie to say that you are safer with a gun than without one.
I do have great disdain for the gun owning community because they have taken zero ownership for reducing gun homicides and accidents with guns. The only ownership they have taken is to interfere and obstruct efforts to reduce gun violence They even joke about killing people, like you just did. Gun owning community makes me and mine less safe. I'm not the one who created the problem but I'm part of the coalition that will do something about it. So, yeah, in this one issue, I look down on you.
The gun owning community is not a monolith. Here in the NW Florida sticks, most folks over 25 will have at least one gun in the house. Many like me will have at least a dozen. It's pretty rare for anyone to get shot here. There was a deer hunting accident 2-3 years ago where a kid in a truck was shot by his brother with buck fever.
I would say suburbanites are the fastest growing group of gun owners. My south Florida suburban female cousin carries all the time. She was not raised with guns, and it makes me uncomfortable to be around her. Most of the crazy preppers on YT live in the 'burbs. They stock up because they are scared of the next group of gun owners.
Lots of urban gun owners. All those shootings in Chicago is an example of urban gun ownership. This group is also not as well versed in safety. When gun ownership is against the law, no one is taking safety classes.
I think it is the gun lobby you are mad at. The NRA represents the gun makers, not the gun owners. {most NRA members don't realize this fact though}